
A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

In Shaanxi, there is a strange small mountain village, where "earthquakes" often occur at night, and the villagers are miserable. That place is Liangdai Village in Hancheng, Shaanxi. These earthquakes are actually man-made, as we all know, Shaanxi was once the capital of many dynasties, and in the land of Shaanxi, there are many relics of ancient history. This Liangdai village is no exception, and the earthquakes that occur here are actually caused by tomb robbers. When archaeologists came here, they were surprised to find that there were 7 emperors buried underground in Liangdai Village.

A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

The reason why tomb robbers have been using explosives to "bomb" near Liangdai Village is because tomb robbers have not found the ancient tombs here. I don't know how the tomb robbers learned that there are ancient tombs near Liangdai Village, and in order to quickly find the traces of the ancient tombs, they have been using explosives to try to "blow up" these ancient tombs. Regardless of the villagers' feelings, the explosives have greatly affected the rest of the villagers, but the villagers dare not speak out, compared to this group of fierce tomb robbers who are holding explosives in their hands, the villagers do not dare to stop them. Some villagers secretly reported to the experts, and when the experts came, they looked at the land ravaged by the tomb robbers, but still did not find the ancient tomb.

A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

It was not until the arrival of the professional archaeological team that the excavation work began, and a huge group of ancient tombs appeared in front of people's eyes. In these ancient tombs, experts have found a lot of bronze ding, these dings in the Western Zhou Dynasty are symbols of status, the Zhou Dynasty ceremonial system is the Tianzi Jiuding princes seven dings, in this ancient tomb group, there are 7 tombs of the number of bronze ding reached seven ding. This small Liang Dynasty village, buried underground, are the 7 princes of the Zhou Dynasty.

A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

There are this inscription on the bronze ding, the names engraved on the seal are "Rui Gong" and "Rui Prince", according to the experts' speculation, this ancient tomb group is the Tomb Group of the Rui Guojun during the Zhou Dynasty, and only his relatives can be buried with the Duke of Rui. Archaeologists found that this tomb group in Ruiguo, with an area of 30,000 square meters, and the ancient tombs inside, are more than 1,000, and it is no wonder that tomb robbers often appear near Liangdai Village to "bomb".

A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

However, after the investigation of experts, only a small number of tombs in the Rui Guo tomb were invaded by tomb thieves, and most of the remaining tombs were well preserved, and because of this, the experts harvested a lot of historical information from the Zhou Dynasty period, and these cultural relics left behind also gave the experts a lot of surprises. After the arrival of the experts, the tomb robbers did not dare to enter Liangdai Village, and the villagers of Liangdai Village were thus "freed from the bitter sea" and no longer suffered from earthquakes.

A small mountain village in Shaanxi, every night there is an "earthquake", archaeological team: there are 7 emperors buried underground

Rampant tomb robbers have been harassing villagers in order to rob tombs, at the expense of harming the environment, and sometimes villagers go to warn tomb robbers, but they will also be threatened by tomb robbers. After the experts cleaned up these tombs, the cultural relics have been moved back to the museum, and the tomb robbers have no way to rob the tombs anymore, so they have to abandon Liangdai Village. Tomb robbers always have a special way to find the location of the tomb before the arrival of archaeologists, and then destroy the tomb, because of this, many precious historical documents and cultural relics were destroyed in the hands of the tomb robber.

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