
Older people have lost muscles and become weak, how can this be delayed? Doctors give advice

Older people have lost muscles and become weak, how can this be delayed? Doctors give advice

In the process of aging, the muscles will slowly decay, how to alleviate this situation? In fact, Dr. Zhang is not professional in answering this question, but I can combine some of the most common clinical cases to give you a brief explanation.

In fact, in the daily clinical work, Dr. Zhang will also encounter many debilitated elderly friends, most elderly patients have more or less obvious muscle reduction, and some elderly people are also relatively thin, giving people the feeling that they will fall down when they touch it. Usually, when I meet this kind of elderly person, I will not only treat them for the primary disease, but also give them some instructions, such as: eat more lean meat and foods rich in high-quality protein, exercise appropriately, do not sit or lie down, and of course, do not overexert, so as not to get hurt.

Older people have lost muscles and become weak, how can this be delayed? Doctors give advice

Folk legend has such a understanding, that is, "it is difficult to buy old and thin with money", this sentence has its own certain truth, but it is not all correct. In daily life, some elderly people are too thin and their bodies will be weak. In that case, it is still best to have some muscles in the body, and healthy weight gain is the best, not obesity. Of course, in the process of doing physical exercise, the elderly do need to pay attention to avoid suffering sports injuries. Because even if it is only a sports injury, it may endanger the life and health of the elderly, so the elderly should pay attention to it, and the family should take care of it properly.

Older people have lost muscles and become weak, how can this be delayed? Doctors give advice

Then academically speaking, senile weakness is a common and harmful group of senile syndromes in the elderly. This debilitating state is due, on the one hand, to degenerative changes in the body of the elderly, and on the other hand, a group of physical syndromes caused by a variety of chronic diseases. Of course, some scholars also have such a cognition, they believe that the weakness of the elderly is due to the continuous accumulation of unhealthy conditions in the elderly, and slowly develop. At this stage, the body of many elderly people is in a sub-healthy state, and the body is likely to have various adverse events, so the weakness of the elderly has also become an intermediate bridge towards different major diseases and chronic diseases. The literature suggests that the development of weakness may be associated with age, chronic pain, adverse life events, nutritional deficiencies, comorbidities, multiple diseases, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression and other factors.

Older people have lost muscles and become weak, how can this be delayed? Doctors give advice

Finally, I hope that Dr. Zhang's introduction, everyone can have a preliminary understanding of the muscle loss and old age weakness of the elderly, the elderly themselves pay attention to daily maintenance, scientific diet, moderate physical exercise, in the face of diseases to seek medical treatment in time, and wish all the elderly to have a healthy and happy old age.

I hope that Dr. Zhang's article can help more elderly friends.

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