
Susan Miller's March 2023 horoscope

Susan Miller's March 2023 horoscope

The content of this article is excerpted from Star Translation Agency; Please refer to the Ascendant and Sun Signs.

The time difference relationship can be added to the date in the text, and the day and the next day are jointly referenced


The sun is traveling through your twelfth house, giving you powerful intuition and reflection. If you have artistic talent, you will be extremely creative and imaginative, of course, provided that you can control your time, work alone, and block out other people's chatter and opinions. Cutting back on social activities (probably a lot lately) may be satisfying, and it's time to recharge.

Before you can breathe a sigh of relief, you must complete a project before the full Virgo moon on March 7, which will light up your sixth house, the house in charge of your daily work. The following things in your mind may change: something about a task, someone who reports to you, or where you work. During this full moon, topics related to the above matters may be the focus of your attention.

Uranus, stationed in your second house (the house of wealth), is about to intersect with this full moon (third phase), indicating that you may get a job offer, or a job-related surprise and excitement, such as a new job or a well-paid one-off project. If you're starting your own business, a new client who is reputable and trusts you may be able to offer you a project that's right for you. It's a happy full moon that deserves the best expectations.

Mars – your guardian planet, still running in Gemini, rules your third house of travel and close relatives, your siblings or other close relatives may come to visit you, or, you may drive or fly to see them. Staying home can seem to drive you crazy, so you decide to go on vacation with your family or friends and spend quality time together.

On March 21, the new moon will appear in Aries. This is a special new moon because it represents your annual cosmic package. This lovely new moon will give you the energy to improve any aspect of your life.

Usually, the new moon will keep you focused on refreshing a specific part of your life, but this new moon, as it happens in Aries, will make you take action in any direction and start your journey to achieve your dreams. Usually, you can only enjoy the Aries New Moon once a year, but this year there will be a second – April 19 will be a powerful Aries New Moon eclipse. In those positive ways, change will come. Move forward bravely and see your life as an adventure, of which you are the hero. Pluto will be in perfect phase (six) with this month's new moon, so executives are willing to risk creating a major opportunity for your career – make the most of it.

One of the two major cosmic events that will take place this month is that Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7 for the first time in 29 years. (The last time Saturn entered Pisces was between May 1993 and April 1996 because it orbited so slowly.) Once Saturn is no longer in Aquarius, your circle of friends expands rapidly. You will also enjoy life more.

Saturn will stay in your twelfth house for years to come, perfect for immersion, and perhaps, it can sometimes bring secret enemies, but instead of worrying about what to do with enemies, it is better to take precautions and care about who you bring into your life. Do background checks on people you hire at work or at home, and call agents a few more times. Don't fully trust the person until you know him completely. If some problems cannot be solved or avoided, they become learning experiences.

Another big event, which could be a preview of a more permanent trend next year – between March 23 and June 11, 2023, Pluto will stay in Aquarius and then retrograde back to Capricorn, and it will officially return to Aquarius on January 20, 2024, for up to 20 years until January 19, 2044. Pluto last entered Aquarius during the French Revolution, less than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolution, from April 1777 to December 1798. (Pluto's orbit is elliptical, allowing Pluto to stay in each constellation for 14 to 33 years.) Pluto, the great changemaker, can revive your friendship in a profound and remarkable way. You're about to meet many successful people, perhaps celebrities, which could be the result of your career taking off.

Since 2008, Pluto has been in the tenth house of honor, reward and achievement, and at some point in that time, you may have naturally become the benchmark in the industry. You've probably built your reputation, and now it's up to you to build on what you've already achieved. The new location Pluto is heading to is the eleventh house that symbolizes your hopes, aspirations, charity, humanitarian activities, and friendship, and you will gain great personal growth in one or more of these areas. You have an exciting future and will come to you soon.


This month is important, with several important stars scrambling to make an appearance that dramatically changes the face of your life and changes the way you feel about it. First of all, it's time to enjoy it. From late February, your social life becomes active and you will follow along and move forward happily. You may want to free up some time so you can accept invitations to dinners, group events, charity events, or community events. Life will become lighter and easier, freeing you from the tension of past career life. You've proven yourself – there's no need to worry too much as you move on.

This month is not only about friendship, but also about deep, lasting love.

On March 1 and March 2 (the 3rd, 4th, and 5th are still ongoing), your guardian planet Venus will form a conjunction with Jupiter, which represents good luck, and this month may be romantic and charming, and the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter will set the tone for this (this phase may also bring you great financial income). March 1st and March 2nd are special and will be especially good for you. If you're still single, dating can go very well during these days – ask a friend to introduce you.

On Tuesday, March 7, the Virgo Full Moon appears, which is very romantic. This full moon will sprinkle sparkling fairy dust on the earth – everyone can see your unique charm. All full moons have an impact on the 5 days before and after, so you will see the effects of the full moon appear from the beginning of the previous weekend (4th and 5th), and until the 7th, feel her most direct influence. Or, later in the week – say Saturday, March 11 – feel the enchanting glow of the full moon. During the full moon, Uranus will be active and very friendly to you, adding a sweet emotional experience to the point where you can't breathe. If you are single and looking for love, then you may meet new people; If you already have a partner, then you may hear unexpected news from your significant other. This news will make you happy and make you excited.

