
How to choose the initial complementary food, have you thought about it?

Every parent wants their baby to be smart. In addition to genetic factors, diet also plays a very important role.

Especially in the early stage of baby growth and development, the impact of food on the baby's brain development should not be underestimated. Therefore, in the stage of adding complementary foods to the baby, we can consciously consume more foods that promote the development of the baby's brain, so that the child is smarter and healthier.

1. Foods rich in DHA

DHA, commonly known as brain gold, is an important component of the brain and retina and is essential for the development of the intellect and vision of infants and young children.

So which foods are rich in DHA and can be eaten by babies?

The first thing that has to be mentioned is our breast milk: colostrum is very rich in DHA, and it is easy for our babies to absorb and utilize, so precious breast milk must not be wasted; and in our breast milk, if nursing mothers eat more fish, the content of DHA in breast milk is also very considerable, so nursing mothers should eat more fish, especially deep-sea fish!

There is also marine life, including deep-sea fish, algae, sea cucumbers, etc., and its DHA content is also very rich, so how should our little babies eat it?

Recommended recipe: Salmon mashed potato pie

Ingredients: 50 g salmon, a quarter of the potatoes, carrots to taste


Salmon steamed and mashed, potatoes and carrots peeled and steamed, pressed into a puree, mixed with steamed salmon puree;

Make the mixed salmon puree into the shape of a small cake, heat it in a pan and add the small cake, you can put a little (one or two drops) of walnut oil or olive oil, and slowly fry over low heat.

Suitable for months of age: more than 10 months of baby, let the baby hold the hand to eat, not only can exercise the ability to grasp, but also increase the intake of DHA, promote the baby's brain development.

2. Foods rich in phospholipids and lecithin

To explain here, phospholipids and lecithin are not the same substance, the former is abundant in dried fruits, such as walnuts, sesame seeds, peanuts; the latter is abundant in eggs and soybeans. But both of these substances have a good effect on the composition of our human cells and enhance the function of brain cells.

Recommended recipe: Sesame walnut millet porridge

Ingredients: White sesame seeds, walnuts, millet

Let's start with sesame walnut powder. Fry the white sesame seeds, put them in a blender and beat them into a powder and put them into a storage jar; then bake the walnuts in the same way, put them into the blender to beat into powder, and put them into the storage jar for later;

Cook the porridge with millet, add an appropriate amount of sesame powder and walnut powder, stir well and let cool before giving it to the baby.

Suitable for babies over 8 months of age. When we have leisure time, we can prepare more sesame powder, walnut powder, when cooking porridge can be accompanied by the baby to eat, pay attention to the finer, so that the baby is easier to swallow.

In this way, even if the taste of porridge is not so single, it can also promote the absorption of nutrition in the baby, which is also very convenient.

Recommended recipe: Egg custard

Egg soup believes that everyone can steam, it is also very simple, here is to tell you a steamed egg soup is not old little trick. When we steam the egg custard, before putting it in the pot, the bowl is covered with a layer of plastic wrap, so that the whole egg custard can be smooth as a mirror!

The content of lecithin in eggs is relatively rich, and the more acetylcholine contained in it is also an important substance for our brain to achieve memory, so eating some eggs appropriately is very good for small babies!

It should be noted that if the baby has not yet eaten egg whites, be sure to start with the yolk, and then slowly try to feed the baby a small amount after a few times, and indeed do not have allergies before you can eat more appropriately.

In fact, there are many kinds of foods that promote the development of the baby's brain, and mothers usually pay more attention to it, exert their own wisdom, so that the baby is more and more intelligent the more he eats, you can do the same!

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