
Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

author:Yerba Buena, Flowing Year

Stick bone is pig bone, in addition to protein, fat, vitamins, but also contains a lot of calcium phosphate, bone collagen, bone mucin and so on. The collagen contained in bone broth can enhance the body's ability to make blood cells, and it is beneficial for health to drink more stick bone broth for young people or the elderly. While the corn absorbs the essence of bone broth, the corn particles are fuller, and the taste and taste are more mellow. Drink a bowl of cob bone corn soup when you are physically and mentally exhausted, and you will be full of energy.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

2 rod bones

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

1 corn

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Onion to taste

Ginger slices to taste

A pinch of salt

White vinegar 10g

Cool water to taste

Boiling water to taste

Specific cooking steps.

The main ingredient, the stick bone.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Pour in an appropriate amount of water to soak the rod bones.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Soak in bleeding water and rinse off with clean water.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Put the washed rod bones in a pot and pour in cold water, the amount of water is not more than the rod bones. It is best to use cold water. Because the general bone always has a little meat, if you pour hot water or boiling water into the pot at the beginning, the surface of the meat is suddenly subjected to high temperature, the outer layer of the meat protein will immediately solidify, so that the protein in the inner layer can not be fully dissolved into the soup, only once add enough cold water, and slowly warm, the protein can be fully dissolved into the soup, the taste of the soup is more delicious.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Bring to a boil over high heat, cook for about 5 minutes, then skim off the floating mince.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Fish out the rod bones.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Place the blanched rod bones in a soup pot.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Pour boiling water, the amount of water is not more than the rod bone.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Add the shallots, slices of ginger.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Bring to a boil over high heat.

Add about 10g of white rice vinegar After the water is boiled, you can add vinegar in moderation, because the vinegar can dissolve the phosphorus and calcium in the bones into the soup.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Open the lid and cook for about 10 minutes, the soup turns white, at this time turn low, cover the lid and cook for about 40 minutes. My family often eats the meat after cooking the stick bone broth for the first time, then cleans the stick bone, puts in cold water and continues to cook for 1 to 2 hours, and a pot of fat and delicious soup is boiled. You can directly cook the soup in the picture above for 1 to 2 hours, the taste of the soup will be more delicious, the meat will be deboned, but the meat taste is a bit woody.

Take another pot, fill it with stick bones and stick bone broth, and bring to a boil over high heat.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Cut the corn into small pieces.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Put the corn in the soup and bring to a boil over high heat, simmering for about 10 minutes.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Add the small rapeseed.

Autumn seasonal delicacies, nourishing and healthy, cob bone corn soup

Season with a pinch of salt.