
A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

A generation of heavenly pride, Genghis Khan rose, several times with the thunderous sound of horseshoes to transmit the melody of the steppe to West Asia and Eastern Europe, playing an unprecedented grand movement. More than 700 years have passed, and the glory of the past has long been transformed into the dust of history, left to posterity to comment, however, as the greatest conqueror in human history. Where Genghis Khan's last soul went has always been a mystery. In the autumn of 1226 AD, the 64-year-old Genghis Khan was still ambitious. He led a large army to fight for the court, so do not take his wife with you. In 1227 AD, the Battle of the Knee was not over. Genghis Khan, who is nearly seventy years old, feels that he is not a generation of heroes in military life.

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

Like so many old people, it could not resist the heavy shackles of time. It left an army behind and continued to attack Western Xia, forming its own cronies and cowardices. Xue Jun was Liupan Mountain, and the guards moved there to escape the summer. This time, it was as natural as a shepherd leading her flock to a place where water and grass were more abundant. However, this was the last migration of Genghis Khan in his life. In August of the following year, the greatest conqueror in human history finally lowered his untamed and noble head to death. Genghis Khan died of illness at the Age of 66 at the Haratu Palace in Suri Chuan. Before dying, he ordered his descendants to drive out all the Western Xia royal families and put them to death.

Legend has it that Genghis Khan's generals obeyed the edict, kept secrets and did not give obituary, and the most loyal soldiers carried the bodies back to their hometowns and buried them in the mausoleums that dared to be built. His men sent thousands of horses to run back and forth, razing the cemetery, then planting trees to zero and taking a separate number as a tombstone. Finally, the generals, led by Genghis Khan, ordered 800 soldiers to kill all the more than 2,500 craftsmen who built the mausoleum. The mystery of these 800 soldiers was also silenced. According to the records of the grass and trees at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, after Genghis Khan was buried, in addition to stepping on a horse through the cemetery, he also killed a camel in front of Genghis Khan's grave in order to find a purpose in the future.

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

Sprinkle the grave with the blood of a high camel and guard the grave alongside the cavalry. By the spring of the following year, when the grass had grown, it was difficult to distinguish between its use and other places. The soldiers guarding the tomb were evacuated. If his children missed Genghis Khan, let the camels who were killed at the time taller than his mother. The female camel acts as a guide. If the female camel stopped in one place, she would linger and moan for a long time. Then, this place is home to Genghis Khan's mausoleum for more than 700 years. In the past, the mysterious tomb of Genghis Khan in the vast Gobi Desert seemed to have never existed. After November 6, 2004, an explosive news broke out in the domestic and foreign media.

A joint japanese and Mongolian archaeological team announced that they had discovered genghis Khan's temple. If the identity of the Temple is confirmed, the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan will be located within a 12-kilometer radius of the Temple. As soon as this news was announced, it caused an uproar in the industry. Waves. Experts believe that if the discovery is true, it will be more exciting than the discovery of the tombs of Troy and Tutankhamun and has the potential to become the greatest archaeological discovery of the 21st century. A member of the Mongolian-Japanese Joint Archaeological Team said, Ah, Flaga is the village of Dar and Hahn, about 150 miles from the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar. Near it we found the ruins of a mausoleum temple located on a quadrilateral pedestal.

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

Our calculations should be from the 13th century to the 15th century. Below the leader was a stone platform that was almost in ruins. There were many potholes under the stone platform, and in the potholes were buried the urns of many war horses. The number of warhorse remains is truly staggering. From this, it can be inferred that the status of the owner of this mausoleum is absolutely extraordinary. Then, in the square altar about 11 meters square, the cornerstone and auxiliary objects as the remains of the spiritual hall were also found, and it can be inferred that the tent should be built on it, and no tiles and special pieces were found. Archaeologists believe that this stone platform should be the original foundation of the mausoleum, and a stone wall about 40 centimeters high was found at Miaoling Temple, which looks like a raised shape.

There were also traces of fire on it, and gray-brown horse bone pits were found around several altars. Archaeologists believe that Genghis Khan's cooking rituals were generally burning? These findings are evidence of sacrificial rituals, which are also recorded in Chinese history books. In addition, an incense burner has been unearthed on the south side of Miaoling Temple. This incense burner may have had a gantry as a symbol of the emperor, which is also consistent with the records in 14th-century Persian history books. One of the leaders of the archaeological excavation team. Professor Bai of Niigata University in Japan 10: 00 Note introduced, this was cleaned up, the tombs of Mongolian leaders in various periods have many signs, indicating that this place should be the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, which has long been known.

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

Ma Jinge was no longer the one who was in the limelight. Where did Genghis Khan die? Is its grave really found? Today, we're going to explore the graveyard of Genghis Khan with you. An archaeologist, speaking on condition of anonymity, said archaeologists around the world agreed to use four sites to determine the exact location of Genghis Khan's grave. One is the place south of the Kent Mountain in Mongolia, the other is the place north of the Krullen River, which is the Goddess of Love in Mongolia, which is considered to be the Liupan Mountain in Gansu, China, and the fourth is the Li Qian Mountain in the Ordos Otok Banner of Inner Mongolia. However, these are only conjectures, and there is still no accurate evidence to prove them. Prior to that, in August 2000, the American explorer and billionaire physicist Krawitz led a special team of scientists, archaeologists, professors and translators to Ulaanbaatar.

