
The Japanese army retreated, a Korean laborer and seven Japanese women were left on a desert island, and eight years later they became a big family!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

In December 1941, Japan launched Pearl Harbor, and the Pacific War broke out. Taking advantage of the heavy damage of the US Pacific Fleet, the Japanese army quickly occupied many islands in the Pacific Ocean and established the so-called "absolute defense circle of the homeland", hoping to hinder the increasingly fierce offensive of the US military through these "unsinkable aircraft carriers". However, American Admiral MacArthur creatively developed the "island-hopping tactic". The U.S. military used its air and sea superiority to cut off supply lines for many of Japan's islands. Then bypass these islands and capture the more strategic islands. The islands that are bypassed have also lost their defensive value and have to fend for themselves. Among them, the Truk Islands are the Japanese fortress groups that were tragically "jumped on the island" by the US army.

The Japanese army retreated, a Korean laborer and seven Japanese women were left on a desert island, and eight years later they became a big family!

On an unnamed island in the Truk Islands, more than 600 Japanese troops, more than 400 Korean husbands and more than 30 Japanese comfort women were stationed. Originally, the Japanese had established strong fortifications on the island, ready to deal a hard blow to the American army. However, the tactics of the US army made the Japanese efforts futile over the years, and the Japanese army on the island could only wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Since the island was no longer defendable, the Japanese command ventured to send a destroyer to bypass the American patrol ships, sneak into the island in the moonlight, and take most of the island personnel out. Due to the haste and the rescue time was very short, although most of the people on the island were picked up by destroyers, a North Korean laborer named Kim Yoo-gi and seven Japanese comfort women were pulled down. Kim Yoo-gil was originally a worker on the island, and the seven women did not have time to evacuate.

With Japanese rescuers gone and U.S. forces not interested in capturing the islands, Kim and seven Japanese comfort women became the world's forgotten people. Unless a miracle occurs, Kim Yoo-gi and the others will not be rescued at all. As a result, Kim Yu-gi can only start a modern version of "Robinson Crusoe" with seven Japanese women.

The Japanese army retreated, a Korean laborer and seven Japanese women were left on a desert island, and eight years later they became a big family!

When the Japanese withdrew, most of the food on the island had been eaten and transported, and the rations of Kim Youji and eight other people were in a hurry. In the days that followed, Kim and the women hid in abandoned bunkers, eating rice full of sand. After determining that no one had come to save him, Kim Woo-gi, the only man on the island, was forced to take up the burden and support himself and the seven women.

Fortunately, the island is in the tropics and there is a lot of food in the jungle. In the middle of the island, there is also a small lake formed by rain, which has a lot of fish. As a result, Kim Yoo-gi and the women divided their work. Kim Iso-gi is responsible for fishing in the lake, using one of the rifles left behind to catch prey. The women are responsible for finding fruit and wild cassava in the jungle. Although the island is not large, it is relatively rich in resources, and it is still no problem to feed eight people. Therefore, a man and seven women are hungry for one meal, and one meal is full of mixed days. Good luck, can eat fish soup, bad luck can only nibble on the bark.

The Japanese army retreated, a Korean laborer and seven Japanese women were left on a desert island, and eight years later they became a big family!

However, their luck was better, and the Japanese army left some rice on the island, and Kim Yukichi carefully collected them. Kim Tomoyoshi did his best to open up a small paddy field and sprinkle rice seeds in the field. After a while, the rice sprouted. Due to the mild climate, the rice grows rapidly, and after a few months, it is a bumper harvest.

With food savings, Kim Yoo-gi and others don't have to be afraid to starve to death. The so-called "full of warmth and lust", As the pillar of the island, Kim You-gi became the true king of the women, and the comfort women all became his concubines. Even in the most critical moments, the human reproductive instinct still comes into play.

Exactly eight years have passed, and the Pacific War is long over. Kim Yoo-gi and seven women survived, giving birth to nearly 20 children in total. Kim Yoo-gil and some women are responsible for farming and fishing, and the remaining women are responsible for watching the children, and the island has become the domain of a big family.

The Japanese army retreated, a Korean laborer and seven Japanese women were left on a desert island, and eight years later they became a big family!

However, the U.S. military seemed to remember the island again, sent a patrol ship to the island, and was surprised to find the big family. Kim Was surprised to see the U.S. troops, but then offered him weapons and surrendered to them. Kim Wasu-gi was sent to South Korea by the U.S. military, and seven women took their children to Japan.

In order to meet his "wife" and children, Kim Yukichi tried his best to go to Japan to work. After inquiring, 5 women have remarried with their children. As a result, Kim You-gi lives with two "wives" who have not remarried. Although Japan does not recognize polygamy, it also acquiesced to Kim's behavior. In 1979, Kim Tomoyoshi died, and the ashes were divided into three parts, one sent to the motherland, one remained in Japan, and the other remained on the nameless island where he lived for eight years.

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