
New reading "gesture", did you get it? | talk for a while before going to bed

Talk for a while before going to bed, there is a world in your dreams. Hello listeners.

"Birds want to fly high and flap their wings first, and people want to be motivated to read first." With the development of the mobile Internet, people have to read a lot of content every day. Even if the forms of reading are more diverse and the way of reading is more convenient, it is becoming more and more difficult to achieve in the face of paper books, e-books, mobile phone reading, and online reading. Because of this, from listening to information and novels on the way to and from work, to closing your eyes and listening to online classes during breaks, to joining the "audio library", more and more people like to "listen to books". According to the survey, in 2020, more than 30% of adult citizens in China have the habit of listening to books, and the scale of audio reading continues to expand. From "reading" to "listening to books", from "silent" to "sound", audio reading makes the fragrance of books more accessible. Reading with the ear instead of the eye has become a new "gesture" of reading.

New reading "gesture", did you get it? | talk for a while before going to bed

(Source Network)

To some extent, audio reading not only liberates the hands, but also liberates the eyes, so that high-quality sounds and frustrated emotions can enhance the user's cognition of the content and make reading a pleasant reading. At the same time, everyone's reading needs are different, and traditional paper books are difficult to meet the diversified and personalized reading needs of a large number of readers, and audio reading makes up for the shortcomings in this regard to some extent. On the one hand, today's audio reading content is very rich, it is not limited to the traditional broadcast of audio novels, commentaries, but also includes party history study, economic management of humanities, children's education, cross-talk commentary, literary and artistic sentiments and other more classified and detailed products. On the other hand, audio reading expands the space for acquiring knowledge and avoids the difficulty of visually acquiring knowledge. Whether it is the elderly or the weeping children, the rich and the five cars or the illiterate, people of different ages, different levels of knowledge, and different industry characteristics can find products that meet their needs and enhance the sense of cultural acquisition.

More critically, when the pace of life is getting faster and faster, many people can't help but sigh "where has the time gone", and the time to calm down and concentrate on reading and patiently chewing knowledge is quite precious; and audio reading is quite precious because of its technology and convenience, adapting to the general trend of the popularity of personal mobile communication tools, coupled with convenient storage and large amount of content, so it can meet the needs of people's instant reading and fragmented reading. You don't have to hold the book all the time, find time to read, just flexibly use the fragmented time such as eating and sleeping, outdoor entertainment, etc., you can open the reading mode anytime and anywhere, perceive the excitement in the book with your ears, and experience the pleasure of reading.

New reading "gesture", did you get it? | talk for a while before going to bed

(Image source: WatchPoint Express)

What needs to be faced squarely is that although audio reading has become an important way for the people to read, along with the rapid development of the industry, there are also problems such as the dispersion of upstream resources in the audio reading market, uneven content quality and rampant piracy. In addition, the goal of accessible access to audio resources for special groups remains distant. As the saying goes, standardized growth can make the industry evergreen. There are still many rules and standards to be established in the audiobook industry.

For individual reading, audio reading is not omnipotent. From the experience of the majority of readers, audio reading is more suitable for books that are easy to understand, such as novels, biographies, historical science, etc. Just as one may choose to listen to romance of the Three Kingdoms online, it is impossible to read romance of the three kingdoms through audiobooks. If people are eager to think deeply, read academic books, or more specialized books, audio reading may not be able to meet this demand well.

Whether it is reading books or listening to books, in the final analysis, it is still to keep people's thoughts alive, get wisdom inspiration, and nourish the aura. Although the development of the mobile Internet has changed the way of reading, it cannot change the order of knowledge and the law of learning. "The book mountain has a road and a diligent path, and the study of the sea is endlessly arduous", and the key word of reading has always been "perseverance". Even if you "ascend to a height and move", even if you "call with the wind", "do not accumulate steps, there is no way to go thousands of miles; do not accumulate small streams, there is no way to become a river and a sea" The law will not change. In this sense, sound works help people take the first step of "listening to sound", but "thinking because of listening" and "understanding because of listening" still depends on the reader himself.

This is exactly:

Audio reading has many benefits, and the rules and standards need to be considered.

Determined to read through ten thousand books, perseverance and non-laziness.

(Text | Song Jingsi)

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★ ☆ ★

"Talk to the World about the Heart – Talk a Little Before Bedtime"

New reading "gesture", did you get it? | talk for a while before going to bed


Following "Talking with the Times about the Heart", the "Talk before Going to Bed" column of the People's Daily Commentary Department then pushed forward the series of readings "Talking to the Heart with the World". This book systematically sorts out the news hotspots of great significance in the past two years, divided into 10 parts: city, life, art and literature, campus, new knowledge, science and technology, psychology, food and drink, light and shadow, and fashion, giving readers a window to touch time and observe the world.

The richness of this world is far beyond our imagination. This book only contains Yoshimitsu Kataba in our grand era. But these cultural phenomena, social customs, and ideological concepts, like wind and water on the earth, unconsciously portray our times in a subtle way. We try to see where the water is going, hear the sound of the wind, to discover, accept, and push for change. We hope that the accumulation of moments will not flow, and the gifts of time will not be consumed, but will condense the power of submerging on the riverbed of time. We hope that we can observe and think together with readers, discover a broader era, and grow in the sun with society.

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— "Talk to the Times + Talk to the Heart with the World" set —

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