
In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

This year's Qingming Festival is the most meaningful festival in my life, because in this beautiful season, I visited the resting place of dozens of revolutionary martyrs, the most unforgettable of which was to come to a small mountain village called Litian Village Yinpiqiao in Anfu Henglong Town, which shocked me immensely.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Because in a small mountain village with lush grass, green trees, and a very quiet place, two senior cadres of the Red Army from the Red Base Area during the Jinggangshan Struggle were buried side by side, both of whom were high-caliber students graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, one was He Guozhong, commander of the Sixth Column of the Fifth Red Army, and the other was Liu Zhizhi, chief of staff of the Fifth Red Army.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

The cradle of the revolution, the jinggangshan struggle, was the beginning of the founding of the people's army, although the original revolution was based on its dangerous situation and extremely poor conditions, but still gathered a large number of elites of the times, especially many high-quality graduates of the Huangpu Military Academy, most of whom became the military backbone of the Jinggangshan revolutionary contingent.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

What is heartbreaking is that the heavens are jealous of talents, and some of them fell prematurely during the war years, among them, in this battle of Yinpi Bridge in the Jinggangshan period, the souls of the two Huangpu high-ranking students He Guozhong and Liu Zhizhi remained forever on the banks of Yinpi Bridge, forever on the green mountains in a foreign land.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Yinpi Bridge, a small bridge built in the local area called Lushui River, we came here, the grass is verdant, the trees are green, and the paddy fields that have just been turned over to be sown emit a strong aroma of earth unique to spring, which is intoxicating. Along a straight field path, through an open field, wandering in the rhododendron bushes that bloom all over the mountains, in a sunny highland, seeing the tombs of two martyrs, gently coming here to put a bouquet of flowers, standing in front of the tomb can not help but be excited, thoughts.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Looking at the Lushui River flowing in front of the martyr's tomb, several water birds flew over the surface of the water, and occasionally a few birdsonged, and at that time, there were only four piers left in the Yinpi Bridge across the Lushui River, standing alone in the rushing water, and in the distant village, the cooking smoke rose and gently draped on the top of the hill behind the house, and there was silence all around. Qingshan whimpered, and the water roared, as if still telling people about the fierce battle of that year.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

In mid-July 1929, the Fifth and Sixth Columns of the Fifth Red Army were ordered to attack the county seat of Anfu County, and when the army set out from the Yongxin border and took the western road through the Lotus border to pass through Yangxi, it crushed the Zhao Jinqing department of the Anfu Yangxi Jingwei Regiment and removed the obstacles on the way forward.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Subsequently, the Red Fifth Army braved the rain to advance to the Yinpi Bridge in Litian Village, when it encountered 1 engineer battalion of the enemy's 12th Division and the Jingwei Regiment. The enemy preemptively occupied the hill behind the Yinpi Bridge and fired fiercely at the Red Army. He Guozhong led his warriors to seize the high ground and fight back against the enemy. Under the encirclement and attack of the Red Army, the enemy army retreated to the county seat and could not hold it behind closed doors. At this time, it was only then that the enemy in the city was not 1 battalion, but 1 multi-regiment.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

At this time, heavy rain poured down, the moat was suddenly filled with water, which was extremely unfavorable to the Red Army's siege of the city, in order to avoid a hard fight with the enemy, the army leader led the troops to return to camp in Litian overnight, planning to withdraw to Yongxin along the same road the next day.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

In the early morning of the next day, the Fifth and Sixth Columns of the Fifth Red Army braved the rain to march toward Yongxin, but unexpectedly at the head of the Yinpi Bridge they were ambushed on three sides by the enemy's 70th Regiment of the Jin and Han Dingbu, He'anfu and Yongxin Kuomintang troops, and the Jingwei Regiment in Jiangkou and Yantian, and the enemy launched a fierce attack on the Red Army from the front, rear, and flanks, while the Lushui River in the north was now flooding and could not be involved, and the enemy army was overwhelming the sea, and there was a great threat of "black clouds pressing down on the city and destroying the city", and the situation was very critical.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

This battle was fought even more fiercely, and the commanders and fighters of the Red Army fought bravely and severely damaged the enemy before they broke out of the enemy's heavy siege and broke through from the southern valley and Chen Shan to return to Yongxin. Unfortunately, He Guozhong, commander of the Sixth Column, who was only 25 years old, and Liu Zhizhi, chief of staff of the Fifth Red Army, 28, sacrificed their young lives for the cause of national liberation.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

He Guozhong, Zi Shufan, born in 1904, a native of Loudi, Hunan, graduated from Huangpu Phase IV, participated in the Northern Expedition War and the Pingjiang Uprising, and went to Jinggangshan after the Pingjiang Uprising. He successively served as a platoon commander and company commander of the National Revolutionary Army, the chief of education in the school accompanying the battalion, and the commander of the Sixth Column of the Red Army. In the third anti-"hui suppression," he was ordered to hold the Tongmuling outpost on Jinggangshan mountain and repeatedly repelled the enemy's attacks; when he broke through to Gannan, he charged forward to block the enemy; in the Battle of Yudu, he was brave and tenacious, killing more than 300 enemies and surrendering more than 600 guns, achieving the first major victory after the jinggangshan breakthrough, greatly boosting the morale of the Red Army, and was praised by the vast number of generals as "Jinggang Tiger General."

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Liu Zhizhi, Zi Yingxuan, born in 1901, Huangmei, Hubei, graduated from the third phase of the Huangpu Military Academy, and served as a platoon commander and company commander of the third company of the first battalion of the Ye Ting Independent Regiment. After the reorganization of the Independent Regiment, he served as the director of the Hanchuan County Public Security Bureau and the commander of the Third Battalion of the Officers' Teaching Regiment of the Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, he participated in the Nanchang Uprising and the Shonan Uprising. Later, he served as chief of staff of the Seventh Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, commander of the Thirty-fourth Regiment of the Twelfth Division of the Red Fourth Army, chief of staff of the division, chief of staff of the 30th Regiment of the 10th Division, chief of staff of the 29th Regiment, and chief of staff of the Fifth Red Army. During the Jinggangshan Struggle, he also served as a military instructor in the Officers' Teaching Brigade and the Jinggangshan Red Army School.

In the most tragic battle of Jinggangshan, the commander of the Huangpu Graduation Column and the chief of staff of the army were sacrificed and buried in a small mountain village

Standing in front of the tombs of two huangpu graduated early Red Army senior generals He Guozhong and Liu Zhizhi, I felt a thousand emotions, the green mountains were majestic, the water was gushing, and I couldn't help but chant: The boy died in a hundred battles on the battlefield, and the body of the hero Ma Ge was wrapped up. Buried bones why mulberry land, the human world is full of green mountains. Bow deeply again to the two martyrs three times.

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