
Euler Good Cat pays for the core change scandal: compensate the owner of the car 10,000 yuan in cash

Euler Good Cat pays for the core change scandal: compensate the owner of the car 10,000 yuan in cash

After the "core change" scandal encountered the collective rights protection of car owners and was exposed by CCTV, Euler Good Cat rushed to come up with a new version of the compensation plan before the end of 2021.

On December 30, a "good cat" owner said that he had received a notice from the 4S store that Euler Automobile had converted the "provision of 10,000 charging royalties" proposed in the previous plan into compensation cash. Other compensation rights previously proposed by the "good cat" side will still be retained, and these compensation rights and interests also include: the first owner's lifetime warranty of the whole vehicle, free OTA upgrade of the CarPlay system and Huawei's HiCar function, extension of free entertainment traffic service for 2 years, and Bluetooth version 4.2 upgraded to version 5.0 or more in mid-2022.

Allegedly, after the APP upgrade in January, the indemnified car owners can withdraw cash directly from the APP to their bank cards. In the first 11 months of this year, Euler Good Cat sold 40,246 vehicles. If converted according to the way each car owner compensates 10,000 yuan in cash, Euler Good Cat will pay a huge price of more than 400 million yuan for the "core change" scandal.

According to the city's understanding, in the past two months, the dispute over the way the rights and interests of euler good cat owners have been mainly focused on the issue of cost and duration.

Some car owners said that 10,000 yuan is cashed out in 10 times, and the owner has to drive to the dealer every time, which is time-consuming and laborious; some car owners say in the forum that they go to the 4S store to go back and forth for 1600 kilometers, and the cost has been about 1,000 yuan, just to receive 1,000 yuan of charging rights; another owner mentioned that according to his monthly electricity bill of 50 yuan, the charging rights given by Euler are enough to use for 20 years, and if there is a problem with the car in the middle of the way, it will not be used, and the unfulfilled charging rights will also be in vain.

According to the public data released by the car quality network, in December this year alone, Euler Good Cat received 1299 complaints, setting a new high in the ranking of the calendar month. After the announcement of the equity plan on December 9, Euler Good Cat was also exposed to a number of new quality problems.

On December 6, a owner of a Shanghai Euler good cat experienced a steering wheel lock during the morning rush hour, and the gear lever, window, trunk, etc. could not be used normally, and the owner repeatedly tried to use the key remote control and manual way to open the vehicle without success. It took an hour for the car keys to finally be restored. Judging from the live video, the faulty vehicle was in a section with dense traffic flow and had to use a tripod to guide traffic. The owner waited three hours for the trailer to arrive.

On December 25, some car owners found that the Bluetooth configuration of Euler Good Cat also had a decommissioning problem, the official name is Bluetooth 5.0, and the actual bluetooth 4.2. It is understood that The bluetooth version 4.2 is much slower than the Bluetooth version 5.0 transmission speed, and the maximum working range is 300 meters. In addition, Bluetooth 4.2 can only play 31 bytes of data, which will have a great impact on 2.5GHz, while version 5.0 can play 255bytes of data, and the anti-interference (transmission efficiency) of the signal is also higher.

At present, Euler has given further compensation plans for charging rights and Bluetooth allocation reductions, and The public commitment of Dong Yudong, general manager of Euler Automobile, on the ins and outs of the investigation has not yet yielded results.

(Author |.) City Boundary Tang Nan Editor | Chu Xing)

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