
Simple water frying buns, bun preparation

author:Twenty forks

To fry the buns, you can also steam the buns directly

And noodles:

1, flour, baking powder, yeast ratio: 100 to 2 to 1;

2. The yeast is warm and hydrated;

3. Pour the yeast into the mixed flour and baking powder;

4: Pour warm water in parts, stir until large dough slices, knead the dough vigorously with both hands (at least 15 to 30 minutes, until the dough is cut with a knife, the surface is smooth and there is no pores)

5, fermentation, covered with a cloth; if you feel that the fermentation at room temperature is slow, you can put the container of noodles in warm water that is burned to about 50 degrees, which can accelerate fermentation.


Meat: fat 6 lean 4, pork belly is the best;

Mince the garlic;

Chopped ginger;

Salt, chicken essence, pepper, sugar, soy sauce, oil, a little water, one egg, mix in one direction to beat up; (no strict proportions, seasoning can be added in small quantities many times, adjust according to personal taste)


The pan is waterproof, sprinkle with a little flour, the water is not half of the bun, burn until the water evaporates in half, turn the noodles with the tip of the spatula, continue to cook, when the water is drying quickly, pour oil, medium heat and slow fry, until the bun shells.

Simple water frying buns, bun preparation
Simple water frying buns, bun preparation
Simple water frying buns, bun preparation

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