
Did ancient slaves give birth to slave owners to the next generation of slaves?

Theoretically, the ancient slave owner would not have sex with a low-status slave, but if such a thing really happened, it would either show that the slave looked beautiful, or the slave owner had a special habit and wanted to change his taste, and it may even be because the slave owner drank too much. Moreover, in very coincidental circumstances, the slave was pregnant with the slave owner's child, and if the slave owner knew, it was likely that the slave would not let the slave give birth to the child, and even if there was a condition, the slave would be forcibly aborted. But if the slave owner still has some conscience, he may let the slave give birth to this child, and in reality, the slave owner will never recognize it.

Did ancient slaves give birth to slave owners to the next generation of slaves?

The probability of slave owners having sex with slaves is small

There are records of slaves in both Chinese and foreign history, and this idea of inferiority was particularly important at a time when the hierarchy was more severe. The reason why I would say that the probability of having sex between slaves and slave owners will be very low, because in ancient times, most of the slaves were people born low, and some slave owners mostly looked down on these slaves, and would think that they were a lowly product, and even more they would think that these slaves were just working machines, and their free labor, like pigs, dogs and cows. Therefore, it is this strong hierarchy that causes slave owners to look down on these slaves extremely.

Did ancient slaves give birth to slave owners to the next generation of slaves?

Even if you are pregnant, you cannot give birth

You know, slaves and beards are different, they are the lowest level, the beards can also get the light of their own misses, become their own misses' girlfriends, but slaves are impossible, we have said the status of slaves before, we must have known this concept. We have assumed before that if the slave owner will have sex with the slave, either because the slave owner has a special habit, or the slave owner has drunk too much, in any case, we assume that the slave owner and the slave have already had sex, and they are very cleverly pregnant with a child, at this time, if the slave owner knows, he will never want this child.

Did ancient slaves give birth to slave owners to the next generation of slaves?

Because this child will make the slave owner think that it is a stain, it is as if a person has a habit of "bestiality", but this habit, coincidentally discovered by others, this person must be very ashamed, and must not want others to know about this habit. Therefore, the psychology of the slave owner is the same as that of this person with "bestiality", and he will never let others know, and he is not allowed to let this child be born. Therefore, if the slave owner and the slave have a child after having sex, the slave owner has a high probability that the child will not be born safely.

Many people may ask, if this slave owner has a certain humanity and a certain sympathy for the slave, will he want to lay down this child? My answer is that the probability is very low, because at that time, the deep-rooted concept of a large family is "slave is a private product" and "slave is free and cheap labor", this concept will not be easily changed, just like a southerner in the south is accustomed to eating small meals and light rice, and suddenly one day let him go to the northeast to eat stew, will not because of changes in geography, and easily change the value orientation and taste of this person.

But things will not always be one hundred percent, there may be a probability of only zero points, there will be a slave owner who is more sympathetic to the slave, or it is possible to let the slave give birth to the child, after all, everything is absolute.

Did ancient slaves give birth to slave owners to the next generation of slaves?

In summary, in a broad sense, slaves are the private property of slave owners, a group of things and animals, so this creates extreme discrimination and contempt for slaves by slave owners, which is like the discrimination of white people in the United States against blacks.

So this determines that the slave owner has a high probability of not having a relationship with effort, and even if he is pregnant, he is extremely unlikely to let the slave give birth to a baby.

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