
During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

The bandit leader Yang Dashan, long before the War of Resistance Against Japan, gathered some rabble-rousers, about a hundred people, and occupied the Area of Lijin Mountain, Crouching Tiger Mountain, and Dashan Mountain west of the Zihe River. They control 57 villages, including Bianhe and Wangjiazhai, and brutally endanger the people of the border areas of the four neighboring counties.

In 1938, the Japanese invaded Zhangdian. Yang Dashan led the bandits to defect to the Japanese army, stationed in Zhangdian, known as the "First Army under heaven", self-proclaimed commander, and became the most loyal lackey of the Japanese Kou. With the power of the Japanese, he slaughtered the people and made a windfall.

To say that Yang Dashan's mystery is indeed different from other bandits, one is that he is very cunning, rarely shows his face, except that the Japanese master has something to ask him to come out to meet, he always stays in the old nest; second, his suspicions are very heavy, and even the bandits have to be interrogated and tested one after another; third, his whereabouts are unknown, and no one knows where he has gone.

During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

First, the cunning Yang Dashan Yang bandits built many secret caves in Crouching Tiger Mountain and Lijin Mountain, some on cliffs, some in deep mountains and dense forests, and some in the mountain root Weir Ridge. There are imports and exports, all of which are closed with masonry and stone, and the camouflage is difficult to distinguish. Yang Bandit and his "Four King Kongs" both lived in the secret cave. The little bandits had no idea and couldn't get in.

Out to rob a bunch of his minions, to manage the property are his four Kongo. The weapons and ammunition, gold, silver and treasure, grain and clothing they managed were also hidden in secret caves, each holding a hole, and there was no ventilation for each other, and only Yang Bandit and his guards knew about it. Yang Bandit carried with him a map of the distribution of secret caves (contact map), and he often changed his address according to changes in the situation.

During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

Yang Bandit's secret cave is difficult to find. In order to keep it a secret, after the secret cave was built, the craftsmen who built the cave and the small bandits who supervised the construction of the cave were all killed. The secret cave was designed by Yang Bandit himself, and after he passed the inspection, he held a "celebration banquet", at which he poisoned all the small bandits of the craftsmen and overseers with poisonous wine, and those who did not drink alcohol collapsed with bullets, and even the small bandits who stored guns were not spared, so as not to leak secrets.

Second, the suspicious Yang Dashan Yang Dashan generally adopted the "three passes" test method when recruiting bandits, and the newcomers could only be taken in if they passed the test. The first level is a fake shot. If someone wanted to turn to him, Yang Dashan would personally interrogate him and scare him by calling the other party a spy.

During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

If the newcomer was frightened, his bandits would beat him up, call him a bitch and drive him away. If the visitor was not afraid, the bandits pulled the newcomer out and shot him three times in the head and in the left and right ears. If you are still not intimidated, you will think that he is a good man, has courage, and is considered to be the first level.

If the first level does not scare the newcomer, then the second level Yang Dashan will let this person kill. If this person has a wrongdoer, Yang Dashan will give this person a gun and let him take revenge. Even if there is no wrongdoer, Yang Dashan will ask him to kill people, because as long as he kills people, this person will be dead set on mixing with him.

Not afraid of death, after daring to kill people is not counted, there must be a third level, that is, kidnapping the girl. Yang Dashan asked the visitors to go to a certain village to rob a girl, on the one hand, for the bandits to have fun, on the other hand, to treat the girl as a meat ticket, so that her family members can redeem it with money or silver dollars within the time limit, otherwise the girl will be killed.

During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

These three levels of Yang Dashan are very poisonous, and it is indeed a severe test for the newly recruited bandits. If the person who wanted to join the gang really did this, he would have to work with Yang Bandit to the ground, because after these things were done, there was no way back.

III. The Mysterious End of Yang Dashan In June 1946, under the leadership of our army, the four counties of Yidu, Linzi, Huantai, and Zichuan formally established a joint anti-bandit command and formulated a joint operation plan for suppressing bandits. However, before they could mobilize their troops, the Kuomintang Eighth Army stationed in Changyi and Weixian counties launched a large-scale attack along the Jiaoji Line, and occupied Zhangdian, Zhoucun, and other places for the second time, and the suppression of bandits had to be suspended.

In February 1947, the enemies of Zhangdian and Zhoucun fled to Jinan. The headquarters of the East China Field Army was stationed in Boshan. Yang Bandit returned to Luohe District. Since the beginning of April, the four-county joint anti-bandit command has been stationed in Nanqiu Town, and more than 500 troops from the four counties have been gathered to cooperate with the local land reform campaign and carry out long-term bandit suppression activities.

During the Republic of China period, why was Yang Dashan, a bandit in Zibo, Shandong, mysterious?

With the assistance of the masses of the people, it lasted 50 days to repeatedly clear and suppress ravines, caves and 57 villages in the Lijin Mountain, Wohu Mountain and Dashan areas, and achieved major victories. More than 60 people, including Tang Yinglin (one of the four great Kongs of the Yang Bandits) and Captain Ma Hongshan, were captured, and 28 long and short guns, 1 machine gun, and some grenades, bullets, and looted property were captured.

After Yang Bandit escaped, he defected to the Kuomintang's military command secret service agency and became a bandit agent. Later, with the liberation and not knowing where to go, Yang Dashan was finally able to abscond, and the scourge of a generation did not get the fa in the end.

(Image from the Internet)

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