
Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

Qin Juniper was an out-and-out traitor, a traitorous courtier, a villain who excluded dissidents, bowed his knees, and betrayed the country for glory. Whether it was in the hard-line main battle of Emperor Huizong and the Qinzong Dynasty, the slaves in the Jin camp, or the lord and traitor when he returned to the Song Dynasty, he formed a party and engaged in private affairs after killing Yue Fei, excluding dissidents, and acting arbitrarily. Everything shows that Qin Juniper is an egoist. He only has his own future position in the world, and it is ridiculous to say that he is also a hot-blooded young man or something. There is no patriotism in him at all.

Qin Juniper also fought???

Qin Juniper, word will be. Born in 1090 in Huangzhou, Hubei Province, he lived in Changzhou and finally settled in Jiangning. However, neither Huangzhou nor Changzhou, nor Jiangning recorded Qin Juniper as a local celebrity in the local chronicle, and no one wanted a traitor to become a local celebrity.

In his early years, Qin Juniper was poor and poor, and worked as a private school. Earn a living on a meager income. He was very dissatisfied with the comparison. In 1115 AD, the 25-year-old Qin Ju took the examination for the jinshi and became an official. The next year, in the first year of Jing Kang, Jin Bing went south. In November, he besieged the city of Bieliang and sent emissaries to force Emperor Qinzong of Song to cut off the land and seek peace, and Qin Ju wrote a letter: asking the emperor to consult with his ministers to discuss countermeasures and strengthen their vigilance. Emperor Qinzong of Song ignored Qin Juniper and instead sent Qin Juniper to Hebei to make Zhang Bangchang take up a post under his name and negotiate the cession of land. Qin Ju thought that this matter was too humiliating, and resigned three times.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

However, in the end, he was appointed by Emperor Qinzong of Song as an envoy to the land, escorting zhao Shu, the king of The Cut King, to let the three towns of Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian request peace. The Jin people detained Zhao Shu and let Qin Ju and the others go back, demanding that the land be lost first and then released. The Jin insisted on cutting up the land, otherwise they would attack Bieliang. In November of the same year, the chancellor of Song Qinzong discussed countermeasures, and Fan Zongyin and seventy other people agreed to cut the land, and Qin Ju and thirty-six others did not agree.

In the golden camp slave yan knee

You think that Qin Ju is a strong and unyielding and patriotic main battle faction, which is a big mistake. In the second year of Jing Kang, the Jin soldiers conquered Bieliang, and Qin Ju, along with the Second Emperor Hui Qin, was taken captive by the Jin people. The Jin wanted to make Zhang Bangchang the Pseudo-Qi Emperor, and in April of the same year, Qin Ju and others were taken north by the Jin. After arriving at the Jin camp, the other ministers were unyielding and unwilling to cooperate with the Jin people, only Qin Ju immediately saw the wind and steered the rudder as soon as he arrived at the Jin camp. In May of the same year, Zhao Zhuo succeeded to the throne at Yingtianfu. As soon as Emperor Huizong of Song heard that his son had succeeded to the throne, the Song Dynasty had not yet perished, and he still had to negotiate capital. So he found someone to draft a letter and begged for mercy to the Jin chieftain, saying that he could notify his son Zhao Zhuo to declare himself a vassal to the Jin Kingdom and make an annual confession to the Jin Kingdom. Yes, it was Qin Juniper who was in charge of the letters.

The Emperor Wenkang took the throne, and wrote a book to stick to the Han, and negotiated peace with the covenant, and polished it. Juniper is thickly bribed to sticky. - "The Biography of Song Shi Qin Juniper"

Emperor Huizong of Song, who bowed to the Jin people, was still a slave of the Jin people. Qin Ju, who was in charge of writing letters, was very vocal in the Jin Dynasty. Also kneeling down to be a slave, Qin Juniper's rank as a slave was much higher than that of Emperor Huizong of Song. Qin Ju was first appreciated by Sticky Han, and later given to Yan Chang. He became a staff officer under Yan Chang and completely defected to jinguo. He often appears at banquets at the top of the Golden State.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

After defecting to the Jin people, he used his identity to persuade the song dynasty soldiers and civilians to surrender. In the third year of Jianyan, Yan Chang attacked Chu Prefecture, and the soldiers and civilians of Chu Prefecture stubbornly resisted under the command of Zhao Li. When the grain in the city was eaten, he ate the bark of the grass roots and trees and persevered to the end. During this period, Qin Ju wrote a letter to persuade the military and people of Chu Prefecture to surrender. The soldiers and civilians of Chuzhou all bravely and righteously did not surrender. On the day of the city's destruction, the soldiers and civilians in the city and the Jin army engaged in a street battle, even if it was a woman, she also dragged the jin soldiers into the water and died with the jin soldiers. In contrast, Qin Ju, who had defected to the Jin people, was still a high-ranking official, Houlu, drunk and dreaming of death. He wasn't even as good as a woman. Not only Qin Juniper, but also his relatives had defected to the Jin people, and as long as he could be a high-ranking official, Houlu, he would not care who the master was.

