
Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages

author:Tomatoes love the sun

Good dishes, good soup, good taste, good feelings. This year, no two good dishes are embarrassed to go out. The smell of fireworks in the world, you and I know each other, click on the "attention" above to thank god for the encounter, and "tomato love sunshine" accompanied, happy and happy.

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Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages.


Meat selection

Pork belly is preferred, fat and lean, with a clear texture.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Blanch the water in chunks

Cut the pork belly into mahjong-sized cubes, mix water in a pot, put ginger and shallots, bring to a boil, blanch the water, remove the blood water and odor.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages



Cut off the stalks of the plate millet, scratch a knife on the top, cook in boiling water and then shell, put one or two vegetable oils in the pot, burn until 70% hot, stir-fry yellow, shovel out, set aside.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Ginger shallots

Ginger pat loose, green onion cut into sections.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Sauté sugar color

In a pan, add the rock sugar residue and sauté over low heat until dark yellow and frothy.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Mix the soup

Pork belly under the pot, stir-fry a few times, and then add raw soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, a piece of red curd milk, broth, etc., boil to remove the foam, that is, under the ginger, fragrant leaves, green onion, boil over high heat.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Simmer slowly

Pour all the ingredients into the casserole pot, add a small amount of rock sugar, simmer slowly over low heat, and when the meat is cooked thoroughly, add the chestnuts and simmer until the chestnuts are cooked through.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages


Collect juice over high heat

When the pork is soft and the chestnuts are fragrant, heat until the soup is thick and turn off the heat.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages



Pick out the ginger, coriander leaves, and green onion and serve in a bowl or dish.

Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages
Boil the soup in an iron pot, simmer slowly in a casserole pot, and chestnut braised pork for all ages



The meat color is bright red, the meat flavor is strong, the meat is not rotten, the fat is not greasy, the thin is not chai, and the color and flavor are complete. Chestnuts are infused with dregs, dense and mellow, and have a sweet taste. The favorite of the elderly and children, drinking two or two bubbles of goji berry wine, is really a comfortable moment in life.



According to headlines wikipedia:

Chestnut can play a role in stopping bleeding and swelling, treating mouth ulcers, strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting digestion, strengthening muscles and bones, prolonging life and other effects, chestnut is rich in nutrients, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, can effectively prevent and treat hypertension, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, thereby enhancing the body's immunity, playing a life-prolonging effect. Chestnuts contain a lot of starch and rich protein, which can provide nutrients to the human body and enhance the body's resistance. Riboflavin is contained in the seeds, which has a good therapeutic effect on some mouth ulcers. Then there is the vitamin C contained in chestnuts, which can maintain the normal function of bones, teeth and muscles, can effectively prevent osteoporosis, etc., chestnuts can also play a role in promoting digestion and absorption.

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This article is originally produced by "Tomato Love Sunshine", and it is strictly forbidden to carry and plagiarize without permission.

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