
Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

author:Arowana rice noodle oil

Dried silk is also called qianzhang, hundred leaves, the essence is the skin of tofu. Many people like to use dry silk shabu-shabu, do spicy hot, after the weather is hot, there are a variety of dry silk cold mixed dishes, small chef personally like dry silk cold mix, but today is not cold mixed no shabu hot pot nor boiled spicy hot, today share a soup on the dry silk soup method. In order to increase the flavor of the soup, the chef also specially added peeled eggs, a simple and easy to use soup instantly changed from a civilian snack to a tall delicacy, delicious and delicious, hurry up and learn it.

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice


150 grams of dried shredded, 1 egg, 1 ham sausage, shrimp skin, 15 grams of bacon, 8 fungus, 1 gram of salt, ginger and shallots, 15 grams of cooking oil, 10 grams of sesame sesame oil


1. After washing the dry wire, blanch it with boiling water to remove the bean smell;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

2. In a pot of hot water, pour in the onion and ginger, bacon, ham sausage, peeled egg and stir-fry until broken;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to a boil over high heat;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

4. After boiling, pour the blanched dry wire into it;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

5. Add an appropriate amount of washed shrimp skin to the pot;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

6. Stir appropriately with a spatula, and finally add 1 spoonful of salt (salty and light according to your taste) and continue to boil on high heat;

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice

7. Turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes, open the lid and sprinkle the green onion, drizzle with the right amount of sesame oil and mix well, I bet you drink two bowls at a time!

Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice
Dry silk is always cold, spicy and hot, follow this, five minutes out of the pot, delicious rice


1. The dry silk bought back must be soaked and washed with water, because it is all preserved with salt to prevent damage;

2. So there is no need to add too much salt to the pot, otherwise it is salty;

3. It is recommended to cook more, soft and rotten some are more delicious; the ingredients are simple, the method is simpler, go back and try it

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