
Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary


There is also a week, is the winter festival, meaning that winter is coming, the yang retreats yin sheng, angry and closed, all things collected, giving people the feeling of a word "cold", whenever this season, just want to eat hot pot in the house, stewed lamb, do not want to go out to work again, stewed lamb is a common delicacy, but also a warm ingredient, has a certain effect on the cold, every few days my home will stew once, delicious flavor, rich nutrition, clear soup lamb although simple, but because of the different tastes, everyone's approach is also different, Some are really delicious, some are really ugly, so how should the mutton soup be stewed to be delicious

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

The simpler the seasoning, the more can reflect the delicious mutton soup, if it is not used properly, the seasoning is placed randomly, not only will cause a decrease in umami, but also destroy certain nutrition, must be put there is cooking wine, pepper powder, ginger, these are to go fishy fresh with, star anise, large materials and the like as little as possible, lamb can not be octagon, a little bit of cooking should all understand, clear soup mutton characteristics: clear soup color, refreshing, long aftertaste, spices not only to put less, and black are not allowed to put, lamb can be a little carrot block, It was perfect.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

Stew lamb, directly under the pot stew is not right! Put more white radish, the soup is not fishy, fresh and delicious!

<h1>Lamb stew</h1>

Ingredients: Lamb, green onion, ginger, goji berries, cooking wine, white radish

Seasoning: Salt, pepper

1, prepare 800 grams of lamb, use the tip of the knife to cut according to the bone trend, remove the bone, separate the bone and flesh, cut into four squares, the interval is about 4 cm, you can let the butcher help cut it.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

2, soak the lamb, lamb into a bowl, soak in water for more than 2 hours, soak the blood water out, remember to replace the water several times in the middle, and then control the dry water.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

3, radish can go fishy to remove the fat, the earth people know, radish can absorb the fishy taste, so that children can also fall in love with lamb, white radish cut off 2 large pieces, change the knife into square pieces, ginger cut into 3 pieces, green onion cut into two pieces.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

4, add cold water to the pot, put in the soaked lamb, blanch the water must be cool underwater pot, and then put 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 2 slices of white radish, 1 spoonful of rice vinegar, these can be effective to go to the spoon.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

5, with the high heat boiling, the pot began to have foam, remember to skim off, keep cooking for about 5 minutes, until the foam is cleaned.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

6, the lamb fish out, rinse, control the dry water again, as long as the lamb on the line, other accessories are thrown away.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

7, put the lamb into the pot, add hot water, put in the green onion and ginger slices, pour in a spoonful of cooking wine, start the stew, turn the pot to low heat, the lamb should be stewed for about 2 hours.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

8: Stew the lamb for about 1.5 hours, then put the white radish in, at least half an hour until the radish and lamb are cooked thoroughly, the whole process is 2 hours.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

9, 10 minutes before the pot, and then add goji berries, add salt and pepper to taste, the stewed lamb soup is ready, the original taste, no need to add any seasoning, add salt on it.

Home-cooked version of stewed lamb, with the least amount of ingredients, stew out the freshest soup, delicious and not greasy, no fishy taste of lamb soup skills summary

<h1>Tips and tricks</h1>

1, stewed lamb broth, remember not to add any large ingredients, boil lamb broth in water, if the soup wants to become milky white, add two lamb stick bones.

2, cooking wine, pepper, radish, ginger, these are the necessary accessories for lamb stew, not only has the function of deviance, but also can increase the flavor.

3, lamb soup pays attention to the original taste, no need to add any seasoning, only add salt is enough.

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