
Pregnant mothers know ahead of time about painless delivery

Painless childbirth is prevalent

Painless childbirth in foreign countries is already a form of routine childbirth, it allows expectant mothers to no longer experience pain torture, can reduce the fear of childbirth and postpartum tiredness, so that women in the longest first stage of labor to get rest, when the cervical opening should be fully forced, because of the accumulation of physical strength and have enough strength to complete childbirth.

The process of painless childbirth involves and plans together with the doctor and the mother, which facilitates communication between the doctor and the mother. It also enables doctors and caregivers to pay more attention to maternal changes, and if an abnormality occurs in the mother or fetus, it can be detected early and treated in a timely manner. A skilled anesthesiologist can complete the anesthesia procedure in as little as 5 to 10 minutes. The whole process of the mother has been in a conscious state, and even able to get out of bed and walk around if possible. Mothers can feel the joy of the arrival of new life more comfortably and clearly.

Pregnant mothers know ahead of time about painless delivery

After learning about the painless delivery, I believe that expectant mothers must be eager to try. But painless childbirth, while good, is not suitable for everyone. Although the adaptability for painless childbirth is widespread, it is still necessary to carefully examine the obstetrician-gynecologist and anesthesiologist to know whether you can take this type of delivery. If there are contraindications to vaginal childbirth, contraindications to anesthesia, and coagulation abnormalities, then this method is absolutely not used; if there is a pregnancy complicated by heart disease, drug allergies, and a history of trauma to the waist, women should consult a doctor to decide whether to have a painless delivery.

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