
What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

With the acceleration of the pace of modern life and the increase of work pressure, many people stay up late, smoke, drink, lack of exercise, etc., these bad living habits have gradually become the norm for some people, and these are just the risk factors for inducing high blood lipids.

The most direct embodiment of the improvement of living standards is the change in diet structure, and the long-term high-fat, high-cholesterol diet has made the incidence of high blood lipids rise sharply. In addition, some young people also like to eat takeaway, fried, barbecue, dessert and other high-fat, high-sugar, high-calorie foods, which in turn leads to hyperlipidemia in young people are becoming more and more common.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

So what's high in blood lipids?

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the so-called high blood lipids are caused by sputum wet stasis and blood stagnation in the middle focus, and the gas machine is not smooth, so it is easy to fatigue, dizziness and other diseases.

Its essence also lies in positive deficiency, especially spleen deficiency, water does not melt, wet turbidity accumulates, and it is blocked in the vasculature and is hyperlipidemia.

Therefore, its treatment should be slow to cure the root cause, or sputum, or stasis, or wet, or turbidity.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

From the perspective of Western medicine, hyperlipidemia is mainly due to the following reasons:

1. Primary hyperlipidemia. That is, hyperlipidemia occurs without any other disease, usually due to genetic factors.

2. Secondary hyperlipidemia. That is, hyperlipidemia caused by various reasons, such as: diabetes, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, kidney transplantation, biliary obstruction, etc.

3. Hyperlipidemia caused by poor eating habits. Such as binge eating, alcoholism, partial eating, irregular diet, etc.

4. Hyperlipidemia caused by long-term use of a certain drug. Such as contraceptives, hormone drugs, etc.

5. Hyperlipidemia caused by mental factors. That is, due to long-term mental stress, endocrine metabolic disorders, such as hyperlipidemia formed over time.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

So how to treat high blood lipids?

The first thing that many people think of is to eat less meat and less oil!

Simply think that high blood lipids are high in the blood fat content, as long as the intake of fat is reduced, daily vegetarian food can quickly regulate the blood lipid problem.

But at the end of eating, many people also found that if you insist on eating vegetarian, people do not necessarily become thin, and blood lipids are still very high.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

So how to eat it?

There is nothing that patients with hyperlipidemia cannot eat. It's just that some foods should not be eaten more, and some foods can be eaten in moderation. Attention should be paid to adhering to the following principles:

(1) Choose a staple food.

You can choose foods with high value protein and high quality, and the plant sterols contained are also relatively high-quality, and also have the effect of lowering lipids, such as rice, wheat and corn. Half of the coarse grain, you can also add some beans. Make sure you get the necessary energy intake without too much and be full.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

(2) Choice of beans:

Tofu, mung beans and other soy products contain high-quality plant protein, and also have the effect of lowering blood lipids and protecting the heart. Daily moderate consumption can not only reduce cholesterol, but also effectively glycerol triglycerides and the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

(3) Egg, milk and meat selection:

Appropriate selection of eggs, milk, meat, choose cholesterol and lipids relatively low content of food, as well as to choose the first choice of cholesterol-lowering food priority. For example: fat pork, fat duck, fat sheep, etc., those who reduce food, or do not eat.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

(3) Eat fruits appropriately.

Some fruits have an extraordinary effect on reducing and preventing high blood lipids, such as hawthorn, apples, bananas, grapes and so on.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

(4) Red meat should be touched less, but white meat can often be eaten.

In cooking, it is best to use vegetable oil, such as tea oil, corn oil, soybean oil, etc., the best cooking method is to use boiling, steaming, stewing, for seasoning as far as possible to be lighter, the taste can not be too heavy, try to use less salt diet.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

Several lipid-lowering teas are recommended.

◇ Hawthorn 15 g, lotus leaf 12 g, roses, decoction water instead of tea.

◇ 15 grams of jiao hawthorn, 8 grams of lotus leaf, 15 grams of raw astragalus, 2 slices of ginger, 3 grams of raw licorice. Decoct each of the above flavors with the soup, drink as a substitute for tea, or 3 times a day.

◇Hawthorn, cassia seeds, honeysuckle, chrysanthemums 25 grams each, put in a teacup, rinse into boiling water, cover and bake for a while to drink. Drink frequently or 3 times a day.

What is high blood lipids? How to deal with it

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