
Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

China is a high incidence area of various types of liver disease, and fatty liver is one of them.

Due to excessive accumulation of triglycerides in the body or other reasons, there is too much fat in the liver cells, and the liver has a pathological change, that is, fatty liver.

At present, in addition to viral hepatitis, fatty liver is the second largest liver disease in China, with a higher incidence and a younger age of onset.

Patients with mild fatty liver disease generally do not feel much on their own, but if the disease worsens, it will be menacing and further develop into cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

In fact, fatty liver is reversible, not untreatable, if it can be detected early and treated in time, there is still a certain probability of restoring the normal state of the liver.

Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

What factors contribute to fatty liver?

Many people will simply think that fatty liver is too much fat, in fact, not always, fatty liver is divided into a variety of subtypes, leading to the occurrence of the same factors are not the same.

Factor one: obesity

If a person weighs heavier, the more fat in the liver will accumulate. Among obese patients, patients with fatty liver disease account for a high proportion. If obese people have weight control or weight loss, the fat in the liver will also decrease or even disappear.

Factor two: alcohol

Almost all of the alcohol people consume is metabolized and broken down by the liver. People who drink excessively and drink alcohol excessively, and the amount of alcohol they consume exceeds the load of their liver metabolism, alcoholic fatty liver disease will occur.

Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

Factor three: malnutrition

In contrast to overnutrition in obese patients, malnourished people also suffer from fatty liver disease. If a person does not consume enough protein in their diet, the synthesized apolipoprotein is insufficient, resulting in a buildup of triglycerides to form a fatty liver.

Factor four: endocrine

There are various body fluids and hormones in the human body that balance each other and maintain the normal operation of the human body. However, if a person's endocrine and insulin disorders, the liver's lipid metabolism will also be affected, so it is not surprising that a large proportion of diabetic patients have fatty liver disease.

Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

How to stay away from fatty liver? These four foods are the best helpers!

Food 1: Goji berries

According to recent studies on the nutritional composition of goji berries, the polysaccharides contained in goji berries have hepatoprotective effects, and betaine has a certain effect on human lipid metabolism and can combat the occurrence of fatty liver.

Food two: hawthorn

Hawthorn stomach acid can promote the digestion of food in the human body, reduce the burden of liver and gallbladder, which contains hawthorn flavonoids can inhibit the synthesis of liver cholesterol, thereby preventing the occurrence of fatty liver.

Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

Food three: onions

Onions have a spicy taste and a nasal smell, but they are known as the "queen of dishes" because of their rich nutritional value. Its special odor and spiciness are caused by a sulfide, which can reduce blood lipids and promote fat metabolism, so eating onions in moderation helps the recovery of fatty liver.

Food Four: Salmon

Although fatty liver patients are encouraged to control their weight and eat less oil and meat, it does not mean that they do not need nutrition. If the protein is not enough, it is still not conducive to the recovery of fatty liver.

Salmon is a deep-sea fish that is rich in high-quality unsaturated fatty acids and rich in protein, which can provide good nutrition for patients.

Can the detection of fatty liver still be "reversed"? In addition to fat loss, you can also rely on 4 kinds of food

The onset of fatty liver disease is related to a variety of factors, and dietary regulation is one of the adjuvant treatment modalities. More importantly, once diagnosed with fatty liver disease, patients need to find the factors that cause the disease in regular hospitals, treat and regulate the symptoms, in order to promote the recovery of liver cells as soon as possible and get rid of the troubles of fatty liver as soon as possible.

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