
Do not "lie flat" youth

If youth is a trek, then only by reading the breadth of the earth and the flow of time from the journey can we gain its true meaning. If youth is a battle, then only in the process of striving for courage and courage not to be afraid of failure can it be called fierce. In a good year, the last thing we should be is willing to be a "lying flat" youth.

The rivers roll and the years sound. A hundred years ago, the young people, in an era when the country was in danger and the country was in danger and trying to become stronger, how could they "lie flat." See, the progressive intellectuals represented by Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and others have written works such as "Greetings to Youth" and "Youth", and they hold high the banner of youth, praise the great power of youth, and use the youth self to ignite the torch of thought.

Do not "lie flat" youth

The galaxy changes, the spirit does not change. A hundred years later, the young people are at the critical point of the country's strong and prosperous national rejuvenation, and who is willing to "lie flat". Please see, in the contingents of aerospace service to the country, anti-epidemic disaster relief, and scientific and technological innovation, a large number of outstanding young people after the 80s and 90s have emerged, who have made the vow of youth, released the passion of youth, taken over the baton of their predecessors with practical actions, and left a struggling figure in the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Do not "lie flat" youth

Consider the past and the present, and take pictures of each other. The tax youth in the new era have also experienced wind and rain, and have also struggled hard, and the youth of countless people bloomed passionately in the tax month, and the dreams of countless people were lit up under the tax emblem. Some people participate in theoretical study groups, continue to strengthen theoretical study, and build a solid ideological foundation; some people deeply cultivate the tax service window, always be intimate and patient, and work hard and bear grievances; some people strive to be the top soldiers of tax inspection, adhere to principles, and dare to show their swords; some people stick to office administrative posts, bury their heads in paperwork, and be willing to be behind-the-scenes heroes... No matter which post, there are all excellent representatives emerging, showing the quality of tax youth self-reliance, self-confidence and self-discipline, expressing the belief that tax youth do not forget their original intentions and keep their mission in mind, and highlighting the spirit of tax youth remembering the entrustment and rejuvenating the tax country.

Do not "lie flat" youth

Although so many outstanding young people have emerged in the nearly one million tax iron army, many of our young people are still lazy in thought and behavior. Among them, some do not want to make progress, only want to live in peace; some do not know the struggle, just want to retire early. Some people are immersed in the comfort of the self, and some people are degenerate into material pursuits. They can't understand, they can't think straight, they don't want to care, they just want to be a "lying flat" youth.

They don't know, and perhaps pretend not to know: what a wonderful time this is, and what a great time it is. In this great era, we must do something to be worthy of The Chinese Youth and the Tax Youth.

Do not "lie flat" youth

In this great era, we should raise the sails of our ideals and ride the wind and waves. Because only by firmly taking a firm direction can we never deviate. We must have Zhou Enlai's consciousness of "reading for the rise of China" and lei Feng's spirit of "I am willing to always be a screw that will never rust", always adhere to faith, persistently pursue ideals, take our ancestors as models and examples, drive us to establish a lofty ambition, make the voice of the times, devote ourselves to the great cause of taxation, have the courage to take responsibility, be willing to dedicate, pave the way for national rejuvenation with a small self, and add bricks and tiles to the construction of the motherland.

Do not "lie flat" youth

In this great era, we should sharpen the blade of faith and cut through thorns. For "the dictionary of youth, without the word 'difficult', the spoken word of youth, without the word of 'obstacle'; only knows leaping forward, only knows the majesty and flight, knows its spirit of freedom, its strange thoughts, its keen intuition, and its lively life, in order to create the environment and conquer history." "We must use ideas to guide practice, use practice to create brilliance, experience in hardship, take responsibility in experience, start from tax business knowledge and operation skills, start from small things, and achieve a career in the hard work of real knives and real guns."

The mountains and rivers are silent, leaving thousands of footprints; the years are like songs, singing the strong voice of the times. In the future, we will also paint the blueprint of youth, write a chapter of struggle, continue to fight in the long sky, show the heroic posture of the eagle in the river of more magnificent times, and continue to stand bravely at the head of the tide and show the true colors of heroes. Continue to adhere to the original intention, go to the journey of pursuing dreams, continue to take responsibility with blood, and light up the brilliant life.

(Author: Q Yue/State Administration of Taxation Wuchuan Taxation Bureau)

Editor: Yang Wen Review: Li Wei

Tell the new story of taxation well ● Pass on the positive energy of the times ● Realize youth taxation

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