
Annual sales exceeded 120,000! GAC Aeon's world's first electric vehicle for more than 1,000 kilometers will be released soon

On January 3, GAC Aeon released 2021 data, according to the data, in 2021 GAC E-An annual sales of 123,660 units, an increase of 119% year-on-year, exceeding the annual target of 100,000 vehicles.

Annual sales exceeded 120,000! GAC Aeon's world's first electric vehicle for more than 1,000 kilometers will be released soon

In addition, GAC Aeon also released data for December last year, and in December 2021, GAC Aeon sold 16,675 units, an increase of 119% year-on-year.

It is reported that GAC Ae-an is also a member of the new forces of domestic car manufacturing, GAC Aean has a total of Aian LX, Aian Y, Aian V, Aian S and other models, Aian S series models, is the current GAC Aian sales pillar model.

In terms of new cars, the Aeon LXPlus model will be launched on January 5, which uses sponge silicon anode chip battery technology and is the world's first pure electric model to achieve a range of more than 1,000km, and GAC Aeon ended the "global electric vehicle endurance arms race" in one fell swoop. Friends who want to buy an electric car can consider it.


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