
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great


"Ming Feng Ji": "The fallen leaves return to the roots; the Fengcheng sword returns." "Young people are full of enthusiasm and ambition, but as they grow in experience and age, they must eventually return to their hometown, where there are not only childhood memories, but also the ultimate destination of the soul." This is true of people, and it is also true of nations and nations. For example, in history, the Mongolian Turbat Department once split the Qing Dynasty, but under the leadership of the outstanding leader Wolbasi or returned to the motherland; after World War II, Germany was divided into east and west, and after suffering hardships, it also returned to reunification again, which left a glorious page in the process of human civilization.


Although there are not a few great people and peoples, they are not afraid of hardships and dangers just to return to the roots of the leaves one day, but there are always exceptions to everything, which is today's Mongolia. Mongolia has been part of China's territory since ancient times, and in 1921 China had just entered a republican system, and at the instigation of external forces, the Mongolian People's Party established a constitutional monarchy in Mongolia, and then established the Mongolian People's Republic, which was completely separated from China and became independent, but the Beiyang government did not recognize it.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

▲Map of the Republic of China

In 1945, the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance was signed: "Agree to the independence of Outer Mongolia in accordance with the referendum result." The following year, the independence of Outer Mongolia was recognized", if the independence of Outer Mongolia at that time was influenced by the Soviet Union, then why did Mongolia not return to the motherland in the past half century, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union? There are some reasons for this.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

▲ Mongolian nomads related mapping

The Mongols, who have long been one of the important nomadic peoples living in northern China, have strong internal unity and brazenly launched a huge expansion war on the Eurasian continent in the 12th century, bringing disaster to many peoples. Therefore, the Mongols have their own unique customs and history. In the following centuries, although it became a part of the Chinese nation, there was a wave of "Mongolian revival" within the late Qing Dynasty.


In the modern century, Mongolia's politics, economy, and culture were heavily influenced by the Soviet Union, and it was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s that it changed. Mongolia is sparsely populated, has scarce resources and has a slow economic development. Why is Mongolia always reluctant to return to the motherland, and even deliberately does not recognize the authenticity of history?

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

Statues of Mongol leaders and Soviet generals

First of all, mongolia has received a long period of assimilation education from the Tsarist era and more than 100 years during the Soviet period, and a brief history of the world believes that "this is an alternative colonial rule with the characteristics of Northeast Asia, although it is much better in name than in the West." Although the dominant ethnic group in Mongolia is still Mongols, its culture has been devastated, including language, writing, customs and habits are very similar to Slavs.

It can be seen that the influence of the Russians far exceeds that of their ancestor Genghis Khan. The Russians implanted a large amount of national culture in the education of the Mongols, resulting in today's Mongols being more inclined to Russia in their national consciousness, which is one of the main reasons for the rupture of cultural and traditional ties with China.


Second, in modern times, Russia has spent a lot of manpower and material resources trying to actually control Mongolia. The Russians' intentions are clear, and they need Mongolia to act as a buffer zone for Siberia and Northeast Asia, isolating themselves from the East Asian powers, which is of great strategic importance. So Russia cannot watch Mongolia merge into China again.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

Map of Mongolia and its neighboring countries

The last point, and perhaps the most important one, is the selfishness of the Mongols themselves. From the history of Mongolia, we can see that at the beginning, it was not the ordinary Mongol people who shouted independence, but a small number of Mongolian princes and nobles. History of the Mongol State: "If they wanted to maintain their position and interests within the nation, they could face the conferral of republicanism, and if they wanted to realize this wish, they must let Mongolia become independent."

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, why Mongolia has not returned to our country, experts: these three aspects of resistance are too great

Mongol nobles and Soviet officials

Although Mongolia is independent, although it is not good for the development of the people and the nation, it can ensure that the aristocratic class is still in a dominant position, as long as its own interests are not damaged, how many people will think about the Mongolian people? Once Mongolia returned to the motherland, these people were at best local administrators, and how could they have privileges in a modern era when everyone was equal? This is actually the same as Yeltsin's split of the Soviet Union.


Today's Mongolia has a very low sense of existence in the international community, domestic resources can not be self-sufficient, the industrial chain is seriously weakened, in order to achieve the normal operation of the country, can only borrow a lot of money, high debt. The United Nations has also rated Mongolia as one of the least developed countries in the world, and the living standards of its people are naturally clear at a glance, which is also the inevitable evil consequence of Outer Mongolia's reluctance to recognize history and return to the motherland. If they insist on going their own way, they will be as poor as ever, and the only people who will be hurt the most will be millions of ordinary Mongolians.

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