In the joyous atmosphere, you will still glance at your wallet from time to time and spend your money carefully. Frugality is almost second nature, especially since last August 20 until now, Mars has had an extraordinarily long journey in your second house. Mars has been increasing your expenses for months, and his stay in Gemini (your financial palace) is too long. Normally, Mars stays in one constellation for 7 weeks, not 7 months. But from 2022 to 2023, this happened. The good news is that Mars will leave this place on March 25, your expenses will soon come down, and life will seem happier, easier, and carefree.

The good news is not over. On March 7, Saturn will leave Aquarius, which has been orbiting Aquarius since December 16, 2020. He forces you to follow higher professional standards and provide leadership in your career field. You may have distanced yourself from the past, started your own career, or achieved an influential and prestigious promotion. Or, you may start a new department on your own, write a book, or completely change your professional function.

In either case, you'll have a lot to learn, and older, more experienced people will be there to guide you and teach you the tricks. Two years on, you feel like you don't need as much supervision, but the person who played the role of mentor is still by your side for the past year. The other person wants to bring out the best in you, but shows concern in a strange way – and demandingly. Now, with Saturn gone, you'll see how much you've grown since the end of 2020. Saturn will always leave a gift of spirit or matter, a gift for your intense training in the face of him – your gift is coming now, or, in a few weeks, he will come.

Also in this month, Pluto will come to Aquarius to take Saturn's place. Pluto is a star that is highly associated with money, power, and influence. It takes about 248 years for Pluto to orbit the Sun, so it is impossible to experience Pluto's blessings in all houses of our lifetime. Luckily, Pluto is now in the tenth house of glory, reward and achievement, and he will tell you how to deal with power and responsibility, how to manage growing wealth.

Specifically, on March 23, Pluto arrives in Aquarius, but he will leave again on June 11 and return to Capricorn to resolve all outstanding issues. At a time when the universe is changing so drastically, it's a foreshadowing of the future — in January 2024, Pluto will fully enter Aquarius until January 2044. Pluto is an outer planet, at the very edge of the solar system, so it takes the longest for him to orbit the zodiac signs — he will linger in each sign for quite a bit of time — and it's important that this powerful body stays with you for 20 years. Sometimes you need to work very hard, but it's all worth it. You will be a force to be reckoned with.

Every month there is a new moon, and on March 21, the new moon appears in Aries. For you, this new moon is gentle, and it will make you reflect on what is really important to you. For the rest of the day, you will pursue peace, meditate or pray. You may want to try more oriental activities, such as yoga or tai chi, to find your inner center and find the best balance in your life.

This month, Venus will come to Taurus, which is a sweet gift from the lovely universe for you, love yourself! On March 30th, you will have surprises and joy.


You might think for a moment that no matter how hard you work, it's almost impossible to make progress in your career because it's been hard to make progress lately, however, nothing gets closer to the truth. You will have a huge opportunity to advance your career, but to see progress, you need to take on more responsibility and strive to reach new heights. In fact, in order to make progress in the coming weeks, months, and three years, you will need to work with Mission Director Saturn, who will enter your tenth house Pisces, the house of honor, awards, and achievements, on March 7.

Think of Saturn as an experienced mentor who will guide you into a new area of expertise, one that requires you to work hard with dedication and dedication – excluding almost everything else. Saturn is notoriously demanding, but Saturn knows how to play and hone your best strengths. His method is similar to that of an instructor, so sometimes you may wonder if he is really on your side, but Saturn is working for your benefit, and he is certainly effective. Saturn hasn't visited Pisces for a long time – the last time was from May 1993 to May 1996.

This time Saturn will stay in your famous career house (10th house) from March 7, 2023 to February 13, 2026. If you're old enough, think back to 1993 to 1996. If you were at least 20 years old or older, what did you do in your career at that time? Have you achieved something that you are proud of and shared with others? You were much younger then, but you might be able to pick out a topic that will now pop up again and take your expertise to the next level, earning the respect of many industries. Of course, you may not have been born yet, in which case Saturn will now give you a grand opportunity to make a name for yourself.

March 7 will be all the more important for another reason, as it will bring the Full Moon of Virgo, in your fourth house representing home and family. You may accomplish an important goal about your home at this time, such as moving to a new address or completing an important renovation. Or, a family member — like your mother — might surprise you, like a check or a gift, that you didn't expect because her generous plan has been kept secret until now. There is no doubt that on this full moon on March 7, you will have a wonderful surprise.

Pluto will also move to a new constellation — and that's big news. Pluto has not moved its constellation since 2008. Pluto's orbit is in the outermost circle of the solar system, and it takes him 248 years to circle the zodiac. This month Pluto will enter Aquarius, which blends well with your Gemini Sun sign because Aquarius is the same wind sign. This month Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23, but will leave on June 11, giving you a preview that next year he will enter Aquarius again in January 2024 and will stay until January 2044, up to 20 years.

