
The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

Text/Tang Ruo

Tang Ruoxin learns original works, and those who violate them will be investigated

Everyone deeply understands the importance of self-confidence, so how to build their own confidence, in essence, we need to understand what the biggest factor affects our self-confidence, when you understand the fundamental factors of self-confidence, we can build a stable self-confidence and a strong aura.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

First, inferiority stems from a long-standing lack of love within

In life, the impact of a person's self-confidence often comes from the inner lack, when we are in the inner lack, we will fall into a state of inferiority.

This state of inferiority will deepen our inner lack and make our inner growth more and more powerless. Inner scarcity is like a black hole that constantly eats away at our lives and faith.

So if we want to deal with inner scarcity, we need to see what makes us powerless within. In fact, what makes us powerless within us is often our strong critique of ourselves.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

When you continue to attack yourself against yourself, when you continue to deny yourself, our inner life will wither. Of course, our inferiority is largely inseparable from the influence of the environment on ourselves.

For example, if a person does not get continuous nourishment from his parents in the environment he grew up in, but continues to deny and fight, then after growing up, he will be more likely to fall into a state of inferiority.

When we are very young, when our self-perception is not clear enough, we are often accustomed to using the evaluation of others to replace the observation and self-determination of the self, resulting in us becoming what others say we are.

Learning to care for ourselves is the key to removing our inner inferiority and the key to rebuilding our self-confidence. If we want to learn true self-confidence, we must learn to take care of ourselves.

Learning self-care is essentially to re-evaluate ourselves from the self's identification, rather than seeing ourselves from the evaluation of others, when we identify with ourselves, we are actually essentially a kind of love and care for ourselves.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

How to learn self-care

True self-confidence comes from lasting actions within us, and so does learning to take care of ourselves. If we want to rebuild ourselves, we must remember to learn to take care of ourselves.

Self-care often means that we need to jump out when we feel hurt, especially when we doubt ourselves the most, and we need to look at ourselves again and realize that these thoughts are not necessarily true, that these thoughts are hurting ourselves.

We believe that our inner selves are wise and energetic, and that this wisdom and energy is also the basis for our self-care.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

The essence of a person's learning of self-care is to see the true and wise self, so we need to learn to heal ourselves with our true selves, and deeply realize that self-aggression not only does not help the growth of the self, but also continues to consume our lives.

When we encounter setbacks, we need to embrace our sad emotions, and when we get along with our emotions, we must not be defeated by emotions, but continue to jump out of the emotional dilemma and take care of ourselves and see

Self-care is the best way to love yourself, is to learn to care for your inner world, not to be vain, but to be full of acceptance and trust in yourself, to do a good job of self-healing and continuous growth.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

Third, learn to be kind to yourself and see your progress

True self-care is the need to see their own progress, and everyone needs to understand that true self-confidence comes from self-care, and more from our concern for ourselves.

True self-confidence comes from caring for yourself, knowing how to be kind to yourself, and learning to see your progress. Many times, the reason why we don't believe in ourselves enough is that we are always used to comparing with others, and the more you compare, the more you can't make yourself confident.

In fact, good self-confidence is to know how to treat yourself well, not to give up on yourself easily, to learn to care for yourself when you are in a bad mood, to let go of your inner anxiety, and to understand that you are too anxious.

When we pay too much attention to the outside world, it is easy to stress ourselves, but once we shift our focus to the ego, our inner anxiety and stress can be alleviated.

The essence of inferiority is the lack of love for oneself, and if you want to become confident, learn to continue to care for yourself

Letting go of one's anxiety is essentially who learns to let go of the attention to outside information and focus more on self-building and self-growth.

In fact, good growth comes from spending more time on self-growth than on self-consumption and self-anxiety.

When you know how to continue to build yourself, in some ways you will find that the inner concentration of the self will become stronger and stronger, and good growth will not only bring self-confidence to yourself, but also make us more determined and at ease inside.

If we want to become confident, we must learn to use self-care to drive away the inherent inferiority, which is the essence of our self-confidence, and we see that self-confidence comes from continuous action and continuous growth.

Once we enter into continuous construction and continuous action, your actions will also bring you more confidence and a better life.

Today's topic: Do you think that in order to get rid of the inherent inferiority, you need to learn self-care, welcome to discuss and communicate.

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