Return to the Southern Song Dynasty, the first time to worship

In 1130 AD, Qin Ju and his wife and children returned to the Song Dynasty. Take the Lianshui Army and return to Lin'an City. Returning to the Song Dynasty, Qin Ju lied that he had killed the guards and fled back. The ministers were suspicious. From 1127 to 1130 for a total of three years, if Qin Ju was a loyal subject, he should have been martyred. On this typical "bragging" behavior, some people actually believe it.

The chancellor Fan Zongyin and the Privy Councillor Li Hui once had a good relationship with Qin Juniper, believed Qin Juniper, and recommended Qin Juniper as an official.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

In October of the fourth year of Jianyan, Juniper, his wife Wang Clan and the family of servants, took the Lianshui Army from the army and sailed back to the country. At noon, juniper entered the meeting. Ding Wei, the Worship Department Shangshu, gave him a silver veil. Hinoki no Guiye, who said that he had killed the gold man and imprisoned himself, came to the boat. Most of the courtiers are called juniper, Fu, and Park, and Hinoki are alone; And from Yan to Chu 2,800 miles, across the river and across the sea, there is no one to ridicule, Ande killed the prisoner and south, so that the soldiers were lazy, the Jin people indulged, they would question their wives, Ande and Wang Shikai, but the prime minister Fan Zongyin, the same privy council Li Hui and Junshan, did their best to break through the doubts of the crowd, and strongly recommended their loyalty. - "The Biography of Song Shi Qin Juniper"

In February of the second year of Shaoxing, Qin Ju was promoted to the position of Governor of Senate. In August of the same year, Qin Ju was promoted to the post of Right Servant, Tongzhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, and Concurrently Zhi Privy CouncilLord, and paid his first visit. After becoming prime minister, he excluded dissidents and constantly instigated Emperor Gaozong of Song to negotiate peace with jin ren. And boast of Haikou, he has a good strategy for pacifying the world. During this period, he also advocated that "the southerners return to the south, and the northerners return to the north" . Caused Zhao Shuo to be dissatisfied. According to this statement, that Zhao Zhuo is also a northerner, so should he also let him go back? In August of the same year, Qin Juniper was impeached and stepped down, and Emperor Gaozong of Song issued an edict that Qin Juniper would never be reused.

Qin Juniper was able to return smoothly from the Jin Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, which was naturally the arrangement of Yan Chang. Putting Qin Juniper back is equivalent to planting eyeliner in the Song Dynasty. Qin Jun's proposition that "the southerners return to the south and the northerners return to the north" also came from Yan Chang's instructions. Gai Juniper sang the peace talks first in the Golden Court, so the tart was lazy and indulgent.

The second time he was in charge, he frantically surrendered to negotiate peace

In the fifth year of Shaoxing, Jin Taizong died, qin juniper's old master finished Yan Chang's rule, and Song Jin reached a peace agreement. Qin Juniper was reactivated, and qin juniper, who was re-activated, seemed to be mad, desperately presiding over the peace talks. Even if the Song army gained a huge military advantage, he spared no effort to negotiate peace.

In the seventh year of Shaoxing, Emperor Gaozong of Song gave Yue Fei command of the main force of the Song army, and all the Song troops except Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun were under the command of Yue Fei. Qin Ju and Zhang Jun wrote to Emperor Gaozong of Song, asking Emperor Gaozong of Song to take back his life and avoid Yue Fei's military power from being too heavy and his merits being high. Yue Fei unified command of the main force of the Song army, and the plan to march into the Northern Expedition failed.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

In the eighth year of Shaoxing, Qin Ju once again paid homage to him. The Jin sent emissaries to negotiate peace. Emperor Gaozong of Song was worried that his mother was old and wanted her to return to Song quickly. He ordered Qin Ju to be a vassal of the Jin people at all costs, hoping that the peace agreement would be reached soon. Taking advantage of Zhao's idea of discussing peace quickly, Qin Ju requested that he be fully responsible for the matter of peace discussion, and that no other ministers should be allowed to interfere, and that Qin Juniper monopolize the power and negotiate peace with Jin Bing. All the ministers who disagreed with the peace were expelled from the court.

