
Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

Wen | Jingma

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

The three-year-old girl often said that it was itchy when she went to the toilet, and her mother found that the child's thighs had a lot of rashes and some rashes on the buttocks, so she hurried to take the child to the doctor.

When the pediatrician received the consultation, he found that there were some rashes around the child's vagina, and some of them were red and swollen, and even some secretions contained a smell, and after examination, it was found that it was vaginitis!

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

Mom felt very surprised, three-year-old children have not yet gone to kindergarten, usually at home, how can such a small child have vaginitis?

In the mother's impression, vaginitis is a problem that may only occur after having a boyfriend and getting married, why does her three-year-old daughter have such a problem?

The doctor learns about the child's daily life:

In the summer, grandma wears open crotch pants for children, because she thinks that open crotch pants are convenient, and there is no need to wash pants, and it saves diapers and water.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

The child has a cousin who is more than 5 years old, the girl does not wear diapers, and then the grandmother picks up the cousin's clothes for the little girl to wear, not only wearing clothes and pants, but even the cousin's underwear is also picked up for the little girl to wear.

The most important thing is the child's outer clothes and underwear underwear, and the adult's outer clothes and underwear are all thrown in the washing machine to wash, or the grandmother takes the hand to wash, all of which are washed in a large basin.

The doctor said that it was the three of you who "blindly frugal" behavior, which caused the child to be cross-infected and caused vaginitis.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

Grandma is too frugal to lead to vaginitis in girls, parents should stop "blind frugality" to harm their children

The first frugal behavior: wearing open crotch pants

Children wearing open crotch pants is indeed cool and convenient, but the child is small he does not pay much attention to hygiene, when wearing open crotch pants he will also sit down anywhere, and the ground is actually a lot of germs, people walk under the shoes with a lot of germs, and the floor is taken to walk, plus the child does not pay attention to hygiene, may be with his hands to touch the ass and then eat, which can easily lead to child diarrhea.

It is also possible that dirty things on the ground can pass through the child's vagina or ascending infection of the urethra, causing vaginitis, or even urethritis.

Therefore, it is very undesirable for children to wear open crotch pants, not only may lead to vaginitis, but also may cause children to feel that it does not matter if this not small ass is not covered, I did not cover the small ass when I was a child, which is not conducive to the formation of the concept of self-protection for children.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

The second frugal behavior: picking up other people's underwear and underwear to wear

There is no problem in giving children other people's old clothes, but Jing Mom is strongly advised not to wear three old things for children:

Type 1: Other people's old underwear underwear

Because underwear panties are close-fitting clothes, especially panties, which actually wrap our butts and wrap our vaginal urethra. Girls, in case the girls they wore before have some bacteria left on the underwear, it is easy to cause cross infection.

Type 2: Socks

Socks are worn on the feet, and it is easy to have a lot of germs, and wearing old socks may also lead to cross infection.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

Type 3: Shoes

Although the child's shoes still look very good and not broken, but each child's walking habits are not the same, some children's shoes will only grind the side or side of the foot, and some children's shoes will grind the heel.

Because when everyone walks, the center of gravity of the foot force is not the same, to the child to pick up other people's old shoes to wear, in fact, the child is not suitable and not used to, because the child's walking habits are not the same, plus there may be some germ pollution on the shoes, it is easy to cause cross infection.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

The third act of frugality: change clothes and wash together

There will be a lot of germs on adults, but these germs are no problem in adults, because adults have strong immunity.

However, if the adult's clothes are mixed with the child's clothes, these germs that cannot affect the adults will transition to the child's clothes, and then infect the child from the child's clothes to the child, the child's immunity is relatively poor, and it is easy to cause illness. For example, it can cause problems such as vaginitis, or itchy skin.

Three-year-old girl with vaginitis, doctor: blame the parents for the three "blind frugal" behavior, don't repeat it

Therefore, the children's clothes and adults' clothes must be washed separately, even the adult's clothes are recommended to be underwear underwear hand washing, washing machine washing outerwear on the line, so as to avoid causing cross infection.

We with children must pay attention to the fact that sometimes we really can't be "blind and frugal".

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