
Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten

author:Low calorie food station

Hello! Today I'm going to share the fat-free meal again [sugar-free version. Fragrant corn soup] tutorial is finally here!!! Fat-reducing girls you must try! Fragrant and fragrant! After eating warm fufu! Great satisfaction! Much better than the greasy corn soup outside! The ingredients are not as high-carbon refined rice noodles and high protein as they are! Not fat! Still hungry! (Lose weight don't always eat boiled vegetables!) This yard stays on weekends when you have time to do it! )

(Ingredients are very simple!!!)

Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten

Preparation steps:

First process the ingredients: cut the onion, carrots, potatoes into cubes, peel half of the corn, and juice the other half of the corn and ten milks for later


Stir-fry the shrimp and bacon first! In a pot with olive oil, stir-fry diced vegetables for 8 ripe! Pour in the remaining milk and simmer for a while! Finally, pour in the corn paste and stir-fry well, under the black pepper sea salt seasoning to get it done! !

Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten
Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten
Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten
Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten
Sugar-free low calorie fragrant corn soup have you ever eaten

The original text is transferred from the Little Red Book

See you tomorrow! Remember to eat well

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