
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of December 24, 2021


Now can be a magical moment where you can decide what you want more in your life and what you can let go gently. Saturn is in the social part of your chart and it may now be clear which of your friends are worth sticking with. When you cement your most intimate relationships and stay away from anyone who stands in your way, the air should be filled with love. Uranus is in your second financial house, and money can also be associated with pleasant surprises.


Today your dreams may be closer than ever, with the ambitious Saturn in your career field, where you can celebrate a new milestone or receive hopeful news about your work. In a recent project, the promotion or praise for you should lift your spirits. Uranus, the planet of innovation, encourages you to trust your instincts and breaks your comfort zone. You now have the ability to take action, so you may surprise some people, but you will enjoy every second.


Exciting challenges can elevate and motivate you. Responsible Saturn is entering your realm of adventure and expansion, which means you may decide it's time to share your knowledge and skills with others. Your enthusiasm may shine today, and the people you meet will be encouraged and delighted by your enthusiasm and charm. The unique Uranus is in the astrolabe region associated with mental impressions and intuition, so pay attention to your dreams tonight, as they may have an answer to a mysterious puzzle.


Your social life will be moving fast today, as Uranus, unexpected joys, highlight the party. There may also be some surprises, so be prepared for last-minute changes, small episodes in your travel plans, or a little delightful confusion. While your arrangement may not go as you wish, what happens next may be more interesting. Accept the invitation, put on your joyful clothes, and let the world see what they're missing.


Your relationships may be strengthened, and you may be able to repair bridges with the people closest to you. Today, take Saturn seriously in your relationship area, showing that you are in the right mindset to make your partnership work. Awkward meetings can be helped by the innovative Uranus, which is currently at the top of your astrolabe, boosting your reputation. Your good name may reach a VIP who is eager to meet you, and if so, enjoy a pleasant self-improvement.


Today you're probably super organized, squeezing some time out of your to-do list to enjoy a little hospitality. A disciplined Saturn is passing through your palace of health and work, which will bring you discipline and composure to accomplish whatever you are determined to do. Dinner parties, shopping trips, or just a cup of coffee with friends should be particularly enjoyable and all worries will be gone. Unexpected news from abroad can be exciting.


Your partner may bring you joy today because the stable Saturn implies that your romantic relationship will become stronger and you may decide to get married or live together. If you're single and looking for a job, someone you're meeting right now could have a huge impact on you. As Uranus changes in an area of your chart, highlighting the property or business-owned partners, you may decide to buy a house or start a new money-making venture.


Your home may be at the center of all action today, as Saturn is passing through your family house, which can bring more contentment and stability to your life. Saturn's lessons tend to be slow and sometimes uncomfortable, but the result is that you come out from the other side, wiser and more emotionally rich. With Uranus, the revolutionary planet, passing through your partner's palace, there are also signs that new love may be on the horizon. If that's what you want, you'll find it right now.


Today, you may feel relieved that you have finally gotten your message to the people you love. Saturn is in your communication area, which may help you find people who have the wrong impression of you. You should be able to state your point of view effectively and win the support of anyone you talk to. In addition, the surprise-filled Uranus will also bring many new ideas to your daily life, lighting up your living habits and work areas.


There seems to be a magical atmosphere in the air today. Uranus, a planet that suddenly changes, is passing through a pleasant and entertaining field. You may be in a relaxed mood and eager to be with like-minded people. Your love life will also get a healthy boost, and an unexpected declaration of love may catch you off guard. You may feel more reckless than usual, but it may get you out of some of the old habits that are good for you.


You may feel like you should take a break and look forward to a relaxing weekend. Saturn, the overseer, has been in Aquarius and has most likely been teaching you some tough lessons, but in the end, these truths can set you free. It's time to put your worries aside and enjoy all that the people closest to you have. You probably know more than you did this time last year, so you should be able to use your knowledge to help you reach new heights in the coming months.


Now is probably a good time to introduce yourself to new people, especially if you've just started a business lately. You may not like it right now, but the person you meet may become your friend. Sometimes, change is a little foreign to you until you're able to make meaningful connections with others, and that process is now happening on your subconscious level. In the coming months, you'll find that the people who are strangers to you now mean the whole world to you in the future.

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