
Why did the Kuomintang fail? There has been much talk about it, and the commander of the First Army told the truth in his later years


We know that the Kuomintang ultimately failed. The reason for this has been much debate. But so far there is no accurate conclusion. A corps commander who fled to Taiwan in his later years told a personal story that may tell us the truth of history. Let's take a look!

01 Loss of popular support

When the Kuomintang won the Victory of the War of Resistance in the autumn of 1945, the military and political councils began to borrow "national hardships and wealth", and various localities set up receiving institutions. Compared with the mutual help between the Communist Party and the people, the Kuomintang began to carry out disguised "looting" activities under the banner of receiving various materials. Constantly squeezing the people, making the people resentful and dissatisfied. These moves made the KMT gradually lose the hearts of the people and gradually lack the support of the people. As a result, after the restoration, although the Nationalist government was facing the homeland, it was unpopular.

Why did the Kuomintang fail? There has been much talk about it, and the commander of the First Army told the truth in his later years

02 There is serious corruption among officials

The first is the grass-roots officials, such as the "receiving officers" mentioned above, who enrich themselves for personal purposes. Help each other and give gifts to each other. And the "gift" in this is snatched from the hands of the people. It can be said that big officials are greedy for money, and small officials are robbing small money, but no officials are not greedy! How can a collective full of corrupt officials gain the support of the people? How could it possibly settle down? How could it possibly succeed in the end!

Why did the Kuomintang fail? There has been much talk about it, and the commander of the First Army told the truth in his later years

03 The heart of the general is not in the army, for the sake of wealth and business, not in the army

In fact, the minds of many senior Kuomintang commanders were not on leading troops to fight. More in the business of doing business. Some will even say that commanding operations is only a side business, and their own job is a profitable business. You may be surprised by this, how can this be? Soldiers do not fight wars to engage in business. In fact, this is actually inseparable from Chiang Kai-shek himself. When he met with some senior generals, he hoped to win over the generals to make them security troops, and he would give the generals some funds based on the situation in the generals' homes, so that the generals could use them to provide business to their families. Although this was an excuse for Chiang Kai-shek to win over the generals, the generals who had funds in hand began to try to engage in business, and they did not know that they really profited a lot from it. While busy with the military, while devoting himself to business, how could the soldiers led by the general be victorious?

04 The commander's feelings in his later years, personal interests outweigh military intelligence

Before the Battle of Huaihai, the Nationalists wanted to disperse their forces along the railway line centered on Xuzhou. In the first stage of the campaign, the Kuomintang regime wanted to make the garrison of Li Yannian in Haizhou shrink to Xuzhou, but the large army of the East China Field Army was stationed on the north side of the railway at that time, and once a small negligence would lead to the failure of the entire mission, the risk of this mission was extremely high, and the Kuomintang side needed to keep it extremely strictly confidential.

Why did the Kuomintang fail? There has been much talk about it, and the commander of the First Army told the truth in his later years

Therefore, the Kuomintang regime attached great importance to this operation, and to what extent was this "secret order" strict? Even the next day was about to leave, and the commander didn't know about the task that night! But the night before the departure, when commander Li Yannian was preparing to rest in bed, he heard the "people" breaking in and clamoring to leave together. The commander was very confused, and the confused Li Yannian called the Nanjing side to inquire, only to learn that as the "people" said, the superior issued a military order, but the order would not be reached until dawn. An important order the commander did not know, but a common man received it first. Thus, in his later years, Li Yannian wrote a sentence in his memoirs: "It is strange that the Kuomintang is undefeated!" First, Liu Zhi, the commander-in-chief of Xuzhou, learned of this news. This "common man" was the haiyan business agent of the commander-in-chief Liu Zhi in Xuzhou. After Liu Zhi learned the news, he first informed his agent for personal interests. On the contrary, the commander of the theater was confused. Even the "people" can know where the commander of the military secret order does not know where the order is "secret"? How can such a party win?

Why did the Kuomintang fail? There has been much talk about it, and the commander of the First Army told the truth in his later years


From this point of view, the defeat of the Kuomintang was not only a personal mistake of Chiang Kai-shek. The whole collective, from top to bottom, is riddled with holes. Officials at all levels have centered themselves on themselves, in different ways but ultimately trapped by money. The ultimate failure is doomed

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