Pluto will reside in your ninth house for so long, and it's a very comfortable area — it's responsible for absorbing information and sharing the knowledge you've absorbed in communication. The ninth house governs higher education, publishing, broadcasting and the digital world, as well as long-distance travel. If you're not traveling, your work may be more and more influential, so your work will travel for you – reaching out all over the world. This represents an expansion of thinking, and I think you'll be deeply affected by having Pluto in Aquarius and the huge transformation it will bring to society. We will all move from a consumption-based economy (what we can see and feel when we shop) to a more information-based, creative and digital world. You, more than most zodiac signs, will feel comfortable in the world we are stepping into.

Mars has been crossing Gemini since August 20 and is currently still in your sign, which is unusual for Mars, which typically travels much shorter in each constellation, about seven weeks instead of lasting seven months. Mars has always been a wonderful advantage in Gemini because it puts you in a position of leadership.

At the same time, there is also a possible downside to having so much energy and charge directed at you from Mars. Sometimes you may feel like you're being stimulated too much. You're a full battery from the start, always running on stressful energy, so you quickly find yourself needing to find ways to cool down and decompress. When Mars retrograde from October 30 to January 12 (which you must feel like the weeks are endless), no matter how hard you work, you don't feel like you're seeing the results you were hoping for. You do give a lot.

When Mars goes on January 12, you're gradually entering your best period, which you're still in. By March 25, you'll have the opportunity to use this valuable energy that Mars gives you to control a competitive situation and convince important people that you have the right solution all along, and management should allow you to prove it to them. On March 25, you will no longer have Mars in Gemini, and it will not return until next year on July 20, 2024, and then until September 4, 2024, which is six and a half weeks (no longer seven months).

Back in March, you'll now think a lot about your career as you have the Sun, Saturn, Mercury (your guardian star) and Neptune (the planet of creativity) crowded in your 10th house. You'll not only get sweet surprises from family-related developments, but also from events related to your career this month.

This month won't be just work without fun – after the new moon on March 21, you'll have plenty of time with friends, when the new moon will set in Aries, the eleventh house where you represent happiness, joy, and friendship. Jupiter will ensure that you quickly expand your circle, including the introduction of new faces, and that current friends will reconnect with you. This will kick off a pretty big social season for you, and many of your new friends and acquaintances may seem likely to be self-employed, giving you insights on how to pursue your dreams. New friends will inspire you and show you that no idea is unsolvable. This is an exciting trend.

Before the new moon on March 21, you'll have a big date and a shining gold star on your entertainment with friends? Yes, it's the best of the year! This phase appears once a year. On March 1 and 2, Venus and Jupiter will unite—this time in Aries—to bring love, laughter, luxury, and pure enjoyment. This energy will also spread to the weekend of March 4 and 5. The combination of these two companion planets will help you realize that golden days can appear on what you think is an ordinary day, but the results are very fascinating.

Another magnificent day will be Monday, March 27, when your guardian planet Mercury will meet Jupiter, the guardian star of gift and luck, both in Aries. Dear Gemini, wishes can come true and this day will prove it to you.


Cancer has been playing a behind-the-scenes role since August 2022, and you've probably been working on a budget or company policy, but these two possibilities aren't the only ones. This trend is caused by Mars' unusually long travel in the constellation Gemini, which has been in the twelfth house of Cancer since then, a relatively private house. That will all change this month, and on March 25, Mars will set foot on a new constellation for the first time in 7 months, Cancer Crab!

Career-wise, on March 1 and 2, Venus and Jupiter join Aries, making Cancer the guest of honor for at least one VIP client, and you can't do anything wrong. If you're interviewing for a new job or making a new request to your current management, you can focus on important things that will help your career during these two days. I mentioned these dates and fields in my February horoscope, so maybe you've prepared in advance!

Cancer will shift from a behind-the-scenes role to a more public identity. March 25 to May 20, Mars is in Cancer, the most important period for you in two years. You will gain control in a way that you haven't done in a long time, and here I'm talking about all areas of your life. This is also a critical time for 2023, so take this energy of Mars into Cancer seriously and make a launch plan for major events.

It must be mentioned that Mercury will be retrograde from April 21 to May 14, so the golden period will be hindered, so take advantage of March 25 to April 15 to schedule as early as possible to avoid the retrograde phase of Mercury.

On the full moon on March 7, Cancer may go on an exciting trip to the field, and during the five-day cycle before and after the 7th, it may suddenly go out. This is thanks to the exquisite union of Uranus, which is good at creating surprises, and the full moon. The reason for Cancer to travel may be for work or for leisure, which is both optional.

Also on March 7, Saturn will make a historic move away from Aquarius and into Pisces, a sign that Saturn has not set foot in since 1993 to 1996. Saturn will stay in Pisces until February 2026. 3 years before Saturn taught Cancer to manage money, you will find that Saturn's exit from the Outer Palace will make it very easy for you, because you will no longer be limited by the pressure of how much money you can make. In fact, Saturn suppresses Cancer's income to some extent because it makes you feel like you need to make more money; It also urges you to reduce waste, refrain from thrift, and be more cautious about consumption. Cancer will make more money now, but will also retain the lessons that Saturn has taught you over the past three years. Saturn officially enters Pisces, and Pisces is the same water sign as Cancer, and it will give Cancer more support in the coming years rather than hinder your development.

