
"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

For the sake of the child, the parents are really broken heart, before going to school, worry about the child's life, after going to school, and then began to worry about the child's learning, especially in the learning of education, parents' methods can be described as a variety of tricks, in order to make the child more excellent, but also painstaking.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

Recently, the educational methods of a doctoral father in Nanjing have aroused heated discussion. This father, Mr. Mao, married his wife, Ms. Zheng, has two children, the eldest son is 7 years old and the younger son is 5 years old. Because Mr. Mao himself has a high degree of education and is very good, he has also poured a lot of effort into the child. In terms of children's learning, Mr. Mao often teaches children some knowledge such as literature and higher mathematics, which belong to the category of secondary school and university knowledge, and let them learn until midnight every day, for two children who are still in primary school and kindergarten, such an educational method is really regrettable.

In addition, the father saw that the child's learning progress was slow, could not learn, and would insult and beat the child. The mother looked at the child very distressed and once called the police, but even if the public security police and the teacher school intervened, the child's father still went his own way and refused to accept mediation. In this way, the child's body and mind were seriously hurt, and the relationship between the husband and wife also plummeted. Subsequently, Ms. Zheng sued her husband.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

As soon as this news broke, many netizens condemned their father's practices. Some netizens said that it is really inappropriate for children to accept difficult learning content at such a young age. Moreover, the beating and verbal abuse of children is no longer a matter of education, but domestic violence.

Rousseau has a particularly good passage when he says that "nature wants children to be like children before they become adults, and if we disrupt this order, there will be some precocious fruits, which are neither plump nor sweet, and which will soon rot."

Children's growth is orderly, they will have something to learn at each stage, if the parents force them to instill something, it will be counterproductive. In life, many parents will educate their children ahead of time, thinking that they will receive education in advance, so that they will be better and better in learning. However, the harm caused to the child is very great.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

Why is advanced education not recommended?

Contrary to the child's physiological characteristics

There is an overall law in the development of children, for children aged 5-10, their logical thinking ability and abstract thinking ability has not yet been fully established. And seven or eight-year-old children, their thinking is still more intuitive image, we will find that they will have the habit of counting fingers when doing math problems. At this time, even if they are educated in advance, the children's thinking ability has not been achieved, and they simply cannot understand the content taught by the parents.

Stifle children's interest in learning

It is said that interest is the best teacher for children, and it is true that children will work hard to learn what they are interested in. For preschool children, their most important way is through games, and advanced education is not difficult to understand, that is, let them learn the knowledge to be learned later, children can not learn, in learning, often suffer failure, so they will lose interest in learning, but will play a contrary effect.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

It will have an impact on the physical and mental health of the child

When children receive advanced education, they will often not remember or understand the content taught by their parents, and at this time, parents will insult and criticize them in a hurry, and even have physical violence. This kind of education will make children more and more afraid and resistant to learning, and even develop the habit of using violence to solve problems.

What are the consequences of violent ripening for children?

Your child's learning will be affected

This kind of early education does allow children to learn a lot of knowledge in advance, but the consequences are very large. Maybe at the beginning, parents can't see the impact, but this influence is subtle, in the child's ten years, twenty years later, the impact will become larger, the child is still difficult to have a chance.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

Your child's mindset will change

For children, their childhood should be carefree, very simple and happy, the parents' violence ripening, so that they prematurely enter the adult world, the gap between them and the surrounding friends will become larger and larger, in addition to the personality will become more isolated, the mentality will also be very stressful, slowly will show their rebellious side.

The relationship between the child and the parent will be affected

To say that the most affected is the relationship between parents and children, parents are too extreme education methods, will make children superficially obedient, in the heart is very rebellious, and even very resentful of parents, parent-child relationship will also be affected, is not conducive to the establishment of a good parent-child relationship.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

What can parents do about their children's education?

Recognize the child's ordinary

Not every child in this world is a genius, there are very few geniuses, most of our children are just an ordinary person, the ordinary here is not the meaning of belittling the child, so what parents have to do is first of all to accept the child's ordinary, the requirements for them are simpler, do not try to treat the child with the way of treating genius.

Don't put too much pressure on your child

Each child is actually a seed, each seed has its own characteristics, their flowering time is not the same sooner or later, parents do not see other children perform very well and their hearts begin to be anxious, give the child some time, quietly waiting for your child to finally blossom one day. Maybe your child won't blossom because it's a towering tree in itself. Therefore, parents should not be too anxious in their hearts, and do not put too much pressure on their children, believe in their children, and wait for the flowers to bloom.

"Violent ripening" to educate children, this way to the child's harm is irreparable

The author summarizes

Scientific education methods are very important for children, parents should be educated according to the development law of each stage of children, so that they can better enjoy the process of growth, do not be too eager to make quick profits, seedlings to promote growth for children, there is no benefit at all. Moreover, there is more than one way to success, and all children have infinite possibilities before they succeed. In this process, learning is the foundation, but it is not the main condition that determines the child's path to success. Parents should not patronize the cultivation of their children's learning and neglect their other aspects of growth.

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