
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

author:Dog Food Diary


A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long. Eating some stomach-warming food for breakfast is very good for the body, this time I shared 6 recipes, friends who like it can collect it and try it!

Boiled poached eggs, seaweed, shrimp skin

Ingredients: 3 poached eggs, appropriate amount of seaweed, shrimp skin, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, chicken essence.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

A smorgasbord of fragrant soup

Ingredients: tomato, boiling water, enoki mushrooms, tofu, ham, fungus, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, white vinegar, pepper, salt, egg mixture.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

Smooth tofu brain

Ingredients: shredded fungus, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, water starch, a box of fat tofu, leek paste, chili oil, chopped green onion, coriander.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

Pumpkin yam millet porridge

Ingredients: pumpkin, yam, millet, wolfberry, red dates.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

Porridge with preserved eggs and lean pork

Ingredients: preserved egg, shredded lean pork, rice, ginger, lettuce, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, starch, salt, pepper, sesame oil.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long

Hot rice cake soup

Ingredients: shredded lean pork, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, oyster sauce, corn starch, pepper, oil, cabbage stalks, rice cake slices, cabbage leaves, salt, chicken essence, chopped green onion.

A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long
A bowl in the morning is better than steamed bun fritters, delicious and nutritious, refreshing all day long


1. You don't need to add too much seasoning, just a little lighter, and the body is relaxed when eating.

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