Search for the Tomb of Genghis Khan. The following year, on August 16, 2001, the Kravits archaeological team discovered a cemetery surrounded by walls in Ulaanbaatar. The aim was to find genghis Khan's tomb in a forest more than 300 kilometers northeast of Ulaanbaatar, where dozens of Suzuki expeditions were not opened but later proved to be a hun screen. In April 2002, an archaeological team discovered a cemetery surrounded by city walls in the eighth failed area of Kent Province, 322 kilometers northeast of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar, which included at least 30 unopened Suzuki trees. At the time, I thought this Suzuki might be the mausoleum of Genghis Khan.

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

Four months later, the archaeological team abruptly abandoned excavations and recovered the mangoes. It is rumored that during the inspection, some staff of the U.S. archaeological team were bitten by a number of poisonous snakes that suddenly poured out of the tomb wall, and their vehicles parked on the hillside also slipped from the hillside for no reason. The safety of the archaeologists was threatened, so they decided to abandon the excavation. In fact, however, the archaeological team is said to have been owned by the Mongolian government and non-governmental organizations. The unsuccessful visit of the American archaeological team left many mysteries and great hopes, especially the obstruction of the Mongol government, which convinced people that genghis Khan, the victorious ancestor worshipped by the Mongol nation, was buried there.

However, the so-called major discoveries of the Joint Mongol-Japanese Investigation Team proved that the place pointed out by the Kravits archaeological team did have amazing secrets, but did not make people feel the pleasure of seeing the sun, but instead triggered a series of controversies, the biggest objection of which was that as a nomadic people, the customs and culture of the Mongol people made it impossible for the Mongols to carry out such a large-scale burial, even the founder of this nation. So, what is the difference in the burial methods of the nomadic Mongols? The Mongols have their own unique understanding of the relationship between man and nature. In their view,

A generation of arrogance, the mausoleum of the rise of Genghis Khan has been found?

It is what people do as part of nature, in a harmonious relationship with nature. Genghis Khan's Dacha III was the first written code of law of the Mongols, which strictly stipulated the laws and regulations for the protection of the steppe, such as not digging pits on the grassland, not burning the grassland, not throwing dirty things on the grassland, etc., because these were all for Tengger, that is, eternal life. Thanks to the idea that man-made nature is part of you, the Mongols buried the dead very differently from other agrarian civilized worlds. The Mongols have no tradition of worshipping the flesh. They think that human flesh comes from nature and will die.

Nature should also return to nature and be buried as soon as possible. The soul can ascend to heaven. People should be disposed of within three days of death, or buried in heaven, or buried underground, or cremated to avoid rotting. If the body decays, the soul cannot ascend to heaven. As far as the Mongols' belief in shamanism is concerned, they sacrifice the main deeds and souls of their ancestors, not dozens of copies. An old Mongolian man told everyone that according to the Mongolian concept, when a person is about to die, his last breath is that his soul will leave the human body, and his clothes will go back to dehair his father. The book writes that when Genghis Khan encountered this situation, he resisted with a white male ostrich and placed it on the mouth of this Jiang Jiehans.

On his nose, if no gas is produced, it means that the soul has attached to the white camel hair, at which point the body can be disposed of. The camel's hair is preserved in the tomb of Genghis Khan, who is in the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. What is preserved in the fluorescent coffin is the soul of Genghis Khan's death, that is, the Totti patriarch of the White House, not the remains of Genghis Khan. In the 1950s, it was fragmentary. Where were the battalion officers at that time? Peking University opened it and found this camel velvet. Unfortunately, during the later Cultural Revolution, the hair removal techniques of Zhejiang Province, along with the fake Anna bow and arrow in the tomb, were destroyed.

There is no savings item that really belongs to Genghis Khan 172. After Jang's death, the coffin was transported back to the Mongolian steppe, but where were the Burial Places of the Gies Koreans, and who were they? The difference is that we still have a lot of truth. Some believe that Genghis Khan's body was buried in cash. Oh, and in Mongolia, Suzuki was suggested in any valley of the Krullen River, at the source of the three rivers of the Tours and the Great Kent Mountains, but the problem arose again. When Genghis Khan died, it was the height of summer, how could his body be transported back to Mount Kent, thousands of miles away, without decaying? The distance of the road is not only inaccessible to the sky,

The traditional ideas of the Mongols, who were heavily influenced by shamanism at the time, were even more an opportunity for corpses to rot. So, how did people resolve this contradiction at that time? In 1935, a small iron cabinet was excavated under the Ordos Dalat Banner, and a broken one was hidden in the cabinet. Mongvin's brother-in-law once went out with Genghis Khan. The Mongol general Tubo records the situation after the death of Genghis Khan. In 1939, in the book "Yike Zhao Mengzhi", there is a record of Genghis Khan, saying that Genghis Khan died in battle during the expedition. Because the Khan had said that a heavenly burial would be held, the image at that time put the Khan's clothes and sword into the silver coffin.

