
The old man suddenly fell ill and was comatose, and the police "saved people" on the way to work.

Recently, Guangzhou Police Officer Liu was on his way to work

An Arbor was seen suddenly fainting and falling into a coma

He grasped the "golden four minutes" for emergency rescue

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of Arbor...

As a Red Cross first responder

Officer Liu prejudged that Arbor was likely to be

Sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases lead to coma

After dialing 120, 110

Officer Liu seized the "golden four minutes" for emergency rescue

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of Arbor

After 120 medical staff arrived at the scene

Officer Liu assisted the doctor in carrying out on-site rescue

Arbor finally slowly regained consciousness

Transported by ambulance to the hospital for continued treatment

Fortunately, a message arrived shortly after Abel's family

Tell Abel that there is no big trouble...

"Thanks to your blessing, my dad's heart has been set up with a stent"

Afterwards, Officer Liu said he knew first aid

Another people's policeman

Just thinking about doing my best to save people

Cold wave strikes High-risk groups must be vigilant against cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

When the temperature decreases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will also enter a high incidence period

The elderly and patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes

Be vigilant!

Cold weather can cause blood vessels to constrict

Stimulates increased blood pressure and increased heart rate

It is easy to induce myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other diseases

The elderly, obese people, smokers, etc

People at high risk factors

People with high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and diabetes

People with chronic diseases should be more vigilant

Hypotensive, lipid-lowering, and hypoglycemic drugs should not be discontinued without authorization

Once there is a sudden increase in blood pressure, chest tightness, chest pain, etc

If you are uncomfortable, you should see a doctor in time

Outdoor travel What parts should I pay attention to when keeping warm in my body?

Experts recommend avoiding outdoor activities as much as possible during cold waves

If you must go out, you must pay attention to cold protection and warmth

Usually everyone goes out

You will wear a thick down jacket and warm shoes

But there is one part that is often overlooked, and that is the head

Due to the dense blood vessels

The head reacts very keenly to the cold

The body was warm, but the head was exposed to the cold wind

It also causes vasoconstriction

Wear a hat and wear a mask

It can effectively resist the cold wave and is also conducive to epidemic prevention and control

Comprehensive: CCTV News

Producer/Ren Yongwei

Editor-in-Chief/Bei Zhang

Duty Editor/Yang Zixuan

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