
Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

In 1949, The country actively prepared for the founding ceremony, Song Qingling was on the list of key invitees, and Song Qingling put forward three conditions as his requirements for attending the founding ceremony. The party met these three conditions of Soong Ching-ling, and finally she attended the founding ceremony of new China and witnessed this historic moment, she looked at the rising five-star red flag and burst into tears.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

Who is Song Qingling who can also put forward three conditions while being invited to attend the founding ceremony? So what are the three conditions that make a great man feel embarrassed? In the end, how to solve it? Today, we will solve the puzzles one by one and open this period of history.

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1. Famous and beautiful patriots

If you want to say that Song Qingling has any influence to be invited to attend the founding ceremony, it must start from her origin. Although most people are not historians and know little about history, the mention of Song Qingling will surely remind her of her prominent family lineage and the "Three Sisters of the Song Family". His father, Song Jiashu, had extremely high patriotic enthusiasm and the idea of democracy and progress, and Song Qingling was deeply rooted in patriotic feelings. Song Qingling studied in the United States at a young age, firmly believing that today's China is a sleeping lion, and there will be a moment of awakening after all.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

In 1913, Soong Ching-ling became dr. Sun Yat-sen's secretary, and Soong Ching-ling rejoiced that he had "really taken over the core of the revolutionary movement". In 1915, Soong Ching Ling and Dr. Sun Yat-sen became a right-hand man with their outstanding talents, and the two were born into death, supported each other, and worked together for the cause of Chinese liberation and independence. Soong Ching Ling showed the strength and indomitability of Chinese women and gave Great support to Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the revolutionary cause. Over the years, Song Qingling's understanding of the problems of the Chinese revolution has deepened, and he has become more firm in his idea of dedicating himself to the revolutionary cause.

In 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, Soong Ching Ling did not collapse in grief, she was independent and self-reliant, with her own outstanding insights and firm will, shouldering the will of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Soong Ching Ling continued to carry forward new democracy, resolutely supported the revolutionary struggle of the workers and peasants, and at the same time safeguarded the interests of women.

Soong Ching Ling was married to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the eldest sister Song Yiling married Kong Xiangxi, and the third sister Song Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek. In terms of internal and external estrangement, Chiang Kai-shek, as Soong Ching-ling's brother-in-law, is naturally closer. However, at that time, our country was in a deep and fiery situation, and there were internal and external troubles. In the face of the great righteousness of the family and the country, Song Qingling was not swayed by the traditional intimacy. In 1927, at the most critical moment of our revolution, Chiang Kai-shek launched the April 12 coup, and Soong Ching Ling did not hesitate to support the Chinese Communist Party and condemn Chiang Kai-shek's actions.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

Soong Ching Ling actively fought for the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the struggle for the people's democratic rights, and made great contributions. In 1937, at a Kuomintang meeting, she stressed the need to end the civil war and jointly resist Japan. In addition, he also delivered a large number of speeches expressing a firm anti-Japanese stance. In 1938, the League was organized in Hong Kong to publicize the arduous resistance of the Chinese people and the heroic struggle of the Chinese Communist Party.

On August 15, 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended, and our country won a great victory, but at the same time began a revolutionary civil war. From 1945 to 1949 Chinese people fought against Kuomintang rule under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. From 1948 to 1949, the three major battles achieved great success, and the situation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was very good, and the main force of the Kuomintang was eliminated. In April 1949, after the liberation of Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek realized that the general trend had gone, and in the same year he lost Taiwan. The Communist Party of China and the broad masses of the people have achieved great success, and the founding of New China has also been put on the agenda. Who should be invited at the founding ceremony? It is inevitable that various democratic parties and patriotic figures will be recruited to Beijing to discuss state affairs, and Soong Ching Ling has become a key invitee with his tremendous contributions.

Second, the "three conditions" and countermeasures

It is expected that Soong Ching-ling became a key invitee to the founding ceremony, and from the above contents, we can see Comrade Soong Ching-ling's support for the Communist Party of China and his great contribution to the War of Resistance Against Japan, but the process from the decision of the Party Central Committee to invite Comrade Soong Ching-ling to Comrade Soong Ching-ling's agreement to attend the founding ceremony was very tortuous, because Comrade Soong Ching-ling had his own considerations.

