
Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the incompetence of the Qing government, China's economic, political, and military capabilities were at a low ebb, and weak people would be bullied, and during this period, China was also repeatedly harassed, wantonly plundered, and oppressed by Western powers, and the late Qing government, which had no counter-attack, could only be slaughtered by others, which was really a national shame.

During this period, our country not only lost a lot of gold and silver treasures, but also lost a lot of territory, and was forced to sign many unequal treaties that humiliated the country, which made our country so "wretched" and "mutilated."

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

Mongolia was the territory of our country in the early days, and Chairman Mao wanted to take this back, this place is "rich" of beautiful women, but they are worried about marriage, but even so, these women will not choose Chinese men, why is this?

Mongolia is self-reliant

Early Mongolia was not unified, the tribes were very scattered, the steppe herdsmen had to engage in some animal husbandry or fishing and hunting, in the 13th century BC, Genghis Khan unified the Mongol tribes and built it into a new ethnic body.

In 1271, Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, after which the Yuan Dynasty fell and Mongolia was once again divided. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang tried his best to take back the Mongols and beat the Mongol forces to the edge of the desert at all costs, but this was also "treating the symptoms but not the root causes", and did not completely remove the danger of the northern region. After that, the remaining Mongol forces launched many harassments against the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming government knew that this state was extremely unfavorable to the country, so it decided to negotiate peace with the Mongol forces, and finally the Mongol king sealed and stopped the border provocation.

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

In 1771, most of Mongolia belonged to the Qing Dynasty, and only Briyat and other places were assigned to Russia for jurisdiction, but later at the end of the 17th century, Mongolia was all included in the qing dynasty's rule, and Mongolia has been China's territory ever since.

In 1911, Outer Mongolia declared "independence", but during the Republic of China period, due to the encouragement and influence of the Soviet Union, Mongolia wanted to gain complete independence, and then the Soviet Union "helped" it to drive our army out of Mongolia, which was chaotic enough in the country.

At the Yalta Conference held in 1945, our army was oppressed by internal and external forces and had no choice but to recognize its independence, so Mongolia was another country.

Polygamy is practiced

After the founding of New China, Mongolia has always been chairman Mao's concern, and he also thought about recovering Mongolia, but he did not succeed.

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

Although mongolia has a vast territory and a good animal husbandry industry, these have not brought the country quite good economic benefits, and the whole country has not had a fairly strong economic support so far.

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

In order to further expand the labor force, their government particularly encouraged all the people to have more children, even at the expense of rewarding mothers who had more children, in addition to the implementation of polygamy, resulting in a serious imbalance in the proportion of men and women in Mongolia, the total proportion of women than men is much higher, look at the whole of Asia today, this situation is still not much.

This kind of "polygamy" is still the form that our country will take in ancient times, there are many drawbacks of this policy, think of the near point is that there are more children, the family burden is large, the education of the children will certainly not be able to keep up, in order to "make up the number" will lose the opportunity to cultivate good seedlings; secondly, a family population is too large, contradictions are everywhere, the status of men will be higher than women, although Mongolia has praise for women, but family contradictions can not be avoided, a small family is not harmonious, how can we unite everyone.

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

Thinking far away is that there is no way to avoid the unintentional marriage of close relatives, which is very frightening, the fetal deformity rate is too high, and it is estimated that even their ancestors will not be able to distinguish between them. But today's Mongolian women are not so "ignorant", they are also educated higher than men, and sometimes look down on men with low education levels, they prefer to be single.

Mongolia was once a Chinese territory, and women were beautiful and worried about marrying but did not choose their own people, and Chairman Mao wanted to take it back!

But it is a little strange, even if this is the case in their own country, these Mongolian women are rarely willing to accept Chinese men, perhaps we "don't stand high enough".

If a country wants to develop well, its population and economic level should have a reasonable level, today's "son preference" or "preference for women" should not exist, born equal, the same is true between men and women, want others to earn money to support the family, but also want others to serve, can only say that you are still in the dream.

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