
In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

Everyone has an old day, and how to make life happier in old age may be a problem that needs to be thought about in advance.

The so-called "people have no far-reaching worries, there will be near-term worries", only by planning their old age life in advance will they make themselves more comfortable.

After all, in the old age, there are not many people who can really stay around. Especially when the old partner is gone, a person's life will be more lonely.

At that time, it may be a little late to think about life. Your children have started a family, they have their own families and lives, and relatives and friends may not be able to take care of you much.

Whether you succeed or fail when you are young, in your later years, you will face the ups and downs of life alone.

If you always want to rely on others, you may be disappointed, everyone has difficulties, who will treat you sincerely?

Therefore, if you want to live happier in your old age, you must plan your future in advance and avoid the bleakness of the evening.

In the old age, if the old partner is gone, the only person who can really rely on himself is himself, remember to do the following three things:

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

First, save money in advance

At any time, what can give you a sense of security is actually money.

If you don't want to reach out to your children for money, and if you don't want to look at other people's faces, the best way is to save money in advance.

When you save enough money to live, you can live a more dignified life in your old age.

At that time, even if your wife and children are gone, you don't have to ask your children for money, let alone ask for help.

If you have money, life is not a problem, and there is extra money to enrich your old age, so that your life is meaningful.

If you don't know how to save money, and when you're old, you reach out to your children, and you feel particularly self-respecting.

Children may not say anything, but their other half may not be true to you, and even the best husband may be rejected in front of them.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Life is very realistic and cruel, both men and women, after middle age, they must begin to plan for their later life.

Don't blindly believe in what "raising children and preventing old age", although there are many filial piety children, but they have money to live a dignified and confident life.

If you meet a child who is not filial piety, and you have no money on you, you can imagine how desolate your old age will be.

Therefore, in the old age, it is best to save money as soon as possible, and be able to save their pension money in advance, so as not to fall into an unfortunate situation.

Any couple must have this kind of consciousness, and when they can rely on each other, they should love each other more, plan more for the future, and live more comfortably.

Even if one day your wife and children are gone, don't be passive, but be more active and try to live your own life.

Save money well, sleep well, treat yourself well, and try to live a warmer life in your later years, which will live up to this life.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Second, do not give all the money to your children

Parents often help their children selflessly, but whenever they have the slightest difficulty, they will do their best to support them.

However, after people reach their old age, they still don't give all their savings to their children, if they give it all, they will be sad when they are penniless.

In life, many elderly people feel that giving money to their children can be taken care of by them. In fact, it is quite a risky thing for the old man to bet all the happiness of his old age on his children.

Because when your children take your money, they don't have much gratitude, they take everything for granted.

If you give selflessly to them, you will end up meeting that kind of filial piety, which is likely to ruin the happiness of old age.

How many children today are grateful to their parents? There should not be much, many children not only can not see the old man's pay, but for a little property to calculate the old man, it seems more ruthless.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Therefore, in the old age, when the old wife is gone, you should keep the money to yourself.

If the children are in difficulty, it is okay to help them appropriately, but it is absolutely impossible to give them all the money.

Neighbor Aunt Zhang has three children, and on her seventieth birthday, the children came to celebrate her birthday.

As a result, something happened that made her very cold, because Aunt Zhang was not in good health, and her wife was gone the year before.

Therefore, after the children arrived this time, they discussed with her how to divide the future property, and they made a lot of trouble.

After Aunt Zhang sent all her relatives and friends away, when she saw the indifferent faces of her three children, she couldn't help but cry bitterly, and suddenly felt extremely cold.

In the end, under the pressure of her children, she had to take out all her savings and give them a share, and she had no money left.

Nowadays, Aunt Zhang lives alone every day, sometimes picking up garbage outside to sell money. But her three children, who all work and live in big cities, never came to see her.

Therefore, when people are old, they must not give all their money to their children, otherwise, it is easy to fall into a desolate situation in the evening.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Third, love yourself well and deal with relationships with neighbors

There is a saying that goes: "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors." ”

When people are old, they still have to have a good relationship with their neighbors, because when you really have difficulties, your relatives may not be able to arrive in the first place.

But neighbors can, and when you can make a few close friends, they are likely to save you from danger when you are in trouble.

If one day, your wife and children are gone, you have to love yourself well, live actively, pay more attention to your body, and maintain physical and mental health.

In this life, the person who can really rely on it is still himself, and only by putting his mentality right and exercising his body well can he make his later life happier.

No matter how many children you have, how many relatives you have, you can't put all your hopes on them, after all, they have their own families and will not be by your side all the time.

So, you have to love yourself, live more actively, and deal with your neighbors more.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Dancing with them, playing chess, or talking to a few close friends when you're okay is a great way to do it.

In the old age, people must not be alone at home, if the mentality is not positive, it is easy to have psychological problems.

If a person's mentality is good, life will feel very smooth, everywhere is warm, on the contrary, it will feel that life is very cold.

Therefore, it is best to control your life and not put all your hopes on others, even your own children.

The so-called "great hope, greater disappointment", no matter what kind of old man, must know how to control their own destiny.

People, in the end, must rely on themselves and make their hearts stronger in order to make their later life more smooth.

At the same time, it is best to make a few close friends with your neighbors so that you don't feel helpless when things get difficult or you get sick.

In old age, if your wife is gone, remember to do three things

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Goethe said: "Although we can grow up by the protection of our parents and relatives, rely on our brothers and friends, and get happiness from our lovers with the help of friends, in any case, in the final analysis, human beings are still dependent on themselves." ”

I deeply believe that when a person is old, the only person who can really rely on himself is actually himself.

Especially when your wife is gone, you should be kind to yourself, live your own life, and try to live a warmer life in your old age.

Therefore, you should save money in advance, do not give all the money to your children, love yourself well, and deal with the relationship with the neighbors.

In this way, you can live a more dignified life in your old age, without worrying about your livelihood.

Life is your own, and if you want to live a smoother life in the future, you must prepare in advance.

Time is cruel, it will take away many things from us, but the only thing that cannot be taken away is our own belief in life.

I hope that in the old age, every elderly person can uphold the faith, live out of themselves, and be treated gently by life.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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