This month is mainly about career, and another important moment is the Aries New Moon on March 21, which will bring new possibilities to Cancer's career. You seem to have secured a new role, and within days or weeks of the new moon, you may also get a new title, take on more responsibilities, and Cancer may start your own business. The new position will lead Cancer into the digital world. The Aries crescent represents the occurrence of everything new. Aries is associated with budding, the first sign that grows and replaces in spring, symbolizing the beginning of a new cycle of life. After March 21, Cancer must pay attention to his phone calls, especially those related to his career.

The biggest change this month is Pluto's departure from Capricorn, which will enter Aquarius on March 23, where Pluto has been since 2008. But this time Pluto will stay in Aquarius until June 11, and then sneak retrograde back to Capricorn. In January 2024, Pluto will continue to visit Cancer's eighth house, the water bottle, until January 2044. Pluto is a very powerful planet, and as Pluto slowly and steadily passes through Aquarius, Cancer may become quite rich, but you need to be vigilant. Find a good financial advisor or estate planner. Once the funds start to arrive, you'll have to be ready.

After mid-May, Cancer will have more time to socialize. Since 2008, Pluto has been in a hedging phase with the Sun at Cancer House at different points in time, which makes you feel strong resistance in business or marriage partnerships. Cancer's emotional and committed relationships will improve in the future, and there will certainly be a shift in 2024, but similar signs may also appear sooner. When it comes to love and entertainment, the good days are coming!


In March, with three important planetary constellations, a major shift is in the works. The face and feel of life will change, and the old problems you've struggled with may soon be fixed because you'll find a solution (or have already found it) that will disappear from memory. Since Saturn entered Aquarius on December 16, 2020, Saturn, the mentoring planet, has tested your marriage or closest business partnership and cooperation. The good news is that Saturn is packing up and preparing to leave Aquarius on March 7.

Saturn is in your opposite house Aquarius, which is considered a very hard position, but now that Saturn is leaving, he won't return to this position in your chart for nearly thirty years. For part of those years, your health may also have suffered, or you may feel a little isolated – all of these feelings are clearing and making room for you to enjoy a happier life. If you're still with your partner, you've passed Saturn's test. If you have separated, you realize that no matter what you do, your relationship will not be successful. Life is short – it's time to move on.

Saturn will enter your 8th house and grant you a cosmic MBA in money management. Saturn will stabilize your home financial platform and put you in a better position to deal with the occasional money-related emergencies in life. Saturn will help you pay off any outstanding bills and may help you save money for the house if you have such goals. Saturn will ask you to take a long-term view and plan wisely for your financial future. There are many ways to fulfill this dream, and you will choose the one that makes you feel most comfortable. You'll learn how to invest and find ways to buy big-ticket items – often below the wholesale price.

A full moon on the same day as March 7 can bring a financial problem to the top. You might pay an expensive bill, buy an item that's important to you, or hear a response from the bank about a mortgage or other personal or business loan you might have applied for. If you have your own business or work in sales, you may suddenly hear that a customer has approved your proposal. If you owe taxes, you may be able to pay them all at once now. If you're looking for venture capital and your timing is perfect, you might get the money you need. It's a brilliant full moon because Uranus will give you a perfect surprise.

Pluto is about to change constellations and enter Aquarius. It has been in the sixth house of your rep work and projects since 2008. Think about it, starting in 2008 – did your daily routine routine change before this period began? Your answer is most likely yes. You may even have switched careers or moved into a professional field in your current occupation. When the powerful planet Pluto enters your house of partnership, you are likely to ally with very powerful people who are both successful and rich. The only downside to this position is that your partner in love or career will have considerable willpower. You will need to find a way to handle your relationship so that you are not overwhelmed by your partner or client. You are a Leo person who never knew you were a shrunken-headed turtle, so it is possible that you will be able to handle your problems well.

Pluto will enter Aquarius from March 23 to June 11 this year as a preview of next year's more enduring horoscope, and after a brief return to Capricorn, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius in January 2024 and remain until January 2044 for 20 years. Whenever the universe plans something big, bold, completely new, it always provides a preview. You'll be driving into the digital age, and if you work in the arts, your focus might be on the virtual world or Web3.

Meanwhile, this month, Mars has been in Gemini since August 20, 2022, and Gemini is a sign that blends perfectly with you. Mars has been fueling your friendships and community palaces, so lately the people, friends, and acquaintances you know have been playing a leading role in your life. Mars will leave Gemini on March 25, so until then, go to work events and reach out to friends, as you can now easily expand your reach and influence.

Earlier this month, keep an eye out for March 1, when Venus, the guardian planet of your career house, will meet Jupiter in Aries, indicating that your career is about to bring you good news. This aspect can be thought of as a hint of the future, that your business is about to set off exciting and colorful fireworks by May, just two months away. Keep working your projects, as you'll soon see excellent praise for your past efforts.

