
"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

Good Book Recommendation: No. 37

"Science Talks"

Author: Dan Green et al., Simon Bashe Illustrated, Xia Mang, Zhao Chang, Tian Yue, etc. Translations: From the Internet

Reasons for recommendation

The philosopher Aristotle once argued in his writings that "the nature of man lies in the search for knowledge." ”

Human beings' thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the unknown are the driving force for us to explore and seek knowledge.

For children, curiosity is fundamental to understanding the world and acquiring skills.

As a parent, the best way to satisfy their intellectual curiosity is to let their children take the initiative to explore and experience.

"Science Talks" is heavily created by kingfisher, an authoritative scientific publisher in the United Kingdom, and is a high-level popular science knowledge book.

It has a total of 15 books, including 15 topics such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, earth, human body, astronomy, oceans, periodic table, engineering, climate, algebra and geometry, cutting-edge physics and cutting-edge biology, technology, and rocks.

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

15 independent scientific topics, which cover 850 knowledge points, are reviewed by authoritative institutions, and a complete scientific system is built for children.

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!
"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

Unlike other popular science books, "Science Talks" is cold and jerky to read, and each of its scientific concepts is accompanied by a vivid comic character.

For example, the elements in the periodic table are like vivid people, with their own personalities, temperaments and hobbies.

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

Their abilities are also different, each of them is like a scribbler, showing all the scientific knowledge in the form of a story, witty and humorous in front of the child.

The anthropomorphic first-person narration also brings the knowledge in the book to life.

"Boom, here I come!" I'm a little potent explosive – remember! I am the number one man in the periodic table, the simplest and lightest of all the elements, but also the richest in the universe. ”

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

Playful language, vivid images, so that children in the process of reading easily get to the knowledge points in the book. And it's also particularly easy to remember!

With such an exposition of science, what child can resist its charm?

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

The illustrations in "Science Talk" are also very recognizable!

Each blunt knowledge point is accompanied by a full-color illustration, drawing the knowledge that children do not like to see into a vivid cartoon image.

This undoubtedly makes the children add a lot of fun in the process of reading.

There are "never wavering" triangles;

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

Have a "reliable" quality baby;

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

There are also proteins that direct chemical reactions in cells, and double-helix-shaped DNA.

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

These illustrations make popular science books no longer boring, make the words in the books become alive, they are either naughty, or arrogant...

Not only that, but at the end of each book is a wonderful science note that allows children to review all the key points after reading a book.

"Science Talk Up": Let children fall in love with science, and those who have seen it say that they can't refuse!

A good set of popular science books can make it easy for children to have a full view of the scientific world, satisfy their desire for knowledge, and find their own interests.

However, very few children can really finish a heavy popular science book.

But Science Talks does.

It uses a step-by-step approach, through humorous storytelling, coupled with image illustration design, to establish a three-dimensional, readable, dare to think space for children, so that children can experience the wonders of the scientific world.

When children show their desire to learn about new things, as parents, it is better to give this book to children to protect and cultivate their curiosity!

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