
Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

Many men in life have the habit of smoking, and long-term smoking is harmful to physical health, which is also a well-known thing, cigarettes contain hundreds of harmful substances, such as nicotine, tar, etc., these substances will have a great impact on physical health, especially on the lungs, smoking is one of the risk factors for inducing lung cancer.

Therefore, in daily life, we generally recommend that you quit smoking, but many people have thought of many ways to quit without success.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

For those who can't quit smoking, if you want to reduce the harm to the body, you should pay attention to the following points when smoking.

1. Do not smoke after waking up in the morning

Many people have the habit of smoking after getting up in the morning, which will have a great impact on physical health, because the body is still in an empty stomach after waking up in the morning, when smoking smoke will stimulate the bronchi, so it is easy to induce chronic bronchitis for a long time.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

2. Do not smoke immediately after eating

Smoking immediately after meals will also bring double damage to the body, because the speed of blood circulation in the body will increase after eating, and the nicotine in smoking cigarettes will penetrate into the bloodstream, which will have a certain impact on the health of blood vessels.

In addition, smoking after meals will also affect the digestive function of the stomach and intestines, which can easily cause disorders of gastrointestinal function and increase the secretion of bile.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

3. Smoke as little as possible

Many men in a bad mood will choose to alleviate by smoking, this practice will cause greater damage to the body, because a large number of smoking will lead to spasm and contraction of blood vessels, which will cause an increase in blood pressure, especially a large number of smoking in a short period of time, it is easy to cause myocardial infarction, and even sudden death.

4. Do not smoke and drink alcohol

When many men go out to socialize, they often drink and smoke continuously, and while drinking and smoking, it will cause double harm to the body, resulting in the body being subjected to double the toxin. Not only can it cause serious damage to the liver and kidneys, but it may also cause alcoholism.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

For men who cannot quit smoking, they usually have to do the following points.

1. Eat more fresh vegetables

The process of smoking will consume a lot of vitamins in the body, and fresh vegetables contain many vitamins needed by the human body, and supplementing the consumed vitamins by eating more vegetables can accelerate the recovery of the body.

2. Take deep breaths often

Men who often smoke try to do more outdoor exercise, but also practice deep breathing, you can do deep breathing in a place with fresh air, which can better help the lungs detoxify, increase the function of the lungs, and then play a role in nourishing the lungs.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

3. Often pound your back

Usually do often do back pounding exercises, can promote the chest qi more smooth, but also conducive to the lungs to strengthen the lungs, but need to pay attention not to force too hard, maintain moderate strength can be.

4. Do aerobic exercise often

Men who smoke are best to insist on doing aerobic exercise, which can help increase lung capacity, increase the strength of the heart, and also promote the speed of blood circulation and metabolism in the body, improve lung capacity, and help accelerate the discharge of toxic and harmful substances in the lungs.

Can't quit smoking? When smoking, remember four sentences, the body can be less damaged

It can be seen that for men who cannot quit smoking, try to do the points mentioned above when smoking, so as to reduce the harm caused by smoking to the body.

In addition, for men who smoke, it is best not to smoke next to their families, because second-hand smoke will also bring great harm to the body, and it is best not to stop smoking as much as possible not to affect the health of others.

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