
The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

Sesame glutinous rice balls are our hemp balls, generally fried, the taste is crispy and sticky, very delicious, with vegetable juice coloring, so that sesame glutinous rice balls look more vivid ~ ~

By Cipatia 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Glutinous rice flour 300 g

Powdered sugar 60 g

Amaranth juice 105g

Carrot juice 105g

Cooked white sesame seeds to taste

Vegetable oil to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

1, amaranth washed with an appropriate amount of water to beat into juice, carrots are the same, vegetable juice should be filtered Ha

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

2, take 150g glutinous rice flour and 30g of powdered sugar mixed into the bowl, and then microwave the carrot juice for about 20 seconds, pour into the powder (carrot juice can be adjusted according to different glutinous rice flour between 100 and 110g, to be able to knead into a smooth dough prevails)

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

3: Stir with chopsticks to form cotton wool

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

4: Knead the dough by hand and cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and set aside

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

5: Knead the dough with amaranth juice again

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

6: Divide the two dough into 10 parts and roll them into rounds

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

7: Roll each small ball in a circle of sesame seeds

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

8: Dumplings wrapped in sesame seeds

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

9: Pour oil into the pot, heat over low heat, heat the oil slightly, and then germinate

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

10. As the oil temperature gradually rises, the bubbles increase

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

11, slowly the ball will float up

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

12. Continue to fry while flipping

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

13, the whole process of about a quarter of an hour, fried until half of the ball is floating on the oil surface can be fished up

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

14, the frying time depends on the size of the ball, the small time can be shortened, and vice versa, it is extended

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

15, fried should not eat more, but occasionally eat no problem haha (o ^^o)

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

16, fried with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil ~ ~ ~

The most popular home-cooked dish on the table is the colorful sesame sticky rice balls

17, hot eat cold eat are delicious ~

<h2>Nutritional benefits of glutinous rice flour</h2>

Glutinous rice taste sweet, warm, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridians; has the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, anti-sweating effect, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, poor appetite, bloating and diarrhea have a certain alleviating effect; glutinous rice has an astringent effect, frequent urination, night sweats have a better therapeutic effect.

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