The Jin envoys were arrogant and demanded that the Song Dynasty officials who received them be received as courtiers. He also asked the Song Emperor to kneel down to accept the canonization of the Jin Dynasty. The military and people everywhere were indignant, and the general Han Shizhong repeatedly requested that troops be sent to fight the Jin people to the death, but Song Gaozong did not allow it, and even the officials who received the Jin people opposed the humiliating peace. Up and down, there is indignation. Even Zhao Shuo was unwilling to kneel down to accept the canonization.

Instead, Qin Ju alone planned to accept all the requests of the Jin people and go to accept the state letter sealed by the Jin people.

Obstructed the Northern Expedition and killed Yue Fei

In the first month of the ninth year of Shaoxing, Song Jin reached a peace agreement. The chancellor advised Emperor Gaozong of Song to be careful of the Jin people and not to trust the Jin people easily. And these chapters were deposed by the powerful Qin Juniper. In July of the same year, civil unrest broke out among the Jin people, and Han Shizhong requested to send troops to attack, but was blocked by Qin Ju. And his reasons for obstruction are particularly absurd. The Jinguo people had civil unrest and died. Their family wants to do funerals, and we can't beat people. Proper hardcore traitor.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

Ten years after Shaoxing, the Jin people tore up the contract, and the Jin people went south in four ways. The Song army resisted from all sides. First Liu Kun led the "Eight Character Army" to defeat the Jin army in Shunchang, then Han Shizhong kehai prefecture, Zhang Jun broke Suzhou, Bozhou. Yue Fei sent an army from Ezhou, Hubei Province, to the Northern Expedition, defeated the Jin army in succession, occupied Yingchang Province and Huaining Province, and took advantage of the victory to recover Zhengzhou and Xijing Henan Province. Good news on the front lines is frequent. Zhao Zhuo and Qin Ju watched the Jin soldiers retreat and ordered the front-line troops to withdraw, and Yue Fei's troops fought alone and broke the Jin troops at Haocheng. After fifteen miles of pursuit of the Golden Soldiers, the Golden Army was greatly shaken. The Yue family army continued to attack and besieged Kaifeng. Jin Wushu garrisoned Zhu Xianzhen with an army of 150,000 in an attempt to stop the Yue family's army. The five hundred back ridge iron horses of the Yue family's army arrived at zhuxian town, and in a battle, the enemy army was broken, and the Jin army fled in total. Jin Wushu even wanted to abandon Kaifeng and prepare to cross the river to escape back to the north.

Emperor Gaozong of Song was capricious in his treatment of the Northern Expedition, and once the situation was favorable, he only sought self-preservation, and repeatedly ordered Yue Fei to stop advancing. In early July, Qin Ju took the opportunity to instigate his henchmen to play the role of Yu Shiluo Ruyu in the palace, advising Emperor Gaozong of Song and ordering Yue Fei to withdraw his troops. On July 18, when Zhang Xian marched from Linying to Kaifeng, the first edict was delivered. Yue Fei argued on the basis of reason, wrote a letter arguing, and demanded that the march continue.

The heavy troops of the Qiqi Kanjin gathered in Tokyo, and they were repeatedly defeated, frustrated, and shocked inside and outside. The spy who hears it wants to abandon his weight and rush across the river. In the present, Haojie is facing the wind, the soldiers are using their lives, the time and the personnel, the strength and weakness have been seen, the merits and the success, the time will not come again, and the opportunity will be lost. The subject is ripe with the material day and night, but His Majesty's picture is. - "The Biography of Song Shiyue Fei"

When the Yue family army Zhu Xianzhen broke the Golden Army, Jin Wushu gave up Kaifeng and was about to march into Kaifeng, and within a day, Yue Fei received twelve gold medals in a row and demanded that Yue Fei withdraw his army, and Yue Fei himself went to Lin'an to face the saint.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

When Yue Fei received the order, he wept bitterly and indignantly: "Ten years of achievements have been destroyed in one fell swoop." Non-ministers are incompetent, and the powerful minister Qin Junshi mistook His Majesty also. Yue Fei had to return to the dynasty. When the people inquired, they knelt down in front of Yue Fei's horse and cried out to stop them: Marshal Yue, we people transport grain and grass to help the army to recruit the golden soldiers. The Jin people all know that now that the marshal has returned to the south, I am afraid that my life will soon be over. Yue Fei was helpless and tearfully took out the edict of withdrawal. The cries of the people were overwhelming.

