
Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

author:One empty 3

Recently, a cold snap, let each of us shivering in the cold wind unconsciously wrapped up in a heavy cotton coat, we long for a care and warmth, toil a day exhausted hunger and cold how we hope to return to a warm home! I can have a steaming pot of delicious food in front of you and share it with your family! Big feast, today to give you a grand introduction to a fresh taste, long aftertaste steaming ~ yellow braised chestnut chicken First of all, we have to prepare a fat three yellow chicken, of course, chestnuts can not be less, in this we popularize the effect of chestnuts, it can strengthen the spleen, kidneys and strengthen the heart, unlike walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and other rich nuts, it is rich in starch relatively high nuts. The nutritional value of chestnuts is abundant. Chestnuts contain a full range of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, etc., especially high in potassium. Chestnut has the effect of strengthening the spleen and strengthening the kidneys, in order to lose weight, it is best to eat chestnut as a snack between meals, or add it as a staple ingredient when cooking. As the main ingredient of the yellow stewed chestnut chicken, we can take the appropriate amount according to the size of the three yellow chickens, and the empty 3 people like to eat chestnuts so they add more, about a dozen chestnuts!

Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

Then we also have to prepare a few shiitake mushrooms, empty 3 felt that the wet mushroom flavor is insufficient, so in advance soaked five or six dried shiitake mushrooms, the taste can be said to be overflowing. Ingredients

After the introduction, we also have to match the auxiliary materials of onion, ginger and garlic,

Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

The accessories to prepare are: green onions, ginger, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, some dried star anise, chili peppers, prepared salt, and some vegetable oil! Oh yes, and some garlic! Well, we've got all the ingredients in place. Let's start cooking oil!

Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

Show your skills! We brought the prepared three yellow chickens, whether they liked it or not, we had to chop him into chicken pieces.

Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

Then put it in boiling water to soak in a hot spring, blanch it and fish it out, then take a cold shower to flush out the foam, and put it on target

Cut the prepared shiitake mushrooms into slices and prepare these

We boil the oil, the oil temperature is 70% hot, put in the chicken nuggets, the three yellow chicken itself is simmered out of the oil, but also to make the chicken color better, fish out the chicken, we then put the ginger slices, star anise, garlic in the pot! Sauté until fragrant, return the chicken nuggets to the pot, pour cooking wine, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes. In the process of waiting, we can mix oyster sauce, sweet noodle sauce, raw soy sauce, pour into the chicken nuggets, turn back and forth a few times, let the whole chicken nuggets color, switch to medium-low heat and simmer for another five minutes, and then our other protagonist is also going to play, that is, chestnuts, down into the chestnuts stir-fried evenly, if the soup is not enough, you can add some water appropriately, empty 3 is to find that the soup has become less, added a little boiling water, although the color was a little lighter at the time, but finally the soup taste and color are not too bad [yaks], ok, Close the lid and bring to a boil we continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle in the prepared chili peppers, pour our prepared shiitake mushroom slices into the pot, stir-fry to color, add salt to taste, simmer for 5 minutes, turn the heat to collect the juice, Oh! Open the lid of the pot, steaming hot, delicious pot of yellow braised chestnut chicken is about to come out of the pot!

Cold winter! Warm up the family with a pot of thick sauce "Yellow Braised Chestnut Chicken"!

Listening to the cold wind whistling outside the window, sitting around the table with the family, eating hot and delicious yellow braised chestnut chicken, listening to the children talk about the anecdotes of the school, listening to the mother and father chanting which vegetable farm the green onions have been five or six pieces, the leeks have also soared to four pieces, listening to the praise of the daughter-in-law, the beauty in my heart! A day's toil and dissatisfaction disappear in an instant, what is happiness? Happiness is simply waiting! May such happiness always accompany you!

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