In this incident, Premier Zhou and his wife played an important role. The Prime Minister's wife, Deng Yingchao, and Liao Mengxing rushed to Shanghai. Liao Mengxing and Deng Yingchao visited Song Qingling one after another, and after a long history of relations, at first Song Qingling made it clear that he did not rush to Beiping, and under the unremitting efforts of Liao Mengxing, Deng Yingchao, and Premier Zhou, after several months, Comrade Soong Qingling finally relaxed, but still did not immediately agree.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

Why is Song Qingling like this? At that time, Comrade Soong Ching Ling was in a very dangerous situation, Chiang Kai-shek sent people to secretly monitor the plot, Comrade Soong Qingling was "more timid about the hometown feelings" in Peiping, and it was also easy to touch the scenery and hurt the situation; at the same time, because of the particularity of his identity, Comrade Soong Qingling did not dare to make a hasty decision, and what he did would have a major impact on China's future political trend.

However, out of consideration for the overall situation, Song Qingling finally agreed, but she put forward three conditions, namely: First, to advocate frugality and no need to be extravagant and wasteful on any occasion; second, she hoped that she could visit General Zhang Zhizhong after rushing to Beiping, because General Zhang Zhizhong had made great contributions to national unity and socialist construction in the War of Resistance Against Japan; third, she hoped that she could arrive in Peiping in a state of secrecy, and there was no need to arrange personnel reception after arriving. These three conditions are very much in line with Comrade Soong Ching-ling's style of conduct, and were put forward by Soong Ching-ling out of consideration for the current actual situation.

The Party Central Committee readily agreed to the former two, because they were all very reasonable. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, everything should be simplified, and extravagance and waste are not advisable. Visiting the anti-Japanese general is also Song Qingling's gratitude and admiration for the people's resistance to Japan.

However, for the third point, the Party Central Committee deeply felt that it was unreasonable not to send people to greet Comrade Soong Ching Ling, so when he was in a difficult situation, Premier Zhou proposed a solution that had the best of both worlds, that is, to draw up a list of greeters and let Comrade Soong Ching Ling choose by himself. In this way, the wishes of both parties are satisfied, and the two parties reach a consensus. Finally, on August 28, Comrade Soong Ching Ling arrived in Beiping to meet with the leaders of our party, which was a historic moment. Song Qingling rushed to Beiping, and other patriots from all walks of life also arrived in Beiping.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was officially proclaimed, and Song Qingling attended the founding ceremony. Not only that, Song Qingling was also elected vice chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, witnessing the founding of New China with a new attitude. Years of ups and downs have emerged in front of our eyes, and I feel gratified for the country, for the people, for Sun Yat-sen, and for myself.

Comrade Song Qingling's attendance at the founding ceremony is undoubtedly the best proof that she wholeheartedly recognized the Communist Party of China and the new China. At the same time, Comrade Soong Ching Ling's special status, which received her support, brought great convenience to New China to carry out various work at home and abroad in the future, and secondly, it was of great significance to weakening the legitimacy of the Kuomintang regime.

Third, there is still a long way to go

Attending the founding ceremony of New China was not the last act of Comrade Soong Ching Ling on the political stage, and Comrade Soong Ching Ling did not stop because of the success of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the founding of New China. After the founding ceremony, Comrade Soong Ching Ling devoted most of his energy to the cultural education of women and children and did his best. Song Qingling has dedicated his life to the country, the nation and the people, and deserves to be respected and remembered by future generations.

Song Qingling, who was invited to attend the founding ceremony, proposed three conditions, and the great man made such a decision under the embarrassment

In 1981, Comrade Soong Ching Ling died of illness in his Beijing apartment, and the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the National People's Congress erected a monument to her and gave her a very high evaluation: "Soong Ching Ling is a great fighter of patriotism, democracy, internationalism and communism. The great achievements she has made for the country and the people will forever be recorded in the annals of history. ”

Soong Ching Ling su loves white pigeons, one is to remember Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and the other is that white pigeons represent peace. Today's China is also far away from the hustle and bustle and moving toward peace. She also fulfilled her original promise with actions: "I must do my best and encourage others to continue my husband's business." ”

Song Qingling has great feelings and big patterns, such as a thousand rocks, allowing the wind and rain to still stand majestically, writing a generation of legends of "Zheng Zheng singing strong bones, falling and painting spiritual postures".

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