When the army retreated to Caizhou, many more people cried to stop Yue Fei, and everyone lost their voices and wept bitterly. Yue Fei stayed here for five days, covering the retreat of the people. On the occasion of his return to the army, he learned that Jin Wushu had returned to Kaifeng, and the territory he had previously recovered was occupied by the Jin. Yue Fei looked up at the sky and sighed: "Once all the counties you have received, once they are all rested!" Sheji Jiangshan, it is difficult to ZTE! Clean world, no reason to repeat!

After Yue Fei returned to the army, he was disheartened and repeatedly requested to unload his armor and return to the field. Zhao Shuo was not allowed, Shaoxing was eleven years old, the Jin people invaded the south, and Yue Fei sent troops here to resist. This was also the last time he led the army.

The Jin were unable to completely destroy the Southern Song Dynasty and were ready to collude with Qin Ju to negotiate peace. Qin Ju began to attack the generals of the main battle faction, especially Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. Jin Wushu even said in a letter to Qin Ju: "Er Chaoxi is peaceful and please, and Yue Feifang is Hebei Tu, and he kills my son-in-law, and he cannot fail to report it." Yue Fei will be killed, and then he and Ke Chengye will be killed. ”

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

Yue Fei and Han Shizhong's military power was successively withdrawn, and in October, Qin Ju asked the advisor Wan Qianbi to impeach Yue Fei, and Zhang Jun framed Yue Fei's forces for plotting against Zhang Xian, and Yue Fei's father and son were escorted to Dali Temple. In November, Kim and Song made peace. In December, Qin Ju falsely accused Yue Fei of rebellion, and Zhao Zhuo ordered Yue Fei to be killed, and Yue Yun and Zhang Xian were beheaded. Yue Fei was killed in the Dali Temple prison on Chinese New Year's Eve night at the age of 39.

Monopolize power and exclude dissidents

After Yue Fei's death, no one could pose a threat to the Jin people anymore. The main battle faction was completely defeated by Qin Jun. In the twelfth year of Shaoxing, because of his meritorious service in peace, he made Qin Ju a taishi and the Duke of Wei. In October, he was re-enfeoffed as the Duke of Qin and Wei. At this time, Qin Ju was under one person and above ten thousand people.

Dealing with those who had previously opposed him, he retaliated wildly. Zhao Ding was demoted to Chaozhou, Wang Shu to Daozhou, Hu Quan to Xinzhou, and even Zhang Jun, who had helped him, was deposed. No one in the DPRK and China dared to oppose Qin Juniper. Qin Junde had been alone for nineteen years. All those who demanded the Northern Expedition to recover the lost territory were demoted. Officials from all over the country flattered Qin Juniper one after another, and no one dared to mention the Northern Expedition anymore. Since then, the Southern Song Dynasty has also completely lost the hope of recovering the lost land. The last bit of bloodiness was also destroyed by Qin Juniper.

In his lifetime, Qin Juniper, who bowed his knees and betrayed the country and sought glory, never did a single thing for the country and the people. Whether he resigned in his early years, or defected to the Jin people, opposed the peace talks, killed Yue Fei, and excluded dissidents, it was for his own future and for his own glory and wealth.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

In dealing with the matter of surrender, he was more active than Zhao Shuo. Zhao Zhuo knew a little shame and was unwilling to kneel down and be a vassal, but what about Qin Ju? It's a faceless thing to the extreme. Saying that he carried the black cauldron for Zhao Zhao was simply an insult to the black cauldron.

In the matter of harming Yue Fei, he also actively spared no effort. After receiving the letter from Jin Wushu, he tried to harm Yue Fei. Taking advantage of Zhao Shuo's fear that Yue Fei's military merits were too great, he made a taboo on the issue of establishing an heir and forced Yue Fei to die. On this issue, Qin Juniper could never be forgiven. He was not the executor of Zhao Cuo's killing of Yue Fei, and he was the conspirator who instigated Zhao Cuo to kill Yue Fei.

Qin Juniper is a great traitor who does not need to be disputed, a refined egoist, who will surely be left behind for thousands of years

A traitor like Qin Juniper, a delicate egoist, will surely be left behind for thousands of years.

Author: Datang Shou Catch Lang

References: "Song Shi Yue Fei Biography", "Song Shi Qin Junzhuan", "Compilation of the Three Dynasties Northern League"

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