
Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

When it comes to diabetes, many people must have more or less understanding, such as its main symptoms are high blood sugar, the harm of complications and so on. Of course, there are also many people who have a wrong understanding of it, and some people think that the disease is a disease of old age, which only appears with age.

As everyone knows, there are many types of diabetes in the clinic, and it has never been exclusive to the elderly!

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

In addition to the more clinically typical type 1 and type 2 diabetes, there is also a presence called "gestational diabetes".

That is, the patient has a normal glucose metabolism before pregnancy, or there is an underlying decrease in glucose tolerance, but diabetes does not develop. Diabetes did not appear or be diagnosed until after pregnancy. Of all diabetic pregnant women in our country, 80% of this is the case!

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

However, unlike type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this diabetes is not lifelong and usually returns to normal after the patient gives birth.

However, the clinical experience of pregnant women with diabetes is quite complex, both the pregnant woman itself and the fetus have certain risks, and the chance of short-term and long-term complications of mothers and children is relatively high. Moreover, even if the postpartum blood sugar returns to normal, the chance of mothers developing type 2 diabetes will increase in the future, so we should pay attention to gestational diabetes.

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

So the question is, what symptoms do pregnant mothers have, which may be a signal of the arrival of gestational diabetes?

1. Itching of the vulva

After the onset of diabetes, pregnant mothers are often relatively less resistant to bacteria due to elevated blood sugar. Moreover, after entering the pregnancy, the private parts secretions change and the private parts environment changes, so pregnant women are prone to symptoms such as vulvar itching and bacterial infection, especially repeated Candida infections are particularly common in the clinic;

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

2. Fatigue

Many pregnant women have persistent symptoms such as fatigue and fatigue after diabetes mellitus. This is the case because the patient's glucose metabolism has been disrupted, glucose cannot be completely oxidized, and the human body cannot make full use of glucose energy.

At the same time, diabetes may also be combined with tissue dehydration, negative nitrogen balance, electrolyte imbalance and other problems, so pregnant women will have symptoms such as mental malaise and fatigue. However, because there are multiple pregnancy reactions during pregnancy, even if such symptoms appear, it is difficult to attract the attention of pregnant mothers;

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

3. Decreased vision

Many people mistakenly believe that patients will only develop abnormal eye symptoms after diabetes mellitus with retinopathy. But in fact, many diabetics have symptoms such as vision loss and blurred vision when they visit the doctor at an early stage.

This is so because the constantly elevated blood sugar causes a change in crystal osmolality, triggering a change in crystal diopter. Usually, this change is a functional change in the early stages, and when the blood sugar is well controlled, vision gradually returns to normal.

Remind pregnant mothers: If there are 3 abnormalities in the recent past, or the blood sugar has exceeded the standard, it is necessary to control sugar in time

If a pregnant woman has recently suddenly developed similar symptoms, or has typical three more and one less symptoms, this requires increased vigilance and the first time to seek medical attention to screen blood sugar.

In addition, if you have a family history of diabetes, weigh more than 90 kilograms before pregnancy, pregnant women have given birth to macrosomia, polycystic ovary syndrome, then they are originally at high risk of gestational diabetes, regardless of whether there are symptoms, they should pay attention to blood glucose screening.

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