
How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

Hu Bingyan's "White Tiger (Silver)": "A lifetime of struggle is only for money, and wealth is full of temperament." Moderate peace of mind do not go too far, the white tiger can overturn the big ship. ”

The power of money is enormous, it can be our driving force forward, it can also become the source of people's depravity, how to look at money, is very important. An upright person can also keep his heart in the face of money and will not lose his heart in the world of fame and fortune; while some people will be addicted to it when they see money, they will be addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves, and eventually go to the road of no return. It can be seen that money is a double-edged sword, which can bring glory and wealth to a person, but also make a person degenerate.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

No matter what age group, what kind of status people will need money. "It is difficult to walk without money", in dealing with people, no matter what you do, you need to use money. Money is good, but not everyone will do whatever it takes to get it. Stalin was not greedy when faced with great wealth, and after his death, people wondered how much legacy Stalin left behind, and as a result, when the Soviet Union was liquidated, they fell into silence and deep guilt.

Stalin led the Soviet Union to prosperity and strength, but it was also controversial

Some people once judged Stalin as the most outstanding mediocre in the bureaucracy, and the ruling clique led by Stalin was very decisive, even ruthless. Others argue that Stalin was short-sighted and that he was not a strategist. Therefore, many people believe that Stalin did nothing all his life and did not have much talent. But it is undeniable that Stalin led the Soviet Union on the path of a superpower.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

When Stalin first came to power, the Soviet Union was still a very poor country, and at that time there were various crises in the country, and the Soviet Union was facing a period of crisis and survival. After Stalin came to power, he used his iron-fisted policy to lead the Soviet Union all the way to great strength, so it eventually became a superpower standing on top of the world.

During World War II, the Soviet Union had an army and an industrial system. Germany's strength at that time was also not bad, and because of the Nazis were criticized by the world, but in World War II, the Soviet Union was able to withstand the fierce attack of Germany, so the victory in the Second World War also had a lot of credit from the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union helped our country drive away Japan, and it was also our benefactor. After World War II, the Soviet Union's strength grew all the way and was able to match the United States, when there was a situation of "US-Soviet hegemony", and the two major camps in the world were: the American camp led by Western Europe and the Soviet camp led by Eastern Europe.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

It is undeniable that due to different angles and different interests, contradictions and disputes between the two camps often arise, but Stalin has always responded with his own iron fist policy. When facing Roosevelt, Churchill and other leaders, Stalin's attitude was as tough as ever, and he did not take into account the dissatisfaction of the other side, which showed that Stalin defended the national interests of the Soviet Union with a hard attitude.

After Stalin's death, he was criticized by many

Although Stalin defended the national interests of the Soviet Union all his life, he did not expect that after his death, he was criticized by many people. Because stalin was politically tough during his lifetime, he angered a large number of people at that time. When Stalin was alive, these people did not dare to criticize his actions directly, but privately they were very dissatisfied with Stalin, so as soon as Stalin died, these people began to show their true colors and called on the whole people to criticize Stalin.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

Among the many critics of Stalin, Khrushchev's criticism was the most fierce, and it was even more slanderous that Stalin left hundreds of billions of assets after his death, and left all these assets to his children. Thus the masses, who did not know the truth, were hoodwinked and collectively demanded a thorough investigation of Stalin's property. Subsequently, Nezov, the former head of the Moscow Special Liquidation Group, began to lead the liquidators to conduct an inventory of Stalin's property.

The result of the liquidation: Stalin did not take a penny of the state for nothing

Although this property liquidation campaign was very loud, it turned out that Stalin did not leave hundreds of billions of assets, and if what Khrushchev said was false, it was very likely that he would be shot at that time, so everyone was silent. At the same time, after the results of the inspection were announced, it was found that Stalin's personal savings were only "5 pipes, 4 cigarette cases, a notebook, two white tops, four military coats, and 10 pairs of trousers and 5 hats." "These are just ordinary daily necessities, and they have not reached the hundreds of billions of assets that some people have said before." It can be seen that all this is just a rumor made up by people with ulterior motives, and the result of this liquidation has also made people fall into silence and guilt!

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

At the same time, it was discovered that Stalin, despite being very politically tough, was a man of integrity. When he had the opportunity to embezzle, he did not have greed, let alone take a penny from the state in vain. At the time of the war in the Soviet Union, although he received some ill-gotten gains, he also handed them all in, and at the same time, when Stalin was in the most difficult time, his wife was sick in bed, and most people would secretly leave some money at this time, but Stalin never kept these properties privately, and these good qualities have always followed Stalin.

Although Stalin later gained power, he always maintained a clean and honest character and never embezzled any ill-gotten gains. It can be seen from this that Stalin's life was very clean, but it was only because of his political tactics during his lifetime that he angered some people, and then violated the interests of some people, that he would be seized by people with ulterior motives and spread rumors and stir up trouble.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

In fact, there are many opinions about Stalin's life: some people think that Stalin had a serious personal autocratic attitude, was very tough in politics, and did not leave anyone with affection, so he was subjected to enemies on all sides, and suffered a lot of criticism, but no one was perfect, although Stalin had some flaws, but this did not mean that he would be corrupt and live an arrogant and lavish life. Any person will have good and bad, "man is not a saint, who can be blameless", although a person may have some shortcomings, but it can not completely negate this person. At the same time, as the leader of a country, Stalin's honesty and honesty were more for the officials to learn.

When facing money, we should maintain a rational attitude

When he was in desperate need of money and had a large amount of wealth in front of him, few people could not waver, but Stalin was not greedy, he always adhered to his original intention, and never suffered losses in the interests of the country because of personal circumstances. A gentleman loves money and has a way of getting it. We all like money, and it is difficult to walk without money, but an upright person can decisively give it up when faced with money. When facing money, we should maintain a rational attitude.

How much property did Stalin leave behind after his death? After the liquidation of the Soviet Union, it fell into silence and guilt

After Stalin's death, many people will make a fuss about Stalin's property and question how much wealth he will leave behind after his death. However, after the liquidation of the Soviet Union, everyone fell into a collective silence and guilt, which indirectly proved Stalin's attitude toward money. Stalin had always loved the Soviet Union and was willing to dedicate most of his time to the country. The path of the Soviet Union to prosperity and strength is the manifestation of Stalin's competence.


"White Tiger (Silver)"

"Augmenting the Sages"

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