
The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

author:Love family love kitchen

Dry silk is also called a thousand sheets, contains protein, calcium and other nutrients, dry silk has thick and thin, I usually like to buy a thinner cold mix, chew more tendons, do it is more flavorful.

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

Cold dishes are the most common home-cooked dishes on our table, fresh and refreshing, bright in color, but also meat and vegetarian, it is also very simple and convenient to make, time-saving and delicious. Today to bring you a dish of coriander mixed with dried silk, rich taste, refreshing appetizer, the elderly at home, children are very fond of, at home to do healthy and hygienic, eat also rest assured. The following will share the specific practices with you, I hope you like it.

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

Ingredients and seasonings: dried silk, coriander, cooked peanuts, millet spicy, garlic, cooked peanuts and rice, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, oyster sauce, sesame oil, sugar, salt

Detailed instructions:

1. 1 piece of dried silk, wash the coriander and set aside

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

2. Cut the dry wire into strips

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

3. Boil water in a pot, open the water to point salt, add dry wire, boil on high heat and fish out, put in the prepared cold boiling water basin, after thorough cooling, fish out, put on the plate

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

4. Millet spicy, garlic minced, spicy as desired

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

5. Put the chopped millet spicy and garlic heads into a bowl, drizzle with hot oil, thoroughly stimulate the aroma, then pour in oyster sauce, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, a little salt and sugar and mix well

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

6. Cut the parsley into sections and set aside

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

7. Pour dried shredded, coriander, cooked peanuts and rice, and seasoning juice into the basin and mix well

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

8. Mix well and plate. A simple home-cooked coriander mixed with dried shreds is ready, the taste is rich, appetizing and refreshing, the family likes it, making it healthy and hygienic at home, and eating it is also assured. If you like it too, give it a try

The home-cooked method of cold mixed dried silk is rich in taste, appetizing and refreshing, healthy and nutritious, and the method is simple

This cuisine (picture, text) by the love of the family love kitchen original, if you like the home-cooked food I shared, welcome to like, comment, forward, share, follow me to communicate together, every day there is a different home-cooked food update Oh. If you have different practices or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area, thank you for watching, and will continue to update tomorrow.

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