The new moon on March 21 will appear in your ninth house of Aries, which may open up foreign travel, overseas markets, legal affairs, publishing or broadcasting projects, or media outreach. If you have a dream of earning an advanced college degree, this new moon may also help you make that wish come true. Choose the field that's right for you, because if you focus on that, you'll see great progress after the pioneering new moon on March 21. This new moon seems to take you into new territory, perhaps related to high-tech or new industries, and you will quickly eat everything you will be exposed to and love every minute of your experience.


The full moon on March 7 brings surprises involving intimacy. If you're seriously in a relationship, you may want to get married and no longer want to tell your life story to any new suitors. You may now feel like you've found your only true love. With this Full Moon, Saturn will enter your house sign Pisces, giving you the desire to stabilize and strengthen at least one (and possibly several) close relationship in your life, including career relationships. Saturn is known to bring a series of trials that test relationships and the strength of things. This time Saturn tests the loyalty, morality, and future possibilities in the close relationship you are prepared to trust. This testing phase lasts about three years, until February 2026.

If the person entering the relationship circle is worthy of your liking and appreciation, you will be very relaxed at this stage and you will develop a closer relationship bond than before. If a relationship is flawed and not transparent enough, Saturn will reveal the problem. If you suffer from betrayal, you will leave a relationship. If the person in question is important to you, you can choose to stay and work together to address the weak points in the relationship, possibly with the help of a professional counselor.

And in another part of your chart, Mars is now in its prograde and most powerful state, continuing to activate your 10th house of honors, awards, and achievements. It's been a long journey that started on August 20, 2022, and since then, you've been locked in recognition of your work and gains. Mars will leave Gemini on March 25, and since Mars began this fortune in August 2022, only Mars is in its strongest state this March, and this month is your most gorgeous business month. Stay focused on your work as you build fame.

The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on March 1 is a very auspicious sign that shows that you can make a lot of money in the months until mid-May. This money may come from commissions, manuscript fees, additional remuneration, bonuses or other performance-based fees. You may also get venture capital, large lines of credit, or other funding you've previously applied for. Also keep an eye out for the financial good news later, after the Aries New Moon on March 21. You may be doing something very new, probably in an area where technology is used to provide information or services. No matter what kind of training you will undertake, your work will carry elements of originality, originality and innovation.

On March 23 Pluto will undergo a great transposition into Aquarius, the daily item house of your sixth house of astrological charts, for the first and only time in your life. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete its journey to the zodiac signs, so in this life, you haven't experienced it before, and you won't have it again. Pluto will give you a glimpse of trends that will start to become more eternal next year. Pluto only spends three months in Aquarius this year, March 23 to June 11. Starting in January 2024 (except September to November 2024), Pluto will remain in Aquarius for twenty years until January 2044. Aquarius is a futuristic, digital sign, and Pluto in your astrolabe project house will draw you into the center of the digital age — involving something like the metaverse or other hyper-emerging industries. It's going to be a great journey and you're going to love it a lot because you're so smart, curious and curious Virgo, and what you love is growing and learning everything new.


Libra is seen as associated with the marriage house in the zodiac, and since Jupiter re-entered Aries – he was here for a few months last year – you are indeed the most likely sign to get married. If you are married, then you are the zodiac sign most likely to benefit from this happy and prosperous union. This year for you, it's not just the marriage that is blessed, but all partnerships—including close business partnerships—until Jupiter leaves Aries two months later, on May 16.

The month begins at a particularly shining moment on March 1, when Jupiter in Aries will form conjunction with your guardian planet Venus, who is also in Aries—an excellent phase that heralds your happiness and will connect your efforts to another person in love or career. Start aligning with another person you know on March 1 for the common good of the future.

We jump straight to the Aries New Moon on March 21, which will bring exciting developments to your love partnership or career partnership. You might get engaged or get married, or you might hire an expert in your career—a new lawyer, accountant, librarian, publicist, headhunter, salesperson, advertising director, wedding planner, or someone else who can work closely with you in a confidential way to help you achieve your dreams.

Now let's go back and look at the Full Moon in Virgo on March 7. During this full moon, you need to support your health. You've been busy since the holidays are over, and you may feel your energy wane. Thanks to the Uranus beam of your 8th house, a sweet byproduct of this Full Moon is that you may see an unexpected influx of money. This money may come from a work project given to you by a client (if you are self-employed), or it may come from your spouse or family.

Another reason to take health seriously may be because Saturn enters Pisces, your sixth house of health and work, for the first time in 29 years (Saturn was last in Pisces in 1993-1996). You might start a new fitness program or learn a new sport. You may also make sure you're getting the most nutrients out of your daily diet by taking simple, healthier steps, such as avoiding processed foods and choosing whole, foods that are rich in flavor and nutrients. Saturn is a teacher-type planet known for teaching how to build structure and daily habits, so you'll need to stick with it and see the results. Saturn also shrinks everything he touches, so you may find that small but important changes in your diet right now can make you lose weight. Don't forget to do regular annual routine medical screenings and check-ups either.

