
Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

Autumn is the season of health and nourishment, and it is also the season to eat yam. Yam has high nutritional value and is a medicinal and food dual-purpose ingredient that is of great benefit to the body. Yam can be used to make soups, stir-fry, steam, etc., which are all good ways to eat, and even can be used to make small desserts. This glutinous rice fin made with yam does not look much different from ordinary glutinous rice fin at first glance, but the method and taste are not the same. It's as simple as steaming the yam into a puree, kneading glutinous rice flour into a ball, dividing it into small pots to wrap the filling, steaming it in a pot, and then rolling it on the coconut. The yam glutinous rice is round, white and fat, and sprinkled with a seductive coconut fragrance. A bite down, sweet and soft glutinous, delicious to lick the hands, do not have to worry about gaining weight, autumn to a plate in the right place. It should be noted that the iron stick yam is used to make this small snack, because it has less moisture and is more delicate and soft to eat. Then when handling yam, be sure to wear gloves to prevent allergies! The filling can also be mixed with personal preferences, such as cream filling, purple potato filling, etc...

By Angel Gourmet Kitchen


Yam 250g

Glutinous rice flour 100g

Sugar 25g

Red bean paste filling 200g

Minced coconut to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

1: Wash the yam, peel it, cut into sections and steam it in a steamer

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

2: Add sugar while hot and mash

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

3: Add glutinous rice flour and knead into balls

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

4: Divide into 35g/small dose and roll out into round dough pieces

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

5: Divide the red bean paste into 20g/piece

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

6. Wrap the filling

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

7. Roll round

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

8: Steam for 15 minutes

Sticky, round and rolling! Soft sticky sweet glutinous rice balls, no roasting

9: Wrap in coconut

<h2>Nutritional benefits of yam</h2>

Yam, sweet taste, flat sex; return to the lungs, spleen, kidney meridians. Spleen tonic; lungs; kidney consolidation; lean. Main spleen deficiency and diarrhea; less food and puffiness; lung deficiency cough and wheezing; thirst quenching; sperm retention; belt down; kidney deficiency frequent urination; external treatment of carbuncles; fistula.

1. Healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion

It is conducive to the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, and is a medicinal and food dual-use product that blindly replenishes the spleen and stomach. Regardless of spleen and yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, it can be eaten. Clinically, it is often used with gastrointestinal drinking to treat spleen and stomach weakness, lack of food and fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.

2. Nourish the kidneys and improve the lean

Strengthen the body, nourish the kidneys and improve the sperm. All kidney loss and sperm loss, women with vaginal discharge, frequent urination and other symptoms can be taken.

3. Lower blood sugar

It has the effect of lowering blood sugar. It can be used to treat diabetes and is a good food therapy for diabetics.

4. Prolong life

Effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Obtain the effect of rejuvenating the spirit and prolonging life.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to yam</h2>

Saponin contained in the skin of yam or plant alkali contained in mucus, a small number of people contact will cause yam allergy and itching, should avoid direct contact when handling yam.

Do not eat yams raw, because raw yams have a certain toxin.

Yams should also not be taken with alkaline drugs.

Avoid the same use.

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