
The scavenger's 18,000 savings were stolen, and his identity was exposed when he called the police, alarming the military leaders

China's development today is inseparable from the efforts of those revolutionary martyrs, who have bought their blood for today. At the time of national disaster, countless Chinese rushed to the front line in spite of themselves, but after the end of the war, those surviving veterans chose to live in seclusion and did not mention their past to outsiders. In recent years, many veterans have been found by the government because of their difficulties in life, and they have been given subsidies so that they can live a happy old age.

The scavenger's 18,000 savings were stolen, and his identity was exposed when he called the police, alarming the military leaders

There is this rural old man, the family conditions are very poor, the old man lives on scavenging for a living, until the family of 1.. 80,000 savings were stolen, and the identity was only exposed when the police were called, alarming the military leaders. The old man's name was Qi Xiuti, an old kuomintang official, who joined the army at the age of 15 and became a soldier of the Nationalist army, fighting with his fellow company commanders. At that time, the soldiers simply did not have time to train, and some could not even use guns, so they went directly to the battlefield.

The scavenger's 18,000 savings were stolen, and his identity was exposed when he called the police, alarming the military leaders

At that time, since facing the fierce attack of the enemy, Qi Xiuti's troops could not resist, many comrades died under the enemy's shells, and Qi Xiuti was wounded in the hands and was carried down the mountain by his company commander. After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he returned to his hometown to live, but the war was injured, leaving him disabled, although he married a daughter-in-law, life was very difficult, had to collect waste for a living, until the reform and opening up, the people divided the land, but he could not cultivate, he could only rent to the neighbors, relying on the neighbors to provide food to live.

The scavenger's 18,000 savings were stolen, and his identity was exposed when he called the police, alarming the military leaders

The state later counted veterans who went to the battlefield, but Qi Xiuti did not sign up, because he felt that his old Kuomintang department had not reported it. It wasn't until his only remaining 18,000 savings were stolen that he had no choice but to call the police, because the money was only for his sick boss. After calling the police, the police first investigated his identity, and only then did they learn that Qi Xiuti was actually an anti-Japanese veteran. After the identity was exposed, the leaders of the army were alarmed to come and visit the veteran.

The scavenger's 18,000 savings were stolen, and his identity was exposed when he called the police, alarming the military leaders

After Qi Xiuti was known to everyone for his true identity, he also received help from many people, and many well-meaning people in the society would also visit him to help him. As an anti-Japanese veteran, he deserves our respect, whether it is a soldier of the National Army or the People's Liberation Army, they are all for the purpose of defending the country, but they have joined different camps, and the soldiers who can protect the motherland are good soldiers. Qi Xiuti is a great anti-Japanese hero, they are an example we should learn from, as long as this spirit remains, the motherland will become stronger and stronger.

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