
Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

During the Republic of China period until the founding of the People's Republic of China, China was a very turbulent and chaotic period. The instability and frequent changes of political power, the dark rule of the Beiyang warlords, and the most serious invasion of Japanese imperialism, it can be said that it was really a period of dark humiliation, cruelty, poverty, internal and external troubles, defeat, land cession and reparations, and the people's livelihood.

The country is in turmoil, people's lives are in deep trouble, and it is not possible to say when their lives will be lost. The suffering experienced by the people of that era was so heavy that we did not want to mention it for a long time, many times, but never forgot. The protagonist of this article, Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, is a character of that period.

The grass is falling, the times are wrong, and the key is still in themselves

At that time, China was already facing internal and external troubles, and the country and people were already overwhelmed. However, after World War I, Japan, with the help of its victorious powers, blatantly proposed to damage the rights and interests of China, which was also a victorious country.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

China was naturally opposed, but due to the backwardness of its strength, China had no right to speak, so Japan successfully took over Qingdao, which was occupied by Germany, which is undoubtedly a great shame today, but at that time, the people's disaster was obviously the most serious. The Japanese forces invaded Qingdao, warlords fought in chaos, and the people were displaced and desperate. In this situation, some peasants, either because of helplessness or evil intentions, fell into the grass and took advantage of the opportunity to loot and burn and loot.

The reason why yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong Province, is mentioned separately, in addition to doing nothing evil, he also luckily became a fish that slipped through the net, and he was not arrested and corrected until after the victory of the War of Resistance, which can be said to be very difficult and cunning. Even few people in his bandit ranks had seen his true face, and his level of caution had reached such a point that he could be said to have a deep heart and left enough room for himself to take a look at this old and vicious Zibo bandit leader.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

Yang Dashan, a mysterious and cautious bandit

Yang Dashan, a bandit, can be described as very cunning, after being entrenched in Zibo for many years, after the Japanese invaded, he immediately saw the opportunity to act and surrendered to the Japanese, and in the many times that the bandits were carried out later, they were never discovered, let alone captured. So how cunning is this man?

The first is to use the method of "scare" to fully test the courage of the little brother. Every time a new person joined his bandit brigade, he would let his men test the man's courage, deliberately saying that the man was a traitor, pretending to join, and frightening the man to see his reaction, if he was afraid, naturally he would not take in this timid breed, beat him, and send him from where he came from. If you pass the scare level. Come more exciting, put a fruit on the person's head, aim and shoot, if the person is still calm after three shots, this first level is good to pass.

Then, it is the killing of people, only the killing of people with human life on their hands, then there is really no way back.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

The last level, the one that looks the easiest and least human, robs women. If a woman comes back, if she is a rich woman, intimidating her family to take a huge amount of money to redeem it is also an entry fee. If a woman from an ordinary family were robbed, she would not really have such a good life, and unfortunately she would be killed by these bandits. It can be said that it is really inhuman. At this point, he was both bold and evil enough, and finally he had the qualifications to enter the bandit den of Yang Dashan.

Cunning rabbit three caves, running bandits

Yang Dashan knew that showing up meant that the more likely it was to be exposed, so the cunning bandit leader chose to hide his face in the cave with his wife and bodyguards.

As for how to recruit soldiers and buy horses, then such a cunning person naturally thought of a thoughtful way, so he entrusted the necessary things for these bandits to consolidate and expand their power by recruiting troops and buying horses, and he was entrusted to his confidants.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

However, hiding in a hole for a long time will also have a great risk of exposure, and his plan has begun to carry out again, that is, to dig enough holes, and he often changes his life, and it is best for no one to know his whereabouts. He made full use of the characteristics of the local mountains and rivers and dense forests, and dug hidden caves everywhere.

What is even more unexpected is that digging caves naturally requires the labor of workers, in order to perfectly hide their whereabouts and the location of the cave, to minimize the chance of their own exposure, Yang Dashan often destroys these workers after the cave is built. It can be said that for their own lives, at all costs, really any means are used. However, innocent workers died innocently and tragically after selling their strength, and really gritted their teeth for them.

Finally, in 1945, China finally won the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and Yang Dashan, who was both a bandit leader and a traitor, naturally had to be crusaded and liquidated.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

At the end of the victory of the War of Resistance, the bandits were encircled and suppressed many times. But each time this cunning "rabbit" got away with it. In the final analysis, it was the back road left for himself, and the little-known caves provided the safest place for his escape. This is also the biggest cleverness of this bandit, always being prepared for trouble, really doing everything to save his life. After liberation, the People's Liberation Army once again organized a large-scale anti-bandit operation.

With the joint efforts of the people and soldiers, there is no doubt and gratifying that most of the bandits have been eliminated, but Yang Dashan still fled and was not captured. After that, he lost his voice. And where he fled to and who he saw is still a mystery. Of course, to this day, although he has not been caught and corrected, he has either been killed and not recognized, or he has finally been in the mountains.

And the reason why we have mentioned this matter so far, the origin of it, is that "bad people will eventually have bad retribution", which has long been set in our hearts, has not been reflected in him. So we are grumble, why did so many bad things, killed so many innocent people, why can't we catch him, why has he not been punished? We are not reconciled.

Why did the bandit Yang Dashan become a fish that slipped through the net in the operation of suppressing bandits? Cunning rabbit three caves, he will dig holes

Write at the end

Luckily escaping and not being caught in the spot to rectify the law, he is considered to be the cunning of his individual himself, and he has become a fish that slipped through the net among many criminals who committed evil and died on death. However, Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, his black history will be forever remembered by future generations, and his insult will not be alleviated in any way. In my opinion, the ten thousand years of stench behind him can also be regarded as the biggest punishment for this bandit.

In today's increasingly perfect arrest system, the escape of the evil is even more difficult, and I believe that this kind of thing will happen less and less.

What about evil and escape? Can it escape the infamy, the cold eyes of the people and the uneasy conscience? There is no doubt that there is no escape. Therefore, at any time, do not take chances, violate the boundaries of evil, and fall into the irreparable abyss.

There is no desire to be satisfied, only an ever-expanding sense of luck. Of course, there is also introspection and goodness day after day. See how you choose, how you accumulate, whether the angel in your heart defeats the demon, or the demon devours the angel.

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