Saturn is in your sixth house, making it harder for you to hire subordinates at work. You may want to start collecting the resumes you receive in case you suddenly need to add more people to your team. Know that finding the right person may take longer than you expect, and you'll have to start sooner, probably sooner than you think.

The most exciting development is related to Pluto's temporary entry into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11. It's a preview of what's to come in January 2024, when Pluto will return to your fifth house for 20 years without interruption (until January 2044). Aquarius is a perfect match for your solar Libra and brings blessings to your 5th house of true love, which also governs pregnancy, childbirth, and your personal creative expression. All realms will sparkle because Pluto is a planet of change and you may be transformed by the love of your partner or children. You can also channel this powerful energy into imaginative artistic experimentation. If you ascend to Libra at 0° or 1°, or were born under Libra on September 23 or 24, then you will be the first to feel the powerful boost this aspect has on your personal life.


You are a dedicated elite and you will be fully focused until the project is completed. However, this month is different from most because the universe will require you to surrender yourself to all wonderful forms of love. Earlier this month, the asteroids representing happiness gathered in the fifth house of your true love—the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune—an influential group. To put you in a good mood, the new moon on February 19 last month ignited the energy of these planets, so as you enter March, you'll crave relaxation, romance and fun, and be ready to socialize.

On March 7, this social theme will continue with the Full Moon in Virgo, and you may find yourself attending a celebratory party. Uranus will bring you unexpected news that will make you very happy, which will put you in a good mood. This Full Moon is easy to please, so in any case, if you're invited to an event that takes place within five days of March 7, be sure to accept it.

Recently, your expenses have risen dramatically due to the influence of Mars, one of your rulers. Mars' journey to your eighth house is a monetary experience. You're a money-wise zodiac sign and you don't splurge, so you seem to be going through a dramatic lifestyle change and you'll need to spend and invest for the future. The good news is that after March 25, Mars will finally leave Gemini, a place the Red Planet has occupied since August 20, 2022, and it won't be long before you stop worrying about money. You will be able to manage your expenses more easily. Mars won't return to Gemini until July 2024, and will only be there for more than six weeks, rather than seven months like you recently encountered. Dear Scorpio, life is getting better every day.

On March 25, Mars will move towards Cancer, and from March 25 to May 20, you may have time to enjoy a pleasant holiday. If you can, go for it, because when Mars moves to Leo on May 20 (until July 10), you'll need to do your best for the work.

When it comes to your work, the month will begin in a dazzling way, as Venus will make its annual visit to Jupiter on March 1. This may lead to missions that are exclusive to you and give you a chance to show off your talents. Jupiter's participation shows that you will also be well paid.

The horoscopes on March 1 and 2 continue with the new moon on March 21 in Aries. This new moon will herald a new work mission that will take you into uncharted territory, giving you plenty of breathing and space to experiment and grow.

Pluto is your second modern guardian star, and it will bring you important family-focused news from March 23 to June 11. This is a preview of Pluto's entry into Aquarius. It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the Sun, which is why you've never hosted Pluto in Aquarius before. Pluto has not been in Aquarius since the American and French revolutions of 1777 to 1798. That's why this planetary swap is a whole new history for you and everyone on Earth.

Pluto will re-enter Aquarius in January 2024 and remain in this position for 20 years, leaving until January 2044. Pluto may change your living schedule or bring a major renovation to your current space. Since this is a long-term trend, the timing of the residential move will depend on your custom zodiac sign, but it seems that you will eventually relocate or buy another property. If your relationship with your parents is difficult, Pluto will give you the motivation to solve this problem and you will go for a trained therapist. No matter how you harness Pluto's energy in your home and family sphere, the experience will be transformative and your life will move for the better.


The month begins with a fascinating note – on March 1 and 2, Venus and Jupiter form their annual conjunction. This time they will meet under the sign of Aries, who is in charge of your fifth house of true love. From the day before the two stars meet until Saturday, March 4, you will be able to feel the effects of the conjunction. After that, this beautiful star will float like a perfume in the universe. If you're single and want to meet new people, then choose this sparkling day to go on a date and, of course, meet in public to be on the safe side. If you're a lover, you can celebrate your love by having dinner in a special restaurant. Nobody loves you? Then love yourself, do a beauty, or some other luxury.

Jupiter, the planet of happiness and good fortune, entered your fifth house of true love from May 10 last year and stayed until October 20. Jupiter returns to Aries again on December 27, 2022, and will remain in this beautiful position until May 16, 2023. It takes Jupiter 12 years to orbit the Sun, so the next time he comes to this region of your chart will be April 2034 to April 2035. Use Jupiter to go on a date before it leaves in mid-May. Let a friend help you introduce new people and vacation to some of the resorts frequented by well-known singles. If you have a partner, then you may be discussing having children, this is a good time to have children, and if you already have children, you might arrange a vacation full of fun, laughter and adventure. You may discover special programs to tap into your child's talents. If your children have grown up, they will now bring you good news.