Let a group of sacred camels carry this silver coffin, intending to bury the god, and walk in the middle of the desert. After nearly two months, they reached a Pinnacle depression, and the camels came to a sudden halt. The subjects agreed that it must be because the khan liked the place so much that he buried Genghis Khan here. A few days later, on the grass hundreds of miles away, the sword inside the fluorescent was found again, so that the place was used as the graveyard of the Great Khan, with annual commemorative ceremonies and troops sent to guard the place. If the account in this book is true, then Genghis Khan was buried in the Heavenly Court at the right time and place after his death, and then buried with bones and relics in the steppes of northern Mongolia.

So, what was the burial style of the Mongols? Would the Khan be buried in a certain manner of burial by the Mongols? I understand. After Wang Xing's Mongolian funerary expert told everyone that they were dead, he dressed the deceased with new clothes and shoes, and then wrapped the zen staff with this white cloth. The body of the car just put the body in a discussion car, of course some things do not need to be put aside. This one got rid of the cart, oh, but beat the livestock with this horse or camel, eh, procedural, no one to catch the price, eh, let them run at will, at will. Bo, there is no one everywhere,

Nobody cares where the car goes. It wasn't until the third day that everyone studied this trace of the car. Go find the body. After the body is found, if the body has been eaten by this wild bird or beast. Then, it was thought that the deceased had ascended to heaven. The beast didn't eat, so everyone would invite it. The lama came to chant for him and atone for the sins of the dead man. In this way, it is not impossible for Genghis Khan to choose a heavenly burial. It is worth noting that among the Mongols of Gardos, there has always been a legend that Genghis Khan hid in this area. Even in the Otok Banner, there are some place names associated with the burial of Genghis Khan.

In World War II, there are photographs of Genghis Khan's funeral, Genghis Khan and kim family worship. Legend has it that when Genghis Khan went to Western Xia, he once rested here and commanded the deployment of military operations, so the remains still exist, whether Genghis Khan died in this area, and whether the burial held here was finally buried in this area remains to be examined. Since Genghis Khan, the Mongol emperors have practiced secret hiding. This custom continued into the Northern Yuan Dynasty, so much so that the tombs of Mongol emperors have not been found in one place, and they are hidden in that corner of history.

From this point of view, the burial of Genghis Khan after his death recorded in the history books may only be the conjecture and conjecture of posterity. Beginning with Genghis Khan, the places where the Mongol Great Khan and the Yuan Emperor lived disappeared. Even if they had used internal organs, they should have been able to find one or two, but they haven't grown since. So, did all the kings and emperors of Korea adopt the Mongolian tradition of preserving souls and ignoring the burial method of the remains? As for where Genghis Khan is buried, there are different opinions. The Mongols, descendants of Genghis Khan, were never in a hurry to solve these mysteries.

They never felt any regrets because they could not find the burial place of their ancestors. In their minds, the immortal soul of Genghis Khan had rested in peace in the situation of winning the organization. The locals of the Ordos Plateau tell us a legend that when Genghis Khan led his army to conquer the Western Xia, he passed by Baoer Tolgai on the Ordos grassland, witnessed the beautiful scenery here, and was very intoxicated, so when he wandered around, he mistakenly dropped the whip on the ground. When the attendants tried to pick up the whip, they were stopped by Genghis Khan. Han Feng told the people around him that I could hide in my children after I died.

Later, after Genghis Khan died at Liupanshan, his men planned to transport his coffin back to the old place for burial. However, as the hearse passed through the Ordos steppe, the wheel suddenly got stuck geographically. People did not move, so everyone remembered Genghis Khan's words before his death, so they buried Genghis Khan on the spot in the Ordos steppe, leaving 500 families. The claim that "the People of Dalmouth guarded Genghis Khan's funeral in Ordos" has now been refuted by a growing number of experts. However, after Genghis Khan's death, his youngest son Tuolei set up a white tent in Hubul, Mune, where the remains of Genghis Khan's mausoleum were sacrificed.

Since then, it has become a sacrificial god in Mongolia and Korea. And the main priest, here as long as the incense candles continue. The sacrificial culture here has been passed down through the ages. So, what was Genghis Khan's purpose? For the Mongolian people, it means little. This is like the answer given by Mongolian President Bagabandi when he asked this question during his visit to China. When Genghis Khan died, he said his mausoleum should never be known to the world, so we followed Genghis Khan's advice. I think Genghis Khan's wood is where it is. It's okay, let it be a mystery forever,

But those who are willing to guess the name continue to guess. It seems that the mystery of Genghis Khan's soul and whereabouts is far from being solved. A generation of celestial beings may still be sleeping in places we can't imagine, which has prompted scientists and historians to continue to explore

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