
If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

As a disease with a relatively high incidence at present, diabetes does not cause much subjective discomfort when it is mild.

Many people don't know they have diabetes at all, and they even feel that their symptoms are caused by other small problems.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

As the disease progresses, the vast majority of people experience various discomforts: some of them are caused by high blood sugar, and the other part is caused by complications of diabetes.

There is also a certain link between diabetes and sleep, and the appearance of diabetes can also lead to symptoms of insomnia. If you are a patient with a sleep disorder, you must pay attention.

But are these four manifestations of sleeping at night, as the legend says, really the signals of diabetes?

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

Are these symptoms really a sign of diabetes while sleeping?

First, dry mouth in the middle of the night?

In fact, the reason why diabetics themselves feel dry mouth is mainly because blood sugar cannot be controlled, resulting in insomnia or frequent night up.

Causing patients to be thirsty and irritable, drinking more and more urine, especially before going to bed, they will be abnormally thirsty, then they will drink a lot of water, resulting in frequent nighttime urine, affecting their sleep quality.

People with type 2 diabetes develop obstructive sleep, apnea syndrome.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!


In fact, dry mouth is only one of the most common symptoms of diabetes, but not all diabetics will have dry mouth, and dry mouth does not mean that you are suffering from diabetes.

Sometimes dry mouth, purely dry weather, coupled with insufficient intake of water, or you sleep with your mouth breathing and other reasons.

If you find that this dry mouth is a symptom that no matter how much water you drink, you can't relieve your thirst, then you need to be vigilant!

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

Second, sweating in the middle of the night?

If patients with hyperglycemia do not sleep steadily at night and sweat, they must be careful that it is hypoglycemia.

In winter, the body will consume a lot of blood sugar to meet the needs of the body in order to keep it warm, and the demand for blood sugar at night is more than usual, resulting in low blood sugar, and symptoms such as poor sleep, cold sweat, panic or hand shaking, which generally lasts for a short time.

If in a sweltering environment, you do not turn on the air conditioner and do not turn on the fan, but also covered with a thick quilt, then this sweat is only physiological heat dissipation.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

Third, itchy skin in the middle of the night?

If the blood sugar is too high, the glucose content in the skin increases, and the sugar cannot be metabolized in time, then there will be skin itching or limb numbness.

Or because the skin is chronically dehydrated for a long time, sweating is reduced, and the skin becomes dry and itchy.

It is not correct to simply think that itchy skin is diabetes. After all, the causes of itching are various, such as hot and cold changes, clothing friction, or contact with chemical fibrous fur fabrics, spicy diet, etc. can induce skin itching.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

Fourth, waking up hungry in the middle of the night?

Diabetic patients due to their own blood sugar metabolism abnormalities, the body can not get enough energy, the mental state will become sluggish, unable to lift energy, their own blood sugar can not be effectively used, people will have hunger, then need to add food, especially in the middle of the night.

This "hunger wake- up" means that you have eaten before going to bed, and when you wake up, you will be accompanied by symptoms such as palpitation, fatigue and weakness, and the symptoms are alleviated after eating food, so consider whether you have diabetes.

If you don't eat before going to bed, or if you've been on a diet before going to bed, and the energy supply is not available, your stomach is reminding you that "it's time to eat"!

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

Perhaps, many readers will think, then aren't these things nonsense?

It is true that these symptoms may be manifestations of diabetes, but they may also be caused by other factors. The symptoms of diabetes are complex, and we can't simply arbitrarily "sentence" some abnormalities.

There are many early symptoms of diabetes, such as polydipsia, weight loss, itchy skin, dryness, blurred vision, fatigue and fatigue.

When there is "hyperglycemia and cause discomfort", then it is necessary to go to the doctor in time and pass the blood glucose test to confirm whether there is diabetes.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and have these 4 manifestations, are they a sign of diabetes? The truth tells you!

As the saying goes: frozen three feet, not a day's cold.

In fact, there are many diseases that are not only precursors to diseases, but also warning lights issued by the body to you, and what we can do is be cautious! caution! Be cautious again!

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