
Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

The military command was a special intelligence organ established by Chiang Kai-shek, and in addition to its role in the early stages against the Japanese side, in its later period it was a sinister knife used by Chiang Kai-shek to kill the Communists. It is inconceivable that the people who came out of such an institution were not liquidated after liberation, and they were personally received by the vice chairman of our Party at that time. What is the reason for this? What did he do to receive such preferential treatment?

Draw up a list of assassinations

Yan Jinwen, a native of Fuling, Sichuan, was a gang member of the Shanghai Beach in his early years, and was favored by Yang Hu, the leader of the gang at that time, and was promoted all the way from a member of the Xingzhong Association to the Kuomintang Shanghai Garrison Commandery Inspection Office, serving as the deputy of the Third Guard Brigade. The main task of the inspection office is precisely to arrest communists and patriots.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

Vice Chairman Zhang Lan Shuxiang was born, served as an official of the Qing Dynasty, followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his uprising, and turned yuan against Chiang Kai-shek, and can be said to be a staunch party-loving and patriotic personage who has come all the way from the old era. In this way, it seems that the two people, whether from the perspective of birth or experience, should be two unrelated talents, but why did they intersect? This also began with a telegram sent by Premier Zhou to the Party Central Committee in May 1949.

In April 1949, due to the Kuomintang side's refusal to sign the peace agreement, the lions of the People's Liberation Army could only forcibly cross the Yangtze River to liberate Nanjing. After the Nanjing government was occupied, Chiang Kai-shek went around from Xikou to Shanghai to prepare for a trip to Taiwan, and privately summoned Mao Renfeng and Nie Chun to formulate an assassination plan, which clearly included Zhang Lan's surname.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

Yang Mansion thrilling rescue

Yang Hu was once the commander of the Shanghai Garrison and a gangster, and he had his connections in both black and white in Shanghai, and although he has now become a close friend of the Communist Party, he has also participated in the killing and arrest of Communists, and it is the least suspicious of the Kuomintang to let him save people.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

After Yang Hu learned of Premier Zhou's instructions to help rescue Zhang Lan and others, he immediately said that he would do it, and actively elected Zhou Lixing, the son-in-law of the then deputy commander of the Shanghai Garrison Command, to work with Yan Jinwen of the inspection office. They deduced that the hijacking must have been taken from the inspection office, so before receiving the assassination order to be carried out immediately, Yan Jinwen replaced the killers who had been ambushed in the Hongqiao Sanatorium with his subordinates. Just waiting for the order, he took the opportunity to transfer these revolutionaries.

On the morning of May 24, 1949, he received an order to order Yan Jinwen to send Zhang Lan and others to the 16 shop wharf, and at 10 o'clock from the No. 102 motorboat to sink the body of the Huangpu River.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

At 9 o'clock that night, Yan Jinwen and the Security Command rushed to the Hongqiao Sanatorium, picked up Zhang Lan and others and stuffed them into the jeep. Several people secretly ordered lies and deceptions all the way to be able to successfully pass through the layers of checkpoints, and in the middle of the way, they were detected by Mawson, who had been waiting for a long time, and had to abandon the car and run wildly. Fortunately, the people were still smoothly sent to the agreed Yang Mansion and to the Communists waiting there.

The rescue process of this night is really not thrilling or exciting, which also reflects Yan Jinwen's firm patriotism and love for the party.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

Good deeds are rewarded

If this rescue had not been joined by Yan Jinwen, it is difficult to say what the final result would have been, and it can be said that the reason why Zhang Lan and others were able to get out of trouble was inseparable from Yan Jinwen's help, and Yan Jinwen can be said to be the savior of several people. Therefore, since then, Zhang Lan, vice chairman of the People's Government of Zhang Lan, the "sage of northern Sichuan", has personally entertained and never faked others every time Yan Jinwen went to Beijing.

Yan Jinwen also won the recognition of the Communists by virtue of this rescue operation, and after liberation, he was directly stationed in Beijing as the head of the China Rubber Factory in North China, and was later invited to serve as a member of the Xuanwu District Co-governance Committee.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?

Although he experienced political persecution afterwards, when implementing the policy, Chairman Deng Yingchao directly instructed: Rescue Zhang Lan, Mr. Yan Jinwen is a person who has contributed to the country and the people, and all those who have done good things to the country and the people should not be forgotten and treated badly, and then Yan Jinwen was judged to be a divorce.

In his later years, Yan Jinwen was given the rank of a party member cadre and enjoyed the treatment of retired cadres according to the time spent rescuing Zhang Lan and other revolutionaries. A rescue not only gave Zhang Lan and Yan Jinwen a life-and-death relationship, but also brought the two gentlemen a stable second half of their lives.

Yan Jinmingming is an agent of the military command, so why does the vice chairman personally entertain him every time he goes to Beijing?


In the past, Mencius put forward the "theory of the inherent goodness of human nature" and Xunzi put forward the "theory of the inherent evil of human nature", and these two debates continue to this day after a thousand years. I think that man is inherently a complex body and cannot be summed up in terms of "good" or "evil." We must allow good people to make mistakes and bad people to become better, so that there will be more people like Yan Jinwen in society, and the social environment will become better and better.

As an African economist put it: "The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now." In the same way, the best time to be a good person is in the past, and then now.

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