
Poet Lin Xue: Chengdu can also own "Li Du" is the unique place of this land

Cover news reporter Li Yuxin

"This is the third time I have participated in the Chengdu International Poetry Week, and I feel that the theme of each poetry week is from the perspective of cultural significance, giving us a kind of thinking about the classics of literary creation, and refreshing the concept every time." It was once again silent in the exploration of some topics. ”

On December 19, the 5th Chengdu International Poetry Week 2021 entered the theme forum session, and the participating poets exchanged views on the two themes of "Li Bai and Du Fu in World Time" and "Poetic Expression of Urban Aesthetics". Among them, Lin Xue, a poet who participated in the poetry week for the third time, started with the concept of "world" and talked about how to integrate literary classics into the promotion and understanding of current cultural creation.

Poet Lin Xue: Chengdu can also own "Li Du" is the unique place of this land

"From the time we were in elementary school, we received the nourishment and welfare of classical Chinese poetry, the masterpieces of Li Bai and Du Fu, and we memorized and familiarized them from childhood. These two poets happened to be in the Tang Dynasty, and their life trajectories overlapped and overlapped, becoming a good story about friendship and temperature in the history of literature. Including their exploration of poetry, they have contributed a different and classic map to our descendants. ”

Lin Xue lamented that the city of Chengdu can have these two literary coordinates at the same time, which is the unique nature of this land. "It is precisely for this reason that the poetry of Li Bai and Du Fu needs to be integrated into the urban culture, so that the concept of the city can become more dynamic." Lin Xue explained that when the classical classics and the avant-garde vitality of modern culture are integrated, it will allow people to maintain a kind of pyrotechnic aesthetic, to hold the nostalgia of poetry in ordinary life, and to let people better understand these two poets.

Therefore, the theme of the forum is "Li Bai and Du Fu in World Time", and Lin Xue also talked about the analysis of the concept of the world, which she believes is not only a physical existence, but also a cultural interpretation. "So I understand that today's definition of the timeline on the large scale of the world is not an arbitrary main word, nor is it a splicing of words, it is a realistic presentation of the pattern, a classic commitment that can be achieved through our efforts. It is also a logical proof of literary imagination in the present, and at the same time, it is a gesture for us to promote Chinese literary classics to the world, that is, to inherit a more confident, more concrete, more conscious and more inclusive cultural concept. ”

Poet Lin Xue: Chengdu can also own "Li Du" is the unique place of this land

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