To enjoy a romantic and wonderful long-term love, the new moon in Aries on March 21 may be of great help to you in the coming days and weeks. At that time, 4 powerful planets will enter this fascinating region: the Sun, the New Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter. As Mars enters your partner's house, you're likely to meet someone suitable for marriage. In addition, Jupiter's position on your astrological chart is one of the best known positions, allowing you to find your true direction – the guiding light in your life and love. In fact, the friends you meet can also be a source of strength in your life. It's great social time from now until May 16th.

Let's turn our heads and look at Mars in Gemini, which is not an easy place for Sagittarius to host Mars, or your ascent is Gemini. Mars brings a lot of energy and attention, but Mars brings too much energy at some times to lead to disagreement. If that's the case—the problem between you and your spouse or business partner—it may resolve quickly. Mars is about to leave this position in your chart on March 25, and it has been here since August 20 last year. You may reconcile with that person, laugh at the past, or you hurt too much, then always keep your distance, everything depends on how you feel.

When Mars enters Cancer, you will turn your attention to holding money together, whether with your spouse, ex-spouse, business partner, or an expert you hire, or maybe with a bank, financial institution, or government taxation. If none of these aspects are your focus, it could mean that something you've been planning for months that will make a difference in your finances — like your wedding — is now in the planning stage. If you are a newlywed, you will go through the new financial arrangements together from a couple's perspective.

Now let's take a look at the Full Moon that happened earlier this month on March 7, when you'll hear unexpected career news. Uranus is very positive in this phase and is in a very good position, bringing you unexpected career breakthroughs and good news in terms of job offers, promotions, publicity or rewards. If you're a self-employer, you're probably greeting a new and prestigious client.

Jupiter is also shifting, adding something to your life that everything is changing. Saturn will move to Pisces on March 7 and stay for nearly 3 years. Saturn is the planet assigned by teachers and supervisors—planets that often require you to sacrifice. This may mean that you decide to save money to buy your first house, apartment or vacation home, or to decorate your kitchen. Or maybe save money for nice new furniture. Saturn also has another way of expressing it in the 4th house of family, which is to help parents who need your help, and you will lovingly provide all the help they need.

For the past three years, you've spent the last three years hosting Saturn in your own third house Aquarius, honing on communication, communication, and how to perfect contracts. Now Saturn is leaving this region of your chart, so your efforts in this area starting in December 2020 will put you in a strong position. For example, some Sagittarius write novels or scripts, turn on video accounts, and design intelligent software. Others may have written songs, recorded albums, filmed films with complex special effects, or starred in TV shows. Others may start looking into virtual worlds and Web3. Lawyers who practice law do a great job in both their opening and closing remarks to the jury.

Pluto is now about to enter Aquarius, take over Saturn, and help you take your communication to a higher level. Pluto will also stay here for three months between March 23 and June 11, 2023, before returning in January 2024 and staying for up to 20 years until January 2044. Hold on to yourself, dear Sagittarius – your name will shine soon.


You have a lot to be happy about this month, because three major stars are about to enter a new constellation, which is historic and will make your life and feel better.

The month will begin on a happy note – Venus will meet the lucky Jupiter, an annual event that takes place on March 1-2. Venus is the natural guardian star of your 10th house of career prestige and achievement. Venus is in charge of your business, and this year it will meet Jupiter in your 4th house, and if you've been looking to buy a house or are worried about rising loan rates, you'll be one of the luckiest people in the zodiac sign. You may be able to close the deal with the seller at a lower price so that you can have the home you want. There are many possibilities on this glorious day, it will be bright and enthusiastic enough, and the trend will continue until Saturday, March 4.

You've been toiling in the office since last August, focusing your keen attention on the steadily increasing flow of tasks on your desk. You may have wondered when the pressure on this endless number of new projects will be reduced? The answer is that by later this month, this heavy workload will increase considerably, and by March 25, Mars will end its long journey inside your 6th house, the daily mission house Gemini. You can finally breathe a sigh of relief and have more time to spend with your loved one or partner, who you may feel neglected when you're immersed in a project. Hold on, dear Capricorn – by March 25, you'll find that life will improve almost immediately.

Now let's take a look at your family life that shines like a diamond. Until May 16, Jupiter will occupy your 4th house (and then won't be back here for the next 12 years). So it's possible that the seller of your dream house is aware of the rising interest rate on the loan, and in order to help you buy the house, he will lower the offer to make the price more attractive and affordable to you, why would the seller do this? Maybe it's to avoid more property taxes and property-related maintenance costs, so that way you'll be able to bargain.

You may notice how lucky you are to work with your home, real estate, and support from your family on the occasion of the new moon on March 21. The new moon will open the door to energy, bringing solutions to your requirements for the perfect home or an opportunity to improve your current home with new furniture. If you're more willing to update your home décor, the same applies. Being lit up and shining for you in March will help you buy, sell, move, renovate, landscape, or renovate your property, but it will also help you reach out to your parents. They give you life, and the house they are in builds the foundation of your life.

Remember that by April 21 to May 14 of the following month, Mercury will be retrograde. That means you need to decide and take action to move things forward as much as possible this month. If the New Moon eclipse on April 19 brings good news related to families, take your time. Do not sign documents until May 14.

