
Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

author:Recipes to relieve worries

In the hot summer, when the heat wave hits, we not only need to find a cool way to escape the heat, but also pay attention to the maintenance of the body, especially to enhance kidney function and muscle strength. In TCM theory, black foods are usually closely related to kidney health, and are known as "100 black supplements", which means that these foods are the best for kidney tonics. Eating black ingredients in the summer will not only help us fight fatigue, but also bring us a good night's sleep in the dead of night.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

Not only are these black ingredients attractive in color, they are also rich in nutrients, including high-quality protein, essential trace elements and antioxidants. These ingredients are essential for strengthening bones, muscles, and boosting the body's metabolism. During the long summer months, physical strength is often overdrawn, and kidney function is also easily challenged. Choosing these black ingredients to incorporate into our diet not only allows for more diversity on the table, but also helps us maintain our water and electrolyte balance and reduce physical discomfort caused by high temperatures. What's more, good kidney function helps with rest and recovery at night, which improves sleep quality and makes us wake up full of energy every day.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

So, let's incorporate these four amazing black ingredients into our daily diet this summer to not only add color to our plates, but also to our health, ensuring that our bodies are optimally nourished and protected on hot summer days. The following recipes will show you how to use these ingredients to create delicious and healthy dishes that will make your summer both delicious and energizing!

1. Black Chicken (Black Chicken Soup)

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

The black chicken is special because of its black feathers and meat, and its meat is not only tender but also delicious. This type of chicken is different from ordinary chickens in that it contains higher nutritional value, especially iron content, which is very suitable for people who need blood supplementation. Black chicken is also rich in protein and a variety of essential amino acids, which can effectively help enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

In summer, people often feel physically exhausted due to high temperatures, and eating black chicken at this time can be very good to replenish physical strength and enhance resistance. When cooking black chicken, it is recommended to use nourishing methods such as stewed soup, which can be eaten with medicinal materials such as codonopsis and wolfberry, which can not only play the role of black chicken in nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, but also help improve sleep and make you sleep more sweetly at night.

2. Black beans (black bean crucian carp soup)

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

Black beans, this small bean is rich in nutritional value, its dark color, and rich in anthocyanins are an important source of antioxidants. Black beans are also rich in protein, potassium, iron, and the rare trace element selenium, which are essential for maintaining cardiovascular health. In addition, black beans also help control blood sugar and are also good for diabetics.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

In summer, black beans can be used to make coleslaw or black bean porridge. It can not only clear away heat and detoxify, but also nourish the kidneys. Regular consumption of black beans can help improve symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, fatigue and fatigue caused by kidney deficiency, so that you can stay energetic in the hot summer.

3. Fungus (broccoli mixed fungus)

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

Black fungus is a nutritious edible mushroom that is not only delicious, but also known as the "scavenger of blood vessels". The plant gum rich in fungus helps to remove waste from blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. It is also rich in iron, which is a natural blood tonic ingredient and has a significant effect on the prevention and treatment of anemia.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

Eating fungus in summer can use its coolness to help the body defire and detoxify. A variety of ways to eat fungus, such as cold fungus or fungus stew, can bring different delicious enjoyment. These dishes will not only satisfy your taste buds but will also help you maintain optimal health for your body.

4. Black sesame seeds (black sesame paste)

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

Black sesame seeds are considered to be a good product for beauty and health, and they are rich in high-quality fatty acids, vitamin E and sesamin and other nutrients, which have a good effect on protecting the liver, beautifying the skin, and anti-aging. Black sesame seeds can also help improve digestion and prevent constipation, making them an indispensable health element in your daily diet.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

In the summer, black sesame seeds are added to the daily diet, such as sprinkled on coleslaw or used to make sesame paste, sesame balls and other delicacies, which can not only increase the flavor of the food, but also provide rich nutrients. Regular intake of black sesame seeds can help strengthen bones and promote sleep, so you can stay energized and sleep soundly all summer long.

Hundreds of black supplements! In summer, these 4 black ingredients should be eaten often, nourish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, and sleep soundly at night!

With the arrival of summer, choosing the right food has an extremely important impact on our health and vitality. By incorporating the four black ingredients of black chicken, black beans, fungus and black sesame seeds into our diet, we are not only able to provide the body with essential nutrients and energy, but also effectively replenish the kidneys and strengthen the tendons, ensuring that we are energized and energized all summer long.

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