
Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

author:Ah San Food

Malatang, a popular delicacy on the streets and alleys, has long been more than just a warm comfort on weekdays, it has conquered the four seasons with its free collocation, hot and attractive attitude. From the price by the bowl to the weighing by the pound, from a few yuan to no cap, we enjoy the happiness of independent choice, but we can't help but worry about the bulging wallet. Today, let's talk about the seemingly delicious but actually "most tricky" ingredients in Malatang, and the next time you go to eat, remember to bypass these "sweet traps".

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

1: Maruko

Walking into the world of Malatang, colorful meatballs are always the first to catch the eye. Think about it when I was a child, how could there be so many tricks in Malatang, and a few simple vegetables could be eaten with relish. Nowadays, although all kinds of meatballs can satisfy the appetite, they are full of additives and heavy scales. Not only are they expensive, a handful of them, and the amount of them skyrocketing, but it's all your wallet crying. After a meal, dozens of yuan were relaxed, and the stomach was not full, but the smile of the proprietress became brighter and brighter.

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

Two: Tremella

Then came to the fresh and refined white fungus area, and the crystal clear appearance seemed to say: "Come on, choose me, I am healthy and delicious." "At the beginning of the mouth, the crisp taste is really eye-catching, but once you soak it in the soup for a long time, it becomes soft and juicy, and it is quite enjoyable to eat, but this amount, hey, is simply white fungus made of water, which is so painful to sink. Unlike green vegetables, boiling can squeeze out a little water, and the soup absorbed by white fungus is all counted in your account.

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

Three: instant noodles

When it comes to satiety, who doesn't think of instant noodles? But in Malatang, instant noodles have become a "soup-sucking monster". You think it will give you a quick solution to your hunger, but unbeknownst to you, instant noodles that have soaked up the soup end up being a bowl of slimy "dough", and the taste and texture are greatly reduced. Unless you can inhale it as quickly as a tornado, otherwise, this bowl of "affordability" may only be left with the satisfaction of a full stomach, and the spicy and delicious Malatang can only be savored in dreams.

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

Four: corn segment

Corn segments, no matter when and where, can always become the darling of the table. But in the world of Malatang, it has become synonymous with "wronged head". The corn corn corn absorbs enough moisture and is heavy, and every bite is the taste of money. Moreover, due to the many gaps in the corn kernels, the water absorption capacity is even more amazing, a dollar for a piece of corn, this business, unless you are a corn fanatic, otherwise, it is better to consider it carefully.

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

Five: Frozen tofu

Coming to the Northeast Specialty - Frozen Tofu Area, there is a "hidden pit" hidden here. Because the frozen tofu has been frozen, it contains a lot of water, and when it is weighed on the scale, the weight rises gradually. After cooking, although the skin is full of spicy soup, the inside may still retain a cold taste, which is both surprising and heart-wrenching. Because every bite of delicious soup you enjoy is the number beating on the scale before, the boss is next to it, and the joy in your heart, you know.

Eating the 5 ingredients of Malatang's "most tricky", the boss saw the "snickering", remember to bypass!

All in all, although Malatang is good, the selection of materials needs to be cautious. Avoiding these "heavyweights" will not only reduce the load on your wallet, but also allow you to enjoy more truly delicious and cost-effective ingredients. Next time, when you stand in front of a dazzling array of ingredients, you might as well be more rational and less impulsive, so as to make the Malatang journey more enjoyable and fulfilling. After all, the joy of food should not stop at the heartache of the moment of checkout.

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