
Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

author:Flying brother tells stories

Yang Yuhuan is one of the "Four Beauties" of China, born in 719. As a noble concubine of the Tang Dynasty and a former crown princess, Yang Yuhuan's life is undoubtedly full of controversy. But her appearance and her love for Li Longji attracted the attention of people at that time and in modern times. In the end, she was forced to die by The Tang Xuanzong's generals, and many people sympathized with her story, and even the Confucians at that time could not help but sing her praises:

Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

"The heavens swirled back to the dragon's harness, and I hesitated to go here."
In the mud under the slope of Ma Song, there was no place for Yuyan to die.
The monarchs and courtiers took care of each other and looked east to the capital to believe in the return of horses.
The return pool garden is still the same, too liquid hibiscus is not Yang Yang Willow. ”

It is also the singing of the literati rioters that makes the role of Yang Yuhuan stay in the memory of Chinese for a long time. As a "red face disaster water", she was not nailed to the column of shame of history by scholars and doctors like MeiXi, Dai Ji, and Praise, but won the reputation of one of China's four great beauties, which is enough to see her extraordinary. In fact, she and Li Longji can really be described as a pair of "wrongdoers", which is a natural tragedy.

When she was the crown princess, Tang Xuanzong wanted to snatch her up, which she could not refuse: although the emperor violated the etiquette system, the etiquette system was formulated by the emperor; and later after she was favored, she could have asked her brother Yang Guozhong to seek less selfish interests and pay more attention to the state affairs of the Tang Dynasty, which she could do, but she did not do it. However, no matter what Yang Yuhuan is, why is it related to the Japanese?

Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, she fled to Japan, where a Japanese actress claimed to be a descendant of Yang Yuhuan. The Japanese actress, Momoe Yamaguchi, has always been popular in Japan. In the recording of a program, she said that she was a descendant of Yang Guifei, and in 1989, she came to China specifically to "search for roots and ask for ancestors" in the Yang clan genealogy of Hangzhou, and actually found that her ancestor Yang Mingzhou was in opposition to the Yang family in a local village.

At least this proves that she did immigrate to Japan from the Yang clan of China. However, whether she is a descendant of Yang Yuhuan or not is actually worth examining. Because Yang Yuhuan's place of origin in history is Shaanxi, and the "ancestor" found by Yamaguchi Baihui is in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, how to connect during this period, I am afraid that she needs to "work harder", in fact, she is more likely to speculate on this matter.

Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

Japan is a very contradictory nation, on the one hand, it tried its best to slander China, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, some Japanese scientists even declared that Chinese were "earthworms" and made so-called arguments; on the other hand, it did everything in its power to take Chinese things to its own homes. This includes all kinds of cultural relics, including all kinds of ancient books, including traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese characters, food, Confucianism, and even Yang Yuhuan, one of the four beauties of China, who also wants to "recognize relatives".

However, her title of "descendant of Yang Yuhuan" is actually very problematic in itself. Because Yang Yuhuan has actually been the wife of the Li Tang Dynasty, no matter when, she is the "Li family's daughter-in-law Li family", which is a custom of the Chinese, and it is also recognized by the emperors of the Later Tang Dynasty. Therefore, if Yamaguchi Baihui is a descendant of Yang Yuhuan before the change of Ma Song, then she looks for her roots and asks zu whether to find the surname of Li instead of the surname of Yang. Tang Xuanzong later buried her as a member of the royal family, and this identity is very certain:

"The Emperor returned himself to Shu, ordered the envoys to pay tribute, and ordered them to be buried. Li Yu, a waiter in the ceremonial department, said: "The Dragon Martial General jie Guozhong, with his negative national chaos." Today, the old concubine is buried, and I am afraid that the soldiers will be suspicious, and the funeral will not be feasible. "It's over. The Emperor secretly ordered the envoy to be buried in his place. ”
Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

And if Yamaguchi Baihui is a descendant of Yang Yuhuan left behind by Ma Wei's death, then she should not go to yang's family tree to "find her roots and ask for her ancestors". Because there was no custom for a woman to have a child and her mother's surname in the Tang Dynasty of China, her descendants may have the surname Wang, Li, and Zhang, but there is only a small probability that the surname is Yang. Suppose, let's take ten thousand steps back, assume that Yamaguchi Baihui is a descendant of Yang Yuhuan and the Japanese (this probability is almost 0, the Tang Dynasty concubines would rather crash to death than marry the Japanese, people have their own dignity).

Then, she still shouldn't come to the Yang family to find her roots and ask her ancestors, because at this time she should go to the Japanese family tree to find them, or check Yang Yuhuan's ancestors. And Yang Yuhuan's ancestors can really be found out - because she and the Sui Emperor are actually relatives, so her ancestor is Yang Zhen (the one who knows what you know and I know), and it goes all the way down, or it can't be traced back to a person named Yang Mingzhou.

Yang Guifei did not die in Ma Songpo? Instead, Higashido fled to Japan, Yamaguchi Momoe: I am her descendant

Therefore, Yamaguchi Baihui is at most a descendant of a branch of the Chinese Yang surname, but it is 108,000 miles away from Yang Yuhuan. However, the Japanese always like to put ancient Chinese things on their faces, and of course we can't turn away people who take the initiative to come to us to "find our roots and ask for ancestors". Therefore, this matter is an interesting gimmick, Yamaguchi Baihui is on fire, and Yang Yuhuan is regarded as an ancestor by others.

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