The month will start with a highlight to relax on the full moon on March 7. The full moon shines inside your 9th house for long journeys. This Full Moon is as sweet as honey, because when given the chance, Uranus will prompt you to go completely spontaneously and flexibly. Uranus will bring a surprise or unexpected breakthrough - all this is good news. The presence of the full moon in the earth sign Virgo means that you are most likely to go to the mountains, a place that offers you wonderful views and the singing of birds in the forest.


Life is all good. Because for the past nearly three years, Saturn has been in Aquarius, through a series of personal trials that allow you to learn wisdom. You've successfully passed these tests, and now Saturn is finally leaving your sign. Saturn wants you to fulfill your promises and accomplish the goals you have set over the years. Maybe you're married, have children, start your own business, write a book, go to school, get a major promotion, move to another country, or buy your first house. On March 7, Saturn finally leaves Aquarius, and whatever happens next, it won't be as heavy and tiring as it has been in recent years.

Saturn limits your movement and allows you to learn about whole new areas of life. Maybe you've asked a family member or friend who had a similar experience and added you with a lot of the details you need to go through this life experience. Saturn's role is to let you know that what we cherish the most is what we put the most effort into trying to achieve.

Saturn also rules the concept of time, and under its influence, you will be eager to make good use of your time and plan for the future. You've realized that it's time to create something milestone-like important that sets the stage for the future. Under Saturn's teaching, everything you have worked hard to get will not disappear and will last forever. Saturn will not visit Aquarius again until 2050. And it usually leaves a gift thanking you for coping with its rigorous training. The payoff is coming, most likely in April, so stay vigilant!

In the meantime, there's a good chance you'll be traveling this month. The first opportunity came on March 1-2, when Venus and Jupiter were in conjunction with the constellation Aries. With Jupiter's involvement, you may choose a luxurious residence. After the Aries New Moon on March 21, there will be more opportunities to travel. You may also be deeply involved in an important publication, broadcast, or work towards a higher degree. It is also possible that a contract was signed.

Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograde from April 21 to May 14, try to get things done this month. If you want to sign a document, it is best to avoid this time of water reversal. Dear bottle, everything is very beneficial to you, nothing can stand in your way!


When Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, your new, more mature side is rapidly emerging. Some astrologers call Saturn an instructor, but you will learn from him the truth of life that you have never learned. Think of Saturn as a coach you hire at a high price, allowing you to bring out the best version of yourself—a new, improved version of yourself that allows you to unleash your inner strength that you may not be aware of. You'll need to work hard to develop your talents and abilities and show them to the world when you're ready. Saturn will stay in Pisces until February 2026.

Of course, you will not be directly affected by Saturn throughout your journey, only when Saturn enters your Sun/Ascendance range. Pisces, born between February 19 and February 26, will feel this energy first, and by 2024, you will be the first to complete the most difficult part of the journey. Saturn will officially leave Pisces on February 13, 2026.

You need to build a realistic foundation for life. You will feel the passage of time and will be eager to use it efficiently. Saturn last visited the place from May 1993 to April 1996, and some Pisces have already experienced it once. Saturn is about achievement, so if you can recall what you did during that time, you might get some hints about what was going to happen. As mentioned earlier, you will only feel Saturn's presence strongly when it hovers within the range of your Sun/Rise and Landing (plus or minus 5 degrees), for about 9 months. You need more rest during Saturn's visit, so be sure to get enough sleep and eat nutritiously.

Since Mars entered Gemini on August 20, 2022, you have invested a lot of energy and money in your home and family. For Pisces, Mars is not an easy time traveling here, so you may feel stressed or worried about money.

You may have moved, or renovated or renovated your current home, or you may have decided to hire someone to take good care of the greenery and flowers this year to make the environment around your home better. It may also be that they have been worrying about parents, children, siblings, etc., and they have been bothered and costly. When Mars leaves this position on March 25, you won't have to pay so much attention to the house.

From March 25 to May 20, Mars travels around Cancer, a water sign like you, and you'll enter a very romantic and fun time. The stress will disappear and more fun will emerge. You are a very artistic zodiac sign, so you will also enter an imaginative period. You will also enjoy being with your child (yours or someone else's).

The good news is that expect to see a significant increase in revenue. Something awesome is brewing behind the scenes that will boost your pay by an amazing amount. Kaneki will join Aries (i.e. Pisces House of Fortune) on March 1 and 2 (and by extension the weekend), wait and see.

On March 21, the Aries New Moon will have more money flowing to you. This is money earned by your own ability and value, not partial wealth, you will quickly enter a field of innovation. The action-packed Mars is also friendly to the new moon and the sun, so fish don't have to wait long to see the positive results of this new moon. Next month there will be a second new moon falling into Aries, still the position of the fortune palace in the destiny chart - it will be a very friendly solar eclipse! Either way, you'll see more money flowing into your account. Before May 16 (when Jupiter leaves Aries), it's easy to see incomes rise. Let's start looking forward to it!

Love also comes, dear fishfish, from March 25 to May 20, Mars enters Cancer, your house of true love. Be sure to get out positively – it's going to be a brilliant, charming, and fun